Spanish Beginner Flashcards
Yo estoy feliz.
I’m happy.
Estoy enojado.
I’m mad.
Estoy triste.
I’m sad.
Tengo hambre.
I’m hungry.
Corro a la tienda.
I’m running to the store.
Voy a la tienda.
I’m going to the store.
Voy tarde
I’m late
Me voy al centro comercial.
I’m going to the mall.
Mido seis pies de altura.
I’m six feet tall. (I measure)
Tengo treinta y cuatro anos.
I’m thirty four years old.
Que te gustaria?
What would you like?
Compre una manzana
I bought an apple.
Compre dos boletos
I bought two tickets.
Compre tres arboles para mis cesped.
I bought 3 trees for my lawn.
Compre cuetro peces nuevos para mi hijo.
I bought three new fish for my son.
Que compraste?
What di dyou buy?
Cuandao los compraste?
When did you buy them?
Lo compre.
I bought it.
Lo compre la semana pasada.
I bought it last week.
Lo compre el mes pasado.
I bought it last month.
Lo compré hace tres meses.
I bought it three months ago.
Lo compre el ano pasado.
I bought it last year.
Lo compre hace tres anos.
I bought it three years ago.
Comprare una manzana.
I will buy an apple.
Comprare dos boletos.
I will buy two tickets.
Comprare tres arboles para mi cesped.
I will buy three trees for my lawn.
Comprare tres plantas para mis cesped.
I will buy three plants for my lawn.
Comprare una casa de vacaciones.
I will buy a vacation home.
Comprare dos televisores nuevos.
I will buy two new televisions.
Comprare cuatro llantas nuevos para mi coche.
I will buy four new tires for my car.
Comprare tres monitores de computadora para mi escritorio.
I will buy three computer monitors for my desk.
Comprare cuarenta y cuatro naranjas.
I will buy forty for oranges.
El compro dos boletos.
He bought two tickets
El compro comestibles.
He bought groceries.
Compré una cortadora de césped nueva.
I bought a new lawn mower.
Ella compro un coche para su madre.
She bought a car for her mother.
Ella compro comida para su hermana.
She bought food for her sister.
Compró cuarenta y cuatro pollos para su padre.
She bought forty four chickens for her father.
No compraras maquillaje nuevo.
You will not buy new makeup.
Estoy aprendiendo español
Estoy estudiando español.
I am learning Spanish.
I am studying Spanish.
Nosotros estamos aprendiendo espanol.
We are learning Spanish.
Estoy aprendiendo matematicas.
I am learning math.
Estoy aprendiendo a arreglar coches.
I’m learning how to fix cars.
Estoy aprendiendo a pelear.
I’m learning how to fight.
Nosotros estamos aprendiendo a cocinar.
We are leaning how to cook.
Jorge no es alto
Jorge is not tall
Los hombres son altos
The men are tall
La mujer es alta
The woman is tall
El hombre es alto
The man is tall
las fresas son rojas
Strawberries are red
la fresa es roja
the strawberry is red
algunos damascos son amarilla
Some apricots are yellow
los damascos son amarilla
the apricots are yellow
Ellos no recibiran cartas.
They will not receive letters.
Recibiremos dos barcos.
We will receive two ships.
ellos recibis
they receive
nosotoros recibimos
we receive
No aprenderemos a reparar autos.
We will not learn to repair cars.
Ellos aprenderan a conducir.
They will learn to drive.
Aprenderas musica.
You will learn music.
Aprendere trigonometria.
I will learn trigonometry.
Ellos aprenden
they learn
nosotros aprendemos
we learn
tu aprendes
you learn (familiar)
Ella no comprara la camisa.
She won’t buy the shirt.
Comprara tres pollos.
He will buy three chickens.
Ella compro dos tiendas.
She bought two stores.
Compro una tienda.
I buy a store.
Compraste cuatros peces?
Did you buy four fish?
No compraras la silla.
You will not buy the chair.
¿Compraste la tierra?
Did you buy the land?
Nosotras no compraremos la casa.
We will not buy the house.
Lo compramos la semana pasada.
We bought it last week.
nosotros compramos manzanas
we buy apples
Straight on
By train
En tren
By car
En auto
By Bus
En bus.
On foot.
A pie.
To be
Ser / Estar
To have
They have
ellos tienen
you have
ustedes tienen
you live
ustedes viven
Yo Hablo
I speak
tu hablas
you speak
ella habla
She speaks
Nosotros hablamos
We speak
Ellos hablan
They speak
Yo como
I eat
Tu comes
you eat
nosotros comemos
we eat
ellos comen
they eat
Tu vive
You live
Nosotros vivimos
we live
Ellos viven
They live