- AR Verbs (Dance - Imperfect) Flashcards
Mi peinado se deshizo mientras bailaba.
My hair came undone as I was dancing.
El público aplaudió mientras bailaba.
The crowd cheered while I was dancing.
Bailaba con el príncipe y mi vestido desapareció.
I was dancing with the prince and my dress disappeared.
Bailaba en este club para conseguir algo de dinero.
I was dancing in this club, so that I can earn some money.
Bailaba con Jimmy cuando su amigo preguntó si podía colarse.
I was dancing with Jimmy when his friend asked if he could cut in.
Bailabas con el gobernador.
You were dancing with the Governor.
Bailabas con la única bonita del salón.
You were dancing with the only handsome girl in the room.
Tú bailabas para él.
You were dancing for him.
Vi a la chica con la que bailabas.
I saw that girl you were dancing with.
¿Es eso lo que querías ver cuando bailabas conmigo?
Is that what you wanted to see when you were dancing with me?
Ella bailaba con una pluma en su pelo
She danced with a feather in her hair.
Una chica que bailaba con sus amigos le robó el corazón
A girl dancing with her friends stole the heart.
Fui a la audición, pero no les interesó cómo bailaba.
I went to audition, but they weren’t interested in my dancing.
Pero bailaba como si realmente le gustara.
But you danced as if you really liked it.
Mientras bailaba, me encontré con los ojos de un joven.
While dancing, I glanced at a young man’s eyes.
¿Cuál era esa canción bailábamos a?
What was that song we were dancing to?
En la boda, cuando bailábamos.
You know, at the wedding when we were dancing.
¿Tiene algo que ver con lo que viste mientras bailábamos?
ave anything to do with what you saw while we were dancing?
El público nos animaba mientras bailábamos y cantábamos en el escenario.
The crowd was cheering us on while we were dancing and singing on the stage.
Y mientras bailábamos, ella me besó.
And while we was dancing, she kissed me.
¡Bailaban pie con pie!
They were dancing toe to toe!
estuvieron bailando toda la noche
they were dancing all night
Sucedió mientras bailaban.
It happened while they were dancing.
No, estaban bailando.
No, they were dancing.
Está bien, estaban bailando.
It’s okay, they were dancing.