Spanish: Fluencia L5 and Word 11 Flashcards
saber: to find out (preterite), to know (imperfect): She found out that she got the job on Friday.
Ella supo que consiguió el trabajo el viernes.
saber: to find out (preterite), to know (imperfect): She [already] knew that her husband was being unfaithful.
Ella sabía que su marido le estaba siendo infiel.
conocer: to meet (preterite), to know, to be acquainted with (imperfect): I met my wife on a website.
Yo conocí a mi esposa en una página de web.
conocer: to meet (preterite), to know, to be acquainted with (imperfect): Did you (informal) know [were you acquainted with] the deceased?
¿Tú conocías al difunto?
poder: to manage to (preterite), to be able to (imperfect): Did you (informal) manage to find a new job?
¿Pudiste encontrar un trabajo nuevo?
the rocket: The launch of the new rocket was successful.
el cohete: El lanzamiento del nuevo cohete fue exitoso.
poder: to manage to (preterite), to be able to (imperfect): Gabriel was able to work from home on his last job.
Gabriel podía trabajar desde casa en su último trabajo.
no querer: to refuse to, to not mean to (preterite); to not want to (imperfect): I refused to eat.
Yo no quise comer.
no querer: to refuse to, to not mean to (preterite); to not want to (imperfect): I did not want to eat.
Yo no quería comer.
no querer: to refuse to, to not mean to (preterite); to not want to (imperfect): Sorry (Pardon), I didn’t mean to bother you (informal).
Perdón, no quise molestarte.
no poder: to be able to but ultimately fail (preterite); couldn’t (imperfect): Alberto failed to finish the race.
Alberto no pudo acabar la carrera.
no poder: to be able to but ultimately fail (preterite); couldn’t (imperfect): They couldn’t believe what they were seeing.
Ellos no podían creer lo que estaban viendo.
She refused to go to the museum exhibition (exhibition of the museum).
Ella no quiso ir a la exhibición del museo.
My grandma met my grandpa in 1945.
Mi abuela conoció a mi abuelo en el 1945.
The artist (male) knew how to paint really well; his paintings were famous.
El artista sabía pintar muy bien, sus cuadros eran famosos.
The writer managed to finish his novel.
El escritor pudo terminar su novela.
The painter (male) refused to paint watercolors; he preferred to paint oils.
El pintor no quiso pintar acuarelas, prefería pintar al óleo.
We failed to arrive on time at the art auction.
Nosotros no pudimos llegar a tiempo a la subasta de arte.
The thieves knew well the security protocols (methods) of the museum.
Los ladrones conocían bien las medidas de seguridad del museo.
The artist (male) that I met was very talented.
El artista que yo conocí era muy talentoso.
My sister couldn’t go to the movies with me because she had an art class.
Mi hermana no podía ir al cine conmigo porque tenía una clase de arte.
Marcos found out (learned, discovered, knew) that he got the job (they gave him the job) last week.
Marcos supo que le dieron el trabajo la semana pasada.
the actor, the actress; the duke, the duchess; the king, the queen
el actor, la actriz; el duque, la duquesa; el rey, la reina
the artist (m/f); the dentist (m/f); the receptionist (m/f)
el/la artista; el/la dentista; el/la recepcionista
the journalist (m/f); the commentator (m/f); the soccer player (m/f)
el/la periodista; el/la comentarista; el/la futbolista
the bodybuilder (m/f); the sportsperson, athlete (m/f)
el/la fisicoculturista; el/la deportista
The soccer player (male) kicked the ball.
El futbolista le pegó a la pelota.
The soccer player (female) scored (annotated) a goal.
La futbolista anotó un gol.
the poet (m/f); the athlete (m/f); the therapist (m/f)
el/la poeta; el/la atleta; el/la terapeuta
the pilot (m/f); the soldier (m/f); the sailor (m/f); the model (m/f)
el/la piloto; el/la soldado; el/la marinero; el/la modelo
the student (m/f); the president (m/f); the small business (commerce) owner (m/f)
el/la estudiante; el/la presidente (también la presidenta); el/la comerciante
the police officer (m/f); the psychiatrist (m/f); the guide (m/f)
el/la policía; el/la psiquiatra; el/la guía
the guard (m/f); the judge (m/f); the captain (m/f); the chef (m/f)
el/la guardia; el/la juez (también la jueza); el/la capitán; el/la chef
The chef (male) prepared a dish.
El chef preparó un plato.
The chef (female) decorated the cake.
La chef decoró el pastel.
My girlfriend couldn’t come to the movies; she was very tired.
Mi novia no podía venir al cine, estaba muy cansada.
The thieves were unable to steal the sculptures.
Los ladrones no pudieron robar las esculturas.
I wanted to be a sculptor, but I couldn’t.
Yo quería ser escultor, pero no pude.
We found out about (learned of) the theft at (in) the museum on (by) TV.
Nosotros supimos del robo en el museo por la televisión.
I couldn’t go to the museum, I had a headache.
Yo no podía ir al museo, me dolía la cabeza.
the firefly; to light up; the swamp: The fireflies light up the swamp.
la luciérnaga; alumbrar; el pantano; Las luciérnagas alumbran el pantano.
godfather; godmother; the bride and groom; the best man (godfather of the wedding)
padrino; madrina; los novios; el padrino de boda
old; new; borrowed; blue
viejo; nuevo; prestado; azul
the serenade [for the bride or the groom]
la serenata
the earnest money (13 coins)
las arras
the crazy hour
la hora loca
silk; raw (crude) silk; dental floss: The dress is made of the finest silk.
la seda; seda cruda; seda dental: El vestido está hecho de la más fina seda.
to delete, erase (computer, other electronic device): Click here to delete the file.
borrar: Haz clic aquí para borrar el archivo.
to delete, erase (computer, other electronic device): I have to erase all of the messages from my phone.
borrar: Tengo que borrar todos los mensajes de mi teléfono.
to remove, to rub off: I didn’t lack (have [a] lack [of]) soap to remove the mark.
borrar: No me hizo falta jabón para borrar la marca.
to remove, to rub off; the pencil mark; the (rubber) eraser: Rub out (informal) the pencil mark with the eraser.
borrar; la marca de lápiz; la goma: Borra la marca de lápiz con la goma.
