Spanish Basics For Missions Flashcards
God bless you
Dios le bendiga (formal)
Dios - God
Le - You (formal)
(for you Grammar nerds, le is only for the direct object. Normally you would use usted for formal you)
Bendiga - Bless
Note that the H is silent in Spanish
The heart
El corazon
The redemption
La redención
The Savior
El Salvador
No accident this matches the country name
John 3:16
“Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.”
S. Juan 3:16
La comida
Where is the bathroom?
¿Donde esta el baño?
How much does that cost?
¿Qué cuesta eso?
Come here
Invaluable for kids ministry, trust me
Ven aquí
Jesus Christ
Jesús is Jesus (just note it’s hey-sus - pay attention to accent marks in words)
Cristo is Christ (Bonus note that Christ is a title for the Messiah, not a name - When we say Jesus Christ we are saying Jesus the Messiah)
The Bible
La Biblia
How are you? (Formal - adults)
Como esta?
How are you? (Informal - for kids and close friends)
Como estas?
God bless you (informal)
Dios te bendiga
Dios - God
Te - You (informal and as the direct object)
Bendiga - Bless
Note the reversal of the sentence.
Help me
Usually when chatting with local team members
Ayuda me
Usually would add a “Por favor” - please
Por favor
Pardon me
Lo siento
Yes and no
Si and no
Really difficult, these two
Right now (used for telling people when events are)
The sin
El pecado
Romans 6:23
“Porque la paga del pecado es muerte, mas la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesús Señor nuestro.”
Romanos 6:23
The church
La iglesia
The clothes
La ropa
The gift
El regalo