SOWA Flashcards
key parts of the Bible approved
by the Catholic Church
a later addition of books
to the Bible
What was the council of Trent?
An ecumenical council where they affirmed the books to be in the Catholic Bible.
What are the 4 sections of The Old Testament?
- Law
- History
- Prophets
- Writings
What is Law in Old Testament?
Commandments from God that hold the 613 Jewish laws. The Law was revealed to Moses and this is why the five books of law are also known as the Books of Moses. They include Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy.
What is the history in the Old Testament?
These books talk about the Jewish history and include Joshua and Kings.
What are the prophets in the Old Testament?
These are books that contain messages from God about the future, They can be warning for people to avoid disobedience to God or they may be reminders of promises made with God. Examples include Isaiah and Malachi.
What are the writings in the Old Testament?
These are writings of wisdom that are used to educate people about the nature of God, what he is like and his characteristics) Examples include the Book of Job and the Psalms.
What are the 4 sections of New Testament?
- Gospels
- Letters
- Book of revelation
What is the Gospel?
The word gospel literally translates as the ‘good news’. The four gospels are
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and each one is distinctive and has its own style. Most of the key events in Jesus’ life are described in each of the gospels such as the Paschal Mystery.
What are the Letters?
The letters which are also known as ‘epistles’ are a formal letter sent to either an individual or a group of people such as the Romans. They tried to help people to focus upon the teachings of Jesus and reminders to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Examples of the letters are Romans and Corinthians.
What is the Book of revelation?
This is the final book found in the Bible and it discusses the end of the world and therefore makes the book apocalyptic.
The idea that the Bible contains no
SOWA for the Bible
•The Gospels are at the heart of all scripture.
Found in the CCC 125.
What are the 4 interpretations of the Bible?
- Inspired word
- Literal word
- Liberal view
- Source of guidance
What are the beliefs of the inspired word?
God tries to communicate his message through the human authors of the
•The writers of the Bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit.
•The Bible gives us the message of God but it is influenced by the human writers own personal beliefs and faith.
•We can find some truths in the Bible such as God created the word, however this may be taught in a symbolic fashion.
What are the beliefs of the literal word?
•There are no errors in it.
•If the Bible seems to contradict itself then there is a reason for it, and if it
goes against science then it is science that is incorrect.
•All truths found in the Bible are universal and can be used in any situation.
What is the Liberal view on the Bible?
•This is the idea that the Bible was written by people who were inspired to write a book to enable people to become closer to God by sharing human experiences.
•They teach these ideas through symbolic not literal truths and mainly
through different types of stories.
•It allows for a vast amount of personal interpretation of the texts
What are the beliefs that it’s a source of guidance?
•Reading the Bible allows Christians to show deyotion to God and should
be seen as a prayerful activity and an act of worship.
•The Bible can help to guide people through times of worry and struggle
and it can also help to guide them when making decisions in their lives.
•Through study of the Bible, Christians are allowing themselves to form a
connection with God
What view do Catholics hold on the Bible?
It’s the inspired word of God
What does magisterium mean?
It means master and is the authority given to the Pope and the bishops, it allows them to teach and make Church decisions.
SOWA for views on the Bible?
God inspired the human authors of the
sacred books. CCC 106
What are the 2 forms of magisterium?
- Ordinary
- Extraordinary
What is Ordinary magisterium?
These are the every day teachings of the Church and are found in the writings and saying of the Pope and bishops, this can be through letters and homilies.
What are the two types of Extraordinary Magisterium?
•Conciliar-decisions made through an ecumenical council, there have only
been 21 of these
•Pontifical-when the Pope makes a decision ex cathedra (from the chair of
St. Peter) so on his own. An example of this was when Pope Pius IX defined
that Mary was the Immaculate Conception.
What is Extraordinary Magisterium?
Teachings on special matters that are
not just the ordinary everyday teachings of the church.
What is the Catechism of the Catholic Church(CCC)?
•Catechism did mean to teach orally - however it is now a document that as
become a book of Catholic teachings.
•It was first published at the Council of Trent in 1566 and was meant to be
used by priests and bishops to help then teach the laity.However, it was published for all Catholics by Pope Pius.
•The purpose of it is to inform Catholics faith and to increase their
Why is Magisterium important?
•It helps Catholics to interpret scripture and tradition to allow them to
remain faithful to Church teachings.
•It helps to address issues that are more relevant in the modern world that may not be found in scriptures.
SOWA for Magisterium
The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted solely to the magisterium of the Church.CCC100