Spatial Representation Flashcards
Which type of spatial representation is associated with the hippocampus?
It is vital for allocentric coding
Which type of sptial representation is associated with the parietal cortex?
Spatial maps that are relative to the body are..
Spatial maps that are relative to room or environment axis
Which type of spatial maps takes longer and is more difficult to compute
Which part of the hippocampus was found to be larger in Taxi Drivers?
The hippocampus was only activated while they were thinking about the route, not while they were actually driving/executing the route
Anterior = smaller
Posterior hippocampus is associated with
Which 3 types of cells are found in the hippocampal formation and create cognitive maps?
1) Place Cells (John O’Keefe)
2) Grid Cells (Hafting et at)
3) Head Direction Cells - Ranck 1984
Input of the hippocampus
Entorhinal cortex
What did the Morris Watermaze teach us?
Lesions to the hippocampus resulted in impaired allocentric spatial strategies to solve the mazes
The Cells found in the Entorhinal cortex are:
Grid Cell
The cells found in the Presubiculum + anterior Thalamus
Head-Direction Cells
Cells found in the hippocampus
Place Cells
The cells that allow animals to understand their position in space
Grid Cells
Grid cells fire in an _ manner
The cells that fire when an animal occupies a specific location
Place Cells
Head cells fire when…
the head is facing a specific direction. They provide a representation of space
Place cells still work when you remove head-direction cells
Head direct cells work without place cells
How is there a direct connect between allocentric and egocentric spatial maps
Connections between Parietal lobe Hippocampus
Which part of the parietal lobe codes the head
Ventral Intraparietal Sulcus
Which part of the parietal lobe codes reach?
Medical Intraparietal Sulcus
Which part of the parietal lobe codes Grasp?
Anterior Intraparietal Sulcus
Which part of the parietal lobe codes the eye?
Lateral Intraparietal Sulcus
What is distinct about the parietal lobe?
distinct neurons form egocentric frames of reference
The name of the disorders when the parietal lobe cannot make a spatial map?
Optic Ataxia
Egocentric spatial maps help us…
understand the location of an object in relation to our body - sensorimotor integration
e.g. putting a letter in a box or pouring a glass of liquid
Hemispatial neglect is caused by…
parietal lobe damage to the contralateral side
Piazza Del Duomo Study proved…
Bisiach and Luzzati 1978
Not a visual defect but spatial defect
Memory of complete layout was still present BUT retrieval was neglected
==>Due to damage to the parietal cortex not egocentric map was formed
Which spatial cells develop first?
Head cells
Cells that develop suddently in an older stage of development
Grid cells
P21 - in rats
Which cells appear early but develop gradully?
Place cells
Adult like place cells are found in very young
What impacted the development of place cells in rats?
Boundary Vector Cells
Grid Cells
Boundary cells
Develop early
Found in the subiclum + entorhinal cortex
Impact the development of place cells
- Boundary cells may provide the input that drives and stabilises early place fields
How do boundary cells impact place cell development?
Provide input for early development and stablise early place maps
Physical boundaries helped develop place cells
How do grid cells impact place cells development?
Stabilise place maps in locations away from boundaries
–>The abrupt emergence of grid cells coincides with the shift from boundary to centre coding in CA1
Which type of spatial processing develops first:
Allocentric Process ==> 3 years old
Develops first
Consistent with early neuronal representations
Intrinsic spatial processing
develops at 6 years old
Cross-cultural studies have shown that _ has an impact on the type of spatial processing we use
Dutch = egocentric
Namibia and apes = allocentric
–>This is our ‘default’ model of operation