Special Tests Flashcards
Patellar apprehension
- pushing the patella from the medial side to the lateral side using your thumbs
- testing for dislocation
sweep test
-have the person lay supine and legs are flat. examiner places both hands on the medial aspect pf patella. sweep by applying pressure over moving your hands down the leg.
- checking for effusion, deformity, or inflammation
Patellar grind test
- patient lies with legs flat, examiner places web space of the thumb slightly above the patella, apply pressure and have them squeeze there quad
- checking for condromalacia patella
Bounce homes test
- checking the meniscus
- patient lays supine, the examiner cups the patients food in one hand,and the other hand is placed over the joint line of the knee. you are bending their knee and allowing it to fall into extension slowly.
MC Murray
- Patient lies supine, examiner has distal hand grabbing the bottom of the leg or foot, the closer hand on patients knee with the fingers on the medial and lateral joint lines. with the knee fully extended, externally rotate the tibia, and then internally rotate the tibia into full extension.
- testing the meniscus
Apley compression/ distraction test
-patient lies prone, with knee flexed at 90 degrees, for compression have the hand of the thigh, and one hand on the ankle, pull up and twist the leg medially and laterally. for distraction the examiner’s proximal hand around the ankle and the other hand on the heel, pushing down on the heel and twisting.
- testing the meniscus
Valgus stress test
- The patient lies supine with the knee extended. The examiner stands with their distal hand on the patient’s ankle and the other hand on the lateral side of the knee. Stabilize ankle, apply force at the knee with a proximal hand. Do this when the knee is bent as well.
- checking the MCL
Varus stress test
- same thing as valgus stress test but you are doing it on the medial side of the knee ( switching hand as well)
- checking the LCL
Godfrey 90/90 test
- patient lies supine- hip and knees are at 90 degree flexion. Examiner stabilizes the patient hip and knee with arms.
- checks PCL and is looking for a sag.
anterior/posterior drawer test
- The patient lies supine with the knee bent at 90 degrees and is a neutral position. The examiner sits on the patient’s foot and they put both hands behind the patient’s proximal tibia and their thumbs on tibial tuberosity. The examiner then pushes in for the PCL and pulls out for the ACL.
- checking for laxity
Slocum test
- slocum is the same thing as the anterior drawer the examiner will Evert and invert the foot.
-eversion= MCL
Lachmans Test
- patient lies supine with a little bent at the knee. Examiner stands on with one hand on the distal thigh, and the other hand on the patients proximal tibia ( slightly above the knee). The examiner will apply force to the tibia with the distal hand while, stabilizing the femur with the other hand. ( moving your hands in an up and down motion.)
- testing the ACL
Renne test
- patient stands. examiner stands in front of the patient and places thumb on the IT band. The patient will put one leg up and then squat.
- checking for imbalances, popping, clicking, or tightness.
nobles test
The patient lies supine, with knee flexed at a 90 degree, examiner stands on the lateral side. Place your thumb over the IT band, and the other hand is around the ankle. The examiner will extend and flex the knee while keeping pressure on the IT band.
Obers tets
- The patient is on there side lying position with their bottom leg bent. The examiner will put one hand on the pelvis and the other hand will slowly move the upper leg from the body ( hanging over the table)
- IT band tightness