My friend (male) is going to apply (solicit) to be (in order to be) [a] manager.
Mi amigo va a solicitar para ser gerente.
My dad doesn’t feel well; his feet hurt.
Mi papá no se siente bien, le duelen los pies.
She is allergic to (the) antibiotics.
Ella es alérgica a los antibióticos.
My brother and I used to fight frequently.
Mi hermano y yo nos peleábamos con frecuencia.
I wanted to be a sculptor, but I did not succeed (could not manage it).
Yo quería ser escultor, pero no pude.
Did you know that the best art galleries are here?
¿Sabías que las mejores galerías de arte están aquí?
We used to run across the plains.
Solíamos correr por las llanuras.
We fished and dove every week.
Nosotros pescábamos y buceábamos todas las semanas.
The thieves were unable to steal (didn’t manage to steal, didn’t succeed in stealing) the sculptures.
Los ladrones no pudieron robar las esculturas.
to do regularly: When I was little I used to climb trees.
soler: Cuando era pequeño solía trepar a los arboles.
the fiancé, the fiancée (person who has promised to marry)
el prometido, la prometida
the bachelor party (goodbye to bachelorhood) the bachelorette party (goodbye to spinsterhood)
la despedida de soltero, la despedida de soltera
the best man (the godfather of the wedding); the maid of honor (the godmother of the wedding)
el padrino de boda; la madrina de boda
the priest
el sacerdote
nice (tepid water temperature): Get in (enter) the swimming pool! The water is nice.
tibio/a: ¡Entra a la piscina! El agua está tibia.
the orchestra
la orquesta
the wedding ring (2)
la alianza; el anillo de boda
the label, etiquette; formal dress (according to etiquette)
la etiqueta; de etiqueta
the wedding registry (list of presents); the bouquet; the engagement (promise to marry)
la lista de boda; el ramo; el compromiso
This gift is for her. Yesterday I went to the party with them.
Este regalo es para ella. Ayer fui a la fiesta con ellos.
Do you want to come eat with me? Between you and me there is a lot of love.
¿Quieres venir a comer conmigo? Entre tú y yo hay mucho amor.
I want to marry you (myself with you).
Yo quiero casarme contigo.
poder: You (informal) can’t eat and swim in the pool right afterwards (in sequence).
No puedes comer y nadar en la piscina en seguida.
to separate; to separate (a couple, from one another)
separar; separarse
the town hall
el ayuntamiento
I don’t want to be separated (to separate myself) (ever) from you.
Yo no quiero separarme nunca de ti.
The best man brought the wedding rings from Mexico (from Mexico the wedding rings) for them.
El padrino de boda trajo desde México las alianzas para ellos.
My friend (female) came from Peru to the wedding for me.
Mi amiga vino desde Perú a la boda por mí.
I cannot go with you to buy the bridal bouquet.
No puedo ir contigo a comprar el ramo de novia.
To stay, remain, be permanent: The secret must (ought to) stay between us (females).
Permanecer: El secreto debe permanecer entre nosotras.
The commitment of marriage is very important for them.
El compromiso de la boda es muy importante para ellos.
Between them there is a great love and a great friendship.
Entre ellos hay un gran amor y una gran amistad.
city hall: I went with them to the city hall to talk about the ceremony.
el ayuntamiento: Yo fui con ellos al ayuntamiento para hablar sobre la ceremonia.
The orchestra played for us all evening.
La orquesta tocó para nosotros toda la tarde.
The witnesses went to the wedding with them.
Los testigos fueron a la boda con ellos.
luxurious: The king lives in a luxurious palace.
lujoso: El rey vive en un lujoso palacio.
to sweat: I sweat when I’m exercising.
sudar: Sudo cuando estoy haciendo ejercicio.
to sweat: His cold (iced) drink was sweating in the tropical heat.
sudar: Su bebida helada estaba sudando en el calor tropical.
to sweat, to work hard or tirelessly: He works hard daily to feed (give food to) his children.
sudar: Él suda a diario para darles de comer a sus hijos.
I wanted to be a sculptor, but I did not succeed (I couldn’t).
Yo quería ser escultor, pero no pude.
the hunch, feeling in my heart (3): I have a (the) hunch that something is going to happen.
la corazonada (sospecha, premonición): Tengo la corazonada de que algo va a pasar.
The best man brought the wedding rings from Mexico for them.
El padrino de boda trajo desde México las alianzas para ellos.
I never want to be apart (to separate myself) from you.
Nunca quiero separarme de ti.
We talk to each other every week (all weeks) by Skype.
Nosotros nos llamamos todas las semanas por Skype.
the floor (2); the aisle, passageway; the benefit, the advantage
el suelo, el piso; el pasillo; la ventaja
It frightens me to think what would have happened if I had lost it (passport).
Me asusta pensar qué habría hecho si yo lo hubiera perdido.
Maybe I can help you (informal).
Quizás (tal vez) yo pueda ayudarte.
in first class; in economy class
en primera clase; en clase económica
You (one) only live(s) once.
Sólo se vive una vez.
steward, stewardess
el/la auxiliar de vuelo