SP 3: Intelligence and Creative Thinking Flashcards
Week 3
dynamic testing
form of testing in which feedback and instruction have been integrated into the testing process
Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
difference between solving a problem independently and solving the problem with help from others
‘ability to learn’/’potential for learning’
metaphor to describe ‘a process that enables a child to solve a problem, carry out a task etc. which would be beyond his unassisted effort’
- gradual development from external to internal regulation
Feuerstein: mediated learning
like scaffolding
model of dynamic test
1) pretest
- ‘static’
- independent
2) intervention
- ‘dynamic’
- help from mediator
- instructional needs
3) posttest
- ‘dynamic’
- independent
- progression and task approach
what is measured during dynamic test?
1) number of help steps needed
2) progress (pretest-posttest)
3) transfer (of newly acquired info/skills, to another domain)
learning potential measures
number of steps that the help that the child needed during the intervention
- performance after intervention
differences in learning potential
1) much help, minimal progress
2) minimal help, minimal progress
3) minimal help, much progress
4) much help, much progress
CHC-model (Cattell-Horn-Carroll)
CHC-model distinguishes between broad cognitive skills (working memory, cognitive processing speed and verbal understanding) and specific skills (specific tasks)
- combination of Spearman’s g-factor and Thurstone’s primary mental abilities
CHC-model 5 things
1) crystallized intelligence
2) fluid intelligence
3) visual processing
4) STM
5) processing speed
WISC-V indexes
1) verbal comprehension
2) visuo-spatial
3) fluid reasoning
4) working memory
5) processing speed
IQ average keeps increasing over generations
- better education and cognitive stimulation
creative reasoning
1) divergent thinking
2) convergent thinking
divergent thinking
thinks of all possible ways to research a solution (exploratory)
convergent thinking
thinks for a final solution