Spanish general usage Flashcards
to plant in pots instead of in the soil
to join one part of a plant to another to improve characteristics
to fertilize the soil and plants
to distribute resources in different areas to reduce risk.
to make profitable
To examine in detail the finances or processes to ensure accuracy.
To make something easier or more doable, to facilitate
cheaper, more economical
más económico
since the beginning of time
desde el inicio del tiempo
it was worth the wait
la espera mereció la pena
don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today
No dejar para mañana lo que puede hacer hoy
pereza, vagancia
to procrastinate
I was supposed to be there …
se suponía que yo debía estar allá …
you were supposed to …
se suponía que tú debías …
gets down to work/business
pone manos a la obra
for a change
para variar
by then
para entonces
by the time when
para cuando
on top of all that
para colmo
not at all, no problem
para nada
to go (as in food to go)
para llevar
to be made for each other, to be a match
ser tal para cual
conjugate ser
it’s not a big deal
no es para tanto
para siempre
to begin with, first of all
para empezar
just so you know
para que sepas
for what reason, why, what for?
para que
to summarize
para repasar
tal para cual, tal y tal
slow and steady
lento y constante
to allow it to ferment until it doubles in size
permitir que fermente hasta que crezar el doble
it’s amazing what you can do with 2 sticks and a string
es increíble lo que se puede hacer con 2 palos y una cuerda
He was supposed to work …
se suponía que iba a trabajar …
We discovered that both of us love grilled cheese sandwiches.
Descubrimos que ambos nos encanta el sandwich de queso a la parilla.
I am not getting younger.
No estoy rejuveneciendo.
It’s a basic in my life.
Es un basico en mi vida.
we are similar
somos parecidos
comfort, to be at ease
instantly, in no time
al instante
I heard your expression of surprise.
Oí tu expresión de sorpresa.
the most delicious coffee I have ever tasted
el café más rico que he probado
part time, full time
a tiempo parcial, a tiempo completo
very slowly but very detailed
muy lento pero muy detallado
to take a while
ir para largo
to back out
echar para atrás
to be about
estar por
on the contrary
por el contrario
at least
por lo menos
that’s why/exactly/because of that
por eso
judging by
a juzgar por
This week I missed some classes because I felt dizzy. I couldn’t focus and didn’t want to attend class.
Esta semana falté a algunos clases porque me sentía mareada. No podía concentrarme y no quería asistir a la clase.
not high enough to cause a stroke
no tan alto como para un derrame cerebral
it only happened when I bent over
solo pasó cuándo me incliné
flying flip-flop
chancla voladora
to wear, to carry
usar, llevar
What are you going to carry for the trip?
Llevo lo indepensable, no quiero pagar equipaje extra
Don’t you think it’s a good idea?
¿No te parece una buena idea?
I don’t think that is so natural.
No creo que eso no es/no sea tan natural.
I don’t think so.
Pienso que no.
I think so. I don’t think so.
Opino que. Opino que no.
the tendency to waste my money
la tendencía a malgastar mi dinero
I tend to waste …
tiendo a malgastar …
the tupper(ware) is reusable
el túper es reutilizable
store bags are reusable
las bolsas de la tienda son reutilizables
to store rainwater
guardar agua de lluvia
to can, to preserve
to rinse, to flush
it has been noticed that many people prefer …
se ha notado que mucha gente prefiere …
cordero, borrego
destapar, desvelar
to the slaughterhouses of grass-fed cattle
a los matadaeros de reses de pasto
I’m sorry, I have to leave in a moment.
Lo siento, tengo que irme en un momento.