Estamos / Estuvimos / Estabamos / Estariamos / Estaremos Flashcards
El hecho es que estamos eternamente conectados con Krishna.
The fact is that we are eternally connected with Krishna.
Rusia debe olvidar 1914 y comprender que estamos en 2014.
Russia should forget 1914 and understand that we are in 2014.
Por favor sepan que estamos con ustedes en estos momentos.
Please know that we are with you in these moments.
En general, estamos contentos con nuestra estancia en este apartamento.
Overall, we are happy with our stay in this apartment.
Nos estamos preparando para recibir una inmensa ola de luz.
We are preparing to receive an immense wave of light.
Al final estuvimos allí durante la noche con 5 coches.
Eventually we were there during the night with 5 cars.
Fue la última vez que estuvimos juntos como una familia.
It’s the last time we were together as a family.
La última vez que estuvimos aquí todo esto estaba diferente.
The last time we were here, all this was different.
Sí, fue la última vez que estuvimos todos juntos.
Yeah, that was the last time we were all together.
La última vez que estuvimos aquí fue hace cinco años.
The last time we were here was five years ago.
Ellos nos salvaron cuando estábamos siendo atacados por tiburones
They saved us when we were being attacked by sharks.
Antes de salir, ya hubo un accidente, cuando estábamos retenidos en Trípoli.
Before we left, there was an accident where we were being held in Tripoli.
Ahora conocí por qué estábamos siendo arrestados y supe que estábamos en serios problemas.
Now I knew why we were being arrested and I knew we were in serious trouble.
En realidad estábamos creando un futuro maravilloso para la humanidad.
In reality we were creating a wonderful future for humankind.
Algunos amigos y yo estábamos en Tampa para una boda.
Some friends and I were in Tampa for a wedding.