Spanish: Fluencia L5 and Word 10 Flashcards
PRODDS: “para” is used with an end point or goal of an action indicating a/an…
purpose, recipient, opinion, destination, deadline, standard
purpose (in order to): I study (the) Spanish in order to talk with people from Argentina.
para: Estudio el español para hablar con gente de Argentina.
purpose (in order to): He works in order to earn money.
para: Él trabaja para ganar dinero.
purpose (in order to): We need to talk in order to discuss some important things.
para: Necesitamos hablar para discutir unas cosas importantes.
recipient (for): This cake is for my mother.
para: Este pastel es para mi madre.
recipient (for): Juan used the phone to call her.
para: Juan usó el teléfono para llamarla.
recipient (for): Anita works for a lawyer.
para: Anita trabaja para un abogado.
opinion (for, according to): For me, (the) Spanish is more romantic than (the) Italian.
para: Para mí, el español es más romántico que el italiano.
To, for, in the opinion of: To the teacher (professor) (female), the students are the future.
para: Para la profesora los estudiantes son el futuro.
destination (for): This painting is for a museum in Madrid.
para: Este cuadro es para un museo en Madrid.
destination (for): I leave for Chile tonight.
para: Salgo para Chile esta noche.
deadline (for, by, on): This homework is for tomorrow.
para: Esta tarea es para mañana.
deadline (for, by, on): Call (informal) me by (for) tomorrow at 9:00.
para: Llámame para mañana a las nueve.
deadline (for, by, on): The appointment is on (for) (the) Thursday.
para: La cita es para el jueves.
standard (for): For being so cheap, this hamburger is delicious.
para: Para ser tan barata, esta hamburguesa está deliciosa.
standard (for): For (being) a turtle, he is very fast.
para: Para ser una tortuga, es muy rápida.
the seafood: We ate a lot of seafood on our trip.
el marisco: Comimos muchos mariscos en nuestro viaje.
seafood: I am allergic to (the) seafood.
el marisco: Soy alérgica al marisco.
seafood: This part (zone) of the coast is rich in seafood(s).
el marisco: Esta zona de la costa es rica en mariscos.
DREEMS: “por” is generally seen as the exchange or movement between two points to indicate a/an…
duration of time, reason for doing something, emotion, exchange of items, mode of communication or transportation, substitution
duration of time (for): We traveled in [the] car for 8 hours.
por: Viajamos en carro por ocho horas.
duration (for): I studied for 5 hours.
por: Estudié por cinco horas.
reason or motive (because of): Because of his love for (to the) Spanish, he always studied it.
por: Por su amor al español, siempre lo estudiaba.
reason or motive (because of): Because of the number of people who came, I ordered (asked for) more food.
por: Por el número de gente que vino, pedí más comida.
emotion (for): I have so much love for you.
por: Tengo tanto amor por ti.
emotion (for): The girl feels a lot of jealousy (many jealousies) for the movie star.
por: La chica siente muchos celos por la estrella de cine.
exchange (for): I paid $60 for these shoes.
por: Pagué $60 por estos zapatos.
exchange (for): I’ll give you my cookie for your cupcake.
por: Te daré mi galleta por tu pastelito.
mode of communication or transportation/movement (by, on, through): We travel by train to Italy.
por: Viajamos por tren a Italia.
mode of communication or transportation/movement (by, on, through): We talked by telephone last night.
por: Hablamos por teléfono anoche.
mode of communication or transportation/movement (by, on, through): We walked through the park 2 days ago.
por: Caminamos por el parque hace 2 días.
substitution (for, instead of): There is a substitute teacher (female) for (the) Mrs. Martinez today.
por: Hay una maestra sustituta por la Señora Martínez hoy.
substitution (for, instead of): I went to the supermarket for my mother because she was sick.
por: Fui al supermercado por mi madre porque ella estaba enferma.
They chose the hotel for (justification) its beautiful views.
Ellos escogieron el hotel por sus hermosas vistas.
I called the hotel receptionist to make the reservation.
Llamé a la recepcionista del hotel para hacer la reserva.
I have to buy the tickets for (the) Sunday.
Tengo que comprar los boletos para el domingo.
For me seeing the glacier was the best part of the trip.
Para mí ver el glaciar fue la mejor parte del viaje.
The hotel sold excursions in order to make money.
El hotel vendió excursiones para ganar dinero.
I called every day by Skype
Yo llamaba todos los días por Skype.
For our family it was important to have everything included.
Para nuestra familia era importante tener todo incluido.
to set sail on a course (in a direction) for (to): The ship set sail on a course for (to) the Caribbean.
zarpar rumbo: El barco zarpó rumbo al Caribe.
to set sail: The flotilla was ready to (in order to) set sail in May 2020.
zarpar: La flotilla estaba lista para zarpar en mayo de 2020.
the Saturday profile (NY Times)
el perfil del sábado
Kaleem Ullah Khan, the master of (the) mangoes, is a poet, philosopher, scientist, and admirer of this fruit.
K U K, el señor de los mangos, es poeta, filósofo, científico, y admirador de esta fruta.
When did you (informal) get back from your vacation?
¿Cuándo regresaste de tus vacaciones?
Miguel, how nice (what pleasure) to see you!
Miguel, ¡que gusto verte!
the bird (2)
el ave (f.); el pájaro
the sea lion
el león marino
the fish (alive, swimming); the fish (dead, to eat)
el pez; el pescado
to dive; the diver; the mosquito net; the cloud; the ship (2); the repellent
bucear; el/la buzo; el mosquitero; la nube; el barco, el buque; el repelente
My mom always brought me (NOT “the”) chocolate ice cream.
Mi mamá siempre me traía helado de chocolate.
She paid for our lunch.
Ella pagó por nuestro almuerzo.
to feel sick
the sunblock, sun protection, suntan lotion (2)
el protector solar; el bloqueador solar
the screwdriver; the toolbox: I took a screwdriver out of the tool box.
el destornillador; la caja de herramientas: Saqué un destornillador de la caja de herramientas.
I don’t know whether to order (ask for) a screwdriver or a mojito.
No sé si pedir un destornillador o un mojito.
I’m buying (myself) (the) clothes for the gym (clothes to wear (go) to the gym).
Estoy comprándome la ropa para ir al gimnasio.
They couldn’t go camping because of the snow.
No pudieron ir a acampar por la nieve.
We usually ran across the plains.
Solíamos correr por las llanuras.
The hotel sold excursions in order to make money.
El hotel vendió excursiones para ganar dinero.
For me seeing the glacier was the best part of the trip.
Para mí ver el glaciar fue la mejor parte del viaje.
For our family it was important to have everything included.
Para nuestra familia era importante tener todo incluido.
I called every day by Skype.
Yo llamaba todos los días por Skype.
My parents paid it (la universidad) for me.
Mis papás me la pagaron.
My friend (male) used to send them (e-mails) to me. My friend sent them to me [one time only].
Mi amigo me los enviaba. Mi amigo me los envió.
They traveled through all of Patagonia.
Ellos viajaron por toda la Patagonia.
My friend (female) called me when I was having breakfast.
Mi amiga me llamó cuando estaba desayunando.
I received a lot of text messages while I was (going) on the subway.
Recibí muchos mensajes de texto mientras iba en el metro.
to usually do: I usually went to the beach when I was a girl (of girl).
soler: Yo solía ir a la playa de niña.
When you (informal) were on the islands, did you dive through the corals?
Cuando estabas en las islas, ¿buceaste por los corales?
We were always seasick in the boat; there were many waves.
Siempre nos mareábamos en el bote, había muchas olas.
My family had a good time; the islands were very pretty.
Mi familia se divirtió, las islas eran muy bonitas.
Every night they slept (used to sleep) with mosquito netting; there were (was) lots of insects.
Todas las noches ellos dormían con mosquitero, había muchos insectos.
We (female) rented a small plane and flew between the clouds.
Nosotras alquilamos una avioneta y volamos entre las nubes.
Last month we went on vacation; it was very hot.
El mes pasado fuimos de vacaciones, hacía mucho calor.
the seagull; to eye with envy, to watch over: That seagull is eyeing (watching over, ref: candle) my French fries.
la gaviota; velar; Esa gaviota está velando mis papas fritas.
the errand: Ben is out running (doing) an errand.
el mandado: Ben está fuera haciendo un mandado.
the shopping (the errands, mandates): Why is it always me who has to do the shopping (why do I have to go, always I, to do the shopping)?
el mandado: ¿Por qué tengo que ir siempre yo a hacer los mandados?
the groceries (stuff purchased from running errands): The groceries are on the kitchen countertop.
el mandado: El mandado está sobre la mesada de la cocina.
the underling, ordinary employee, errand boy/girl; the manager; the complaint: I’m (female) just an employee. If you have a (any) complaint, talk to the manager (male).
el/la mandado/a; el/la encargado/a; la queja: Yo soy solo una mandada. Si tiene alguna queja, hable con el encargado.
to grumble: Don’t grumble! Do your homework!
refunfuñar: ¡No refunfuñes! ¡Haz tu tarea!
to grumble: “Turn that music down,” grumbled my father.
refunfuñar: “¡Baja esa música!”, refunfuñó mi padre.
the thorn; the bramble; This bramble is covered in (of) thorns.
la espina; la zarza: Esta zarza está cubierta de espinas.
to scuba dive: Fer likes to scuba dive near the reef.
bucear: A Fer le gusta bucear cerca del arrecife.
either: Her husband doesn’t know Seville either.
tampoco: Su marido tampoco conoce Sevilla.
My brother and I often used to fight.
Mi hermano y yo nos peleábamos a menudo.
Do you (informal) know Lima’s most famous discotheque (the most famous discotheque of Lima)?
¿Conoces la mas famosa discoteca de Lima?
Twenty percent of (the) Mexicans have a motorcycle.
Veinte por ciento de los mexicanos tienen una moto.
They couldn’t camp because of the snow.
No pudieron acampar por la nieve.
We usually ran across the plains.
Solíamos correr por las llanuras.
the exhibit, exposition, display, show (2)
la exhibición; la exposición
the curator [museum]
el curador
to rob; the robbery
robar; el robo
the art gallery
la galería de arte
recuperation, recovery [from an illness or accident]; self portrait
la recuperación; el autorretrato
Artists: Frida Kahlo (Mexican); Wifredo Lam (Cuban, Cubist); Oswaldo Guayasamín (Ecuadorian, socially conscious); Fernando Botero (Colombian, exaggeration)
Frida Kahlo; Wifredo Lam; Oswaldo Guayasamin; Fernando Botero
You (informal) have to exercise more in order to be healthy.
Tú tienes que hacer más ejercicio para estar saludable.
the watercolor; the drawing; the auction; the oil painting
la acuarela; el dibujo; la subasta; el óleo
Some dads got lost, they didn’t make it (arrive) to the game.
Algunos papás se perdieron, ellos no llegaron al juego.
I didn’t remember to (of) watch the game on (the) TV.
No me acordé de ver el juego por la televisión.