Practices Flashcards
What is a sacrament?
A sign of Gods special presence in our lives; an outward sign of inward grace
What is grace?
Undeserved blessing from God; gives us strength to be good catholics
What is the sacramental nature of reality?
The belief that the whole of Gods creation shows the presence of God- Gods power and nature are seen through the things he has made
what is liturgical worship?
Structured, public worship where worshippers follow a set format.
What is transubstantiation?
The belief that during the mass the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus.
What does the baptism symbolise?
Water washes away the sin, chrism oil is a sign of being chosen by God for a special task, a candle lit to represent the light of Jesus, white garments are a sign of purity.
What is the effect of baptism?
Original sin is washed away as a sign of his forgiveness.
What does reconciliation symbolise?
Christians apologise for the sins they have committed by confessing their sins and they are forgiven by God.
The important part is that they repent (act of contrition) and follow their penance.
What is the effect of reconciliation?
Jesus’ presence is felt through the offer of mercy. God is with us in our lives giving us grace.
What is the eucharist/holy communion?
Bread and wine is transformed to the body and blood of Christ. Bread is the basic food of life so its a symbol of unity, wine is made of crushed grapes which shows the suffering Jesus went through
What is the effect of The Eucharist/Holy communion?
Jesus becomes present in all of our lives every time we receive the communion, it nourishes us giving us the strength to be good Catholics.
What does Confirmation symbolize?
We choose to make this promise for ourselves, we say we are “sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit” through the oil- you have a new role as an adult Christian.
What effect does Confirmation have?
Gods grace received in confirmation gives us the strength to be mature and active Catholics in our world.
What does marriage symbolise?
The couple are joined together. The relationship is blessed by God, rings are exchanged as a sign of faithfulness and vows are made to stay married until death.
What is the effect of Marriage?
God is present the marriage. Gods grace strengthens them to cope with the challenges of marriage.
What’s do Holy Orders symbolise?
The laying on of hands and a special prayer, which calls down the holy spirit to prepare a person for the holy spirit.
What’s the effect of Holy Orders?
Gods grace gives them the strength to deal with the responsibilities of leading the community.
What are different views on the sacrament
- Protestant only believe Baptism and Eucharist are necessary for salvation
- some groups have no sacraments as they believe that they belong to the old testament
- some see them as symbols and reminders of already achieved grace
SOWA for sacraments
- “the seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of christian life”CCC
- “the eucharist occupies a unique place as the ‘sacraments of sacraments’“CCC
What is Liturgical worship?
Structured, public worship where worshippers follow a set format.
Why is mass important for Catholics?
- Brings the Catholic community together
- Sacrament of the Eucharist takes place
- Brings Catholics closer to salvation
- Re-encats the last supper
- Transubstantiation takes place allowing Jesus to be present
What are some features of Liturgical worship for Catholics?
- The Penitential rite is said where we ask for forgiveness and receive the Eucharist
- Readings from the Bible
- Hymns traditional or modern are sung as a way of praising God
What is the Liturgy of the Word?
The reading during the mass including the gospel and priest’s sermon and homily
What is the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
When the priest re-enacts the last supper with the bread and wine.
SOWA for Liturgical Worship
- “through taking the consecrated host we become one with Christ and we are united with each other”(Lumen Gentium)
- CCC “it’s a sin to knowingly miss Sunday mass”
What are the diverging views on Liturgical worship?
- Baptists, Evangelicals and Quakers all do not have a structured form of worship, its usually centered on Bible readings, Sermons and hymns.
- Evangelicals pick which Bible verse to read where as we follow the liturgical calendar. They have more modern hymns and their prayers are unprepared.
What is Committal?
the burial of the dead body
What is the Eulogy?
A speech in praise of the dead person
What is the Vigil?
period of prayer on the evening before
the funeral mass - some people stay awake praying all night with the body.
What is the Requiem Mass?
The funeral mass
What are some features of the funeral liturgy?
-The Church encourages funerals for Catholics to take the form of a
Funeral mass for the repose ofthe souls for the dead because of the importance of the Paschal Mystery within the Eucharist
-The funeral liturgy remembers the deceased and expresses grief, but
it is also an act of the worship which emphasises the resurrection of
Jesus and hope in eternal life
Features of the Rite of Committal (farewell)?
-The burial plot is blessed and this is followed by a Bible reading
about resurrection, prayers of farewell and commendation.
-The coffin is sprinkled with holy water and lowered into the ground
with a prayer for the eternal rest of the soul of the departed.
During this final commendation, people say their goodbyes in sorrow
for a moment, but with hope in their hearts that they will meet this
person again in eternal life
What is formulaic prayer?
Set prayers which use words from
the many centuries of Church & tradition.
What is Extempore prayer?
Informal prayers - use a person’s
own words without planning or preparation
What is prayer?
- Private (alone) or public (with others),
- Silent or out loud with words,
- Set prayers or in your own words
- Anywhere - Church, home car
Why is prayer important?
-It helps us to get closer to God, to improve our relationship with God
-We communicate with God through prayer - speaking and listening
-Jesus taught that we should pray and never give up praying even if we do
not recere what we ask for.
-Jesus spent a lot of time in prayer and so did the saints and Mary
should follow their example
What are the different types of prayer?
- Adoration praising and worshipping the greatness of God
- Thanksgiving - expressing gratitude for all that God has done
- Repentance - saying sorry for our sins
- Intercession praying on behalf of others
- Petition - asking God for your own personal needs
Why are Formal prayers used?
These are said with other
Christians and unite us as well as connecting us to the history and tradition of the Church, Thev often express important believers.
Why’s is informal prayer used?
These are said in moments of great need, when we want to get close to God, when we want to express personal needs and wants
Why is it important to have different types of prayer?
-Jesus sald to worship God with all your heart and soul-worshipping God in a
variety of ways helps us to do this.
-We should be able to worship in different places e.g. at home prayer brings
the family together before God,
-Sometimes we want to pray with others but sometimes we want to
-privately we have different needs and
-The different types of prayer can be used depending our different moods
and emotions
Positives of formal prayer?
-Express important beliefs
about God, Mary etc
-We can say them with others
-The set pattern includes the different types of prayer e.g the lord’s praver includes adoration, petition repentance
Negatives of formal prayer?
- We might say them without thinking about the meaning of the words
- Not personal
Positives of informal prayer(extempore)?
-We communicate one to one with God expressing our private emotions and needs -We mean what we say not just saying learnt words -They give us a sense of being close to God = inner peace
Negatives of informal prayer(extempore)?
- They might be selfish prayers, just asking for things without praising God etc
- We might ignore the importance of the community aspect of prayer,
SOWA for prayer?
-CCC 2559: “Prayer is The raising of one’s mind and heart to God”
-Jesus told us that prayer should:
•not be done for show
•not be emply words but should be meaningful and sincere
•often be private
What is Popular Piety?
Worship that is not part of the
formal liturgy of the Church. Forms of
popular piety are encouraged by the Church as they help Catholics pray / worship God in different ways
How is the rosary used?
•Used in private prayer at home, in Church, in front of a statue of Mary, during the funeral vigil the night before a funeral (said aloud with others), preparation for mass.
•The person will pray (Hail Marys, Our Father, Glory be, Apostles Creed) focusing on the “Mysteries of the Rosary” which are key events in Jesus’ life e.g. The Sorrowful Mysteries (the betrayal, trials, and crucifixion), the Glorious Mysteries (the resurrection, ascension, assumption of Our Lady)….
Beads help to count the prayers and say them in the correct order.
•It was introduced by St Dominic to help people who did not have access to a Bible.
What is the rosary’s significance?
•Helps Catholics reflect and focus on the different events of Jesus’ and Mary’s life.
•Honours Mary, helps us develop a closer relationship with her, our Mother, and with God, and calls on Mary to intercede for us.
•Meditation of the grace of God (everything God has done for us especially
sending his son).
•Brings comfort in times of need/ anxiety and identity as a Catholic especially when said with other Catholics
•Brings spiritual gifts such as humility, love of neighbour, true wisdom. It brings many blessings and graces, and offers protection from evil.
How are the Stations of the cross used?
•14 stations (statues/ pictures) around the walls of a Catholic Church which recall the suffering and death of Jesus.
•Each one recalls a particular scene from the Passion of Jesus from the Trial before Pilate to the burial.
•People move from one station to the next and prayers, meditations and
reflections on each station takes place.
•Mainly happens on Fridays during Lent especially Good Friday.
What is the significance of stations of the cross?
•This practice links Catholics to the last journey of Jesus before his death. In
Jerusalem Christians today follow the actual route Jesus took.
•Catholics are reminded of the cost of our salvation - Jesus’ suffering but also of the salvation that it brought for all of us - sometimes a 15’ station is added for the resurrection. It helps to appreciate the sacrifice Jesus made.
•They are another way of praying and meditating during the season of Lent and on Good Friday (see The Paschal Mystery).
•Can help Catholics when they are experiencing problems/ suffering in their lives.
How is Eucharistