Spanish Intermediate 2 Flashcards
El ladron se oculto bajo la cama.
The burglar hid under the bed.
Todo este tiempo, estaba bajo sus encantos.
All of this time, I was under his charms.
El coche esta debajo del puente.
The car is underneath the bridge.
Tus llaves estan debajo de mi sombrero.
Your keys are under my hat.
El gata esta oculto bajo la manta.
The cat is hiding under the blanket.
Estoy bajo tus ordenes.
I’m under your orders.
Se paro ante el juez y mintio.
He stood before the judge and lied.
Ponte delante de mi.
Get in front of me.
Ante nada, debemos resolver esto.
Before anything, we must resolve this.
La verdad estaba ante mi.
The truth was in front of me.
Cuanda vengas a la ciudad, no olvides visitar a mi familia.
When you come to town, don’t forget to visit my family.
Vas a ir?
Are you going to go?
Voy al trabajo a pie.
I go to work by foot.
Le di el libra a Pedro.
I gave the book to Pedro.
Llamaras a tu hermana?
Will you call your sister?
Debes girar a la izquierda.
You have to turn left.
La revista se publica dos veces al mes.
The magazine is published twice a month.
Estamos a la vuelta de esquina.
We are around the corner.
A que precio estan los tomates?
How much are the tomatoes?
Llegamos a las 3 de la tarde.
We arrived at 3 pm