SP 4: Development of Executive Functioning Flashcards
Week 4
what is executive functioning
‘air traffic control system’
umbrella term for various cognitive processes that give rise to goal-directed behavior
- novel and demanding situations
- flexible adjustment
- adaptive behavior, creativity
consequences of low executive functioning
- worse school performance
- difficulty keeping jobs
- lower income
- difficulty maintaining relationships
- increased risk for mental health problems
3 core components executive functioning
1) working memory
- maintenance and manipulation
2) inhibitory control
- suppressing interfering and irrelevant thoughts
3) cognitive flexibility
more complex executive functions
problem solving
performance monitoring
measures of executive functioning
research: gain insight into typical development
clinical/school setting: executive functioning often impaired in clinical groups
- learning disabilities
- depression
measure of simple executive functioning
go/no go task
- inhibition
measures of complex executive functioning
- tower of london
- stroop task
- day and night task
- delayed gratification task
- delay discounting task
- dimensional change card sorting test (DCCS)
- wisconsin card sorting task
Tower of London
task difficulty increases with number of moves needed to solve the problem
- spatial problem solving, planning
the more difficult, the more time adults take before the first move, not in adolescents
Stroop task
yellow written in red
- inhibition
Day and Night task
- say ‘night’ when seeing sun, etc.
automatic response inhibition
Delayed Gratification Task
the longer the child waits, the better able the child is to self-regulate
- self regulation, inhibition
Delay Discounting task
self regulation, inhibition
Dimensional Change Card Sorting Test (DCCS)
first sort by one dimension, then by another
- cognitive flexibility, switching, shifting
- 3 y/o perseverate but know the new rule
- similar to patients with frontal brain damage
Wisconsin Cart Sorting Test
more difficult than DCCS
- no explicit instructions about rule, so no instruction when rule changes
- feedback learning/performance monitoring
questionnaire; screening of executive functions
- often used in clinical/school setting to assess EF in 5-18 y/o
- filled out by teacher/parent
- BRIEF-2: also 11-18 y/o can fill out form
- BRIEF-2: behavioral, emotional and cognitive regulation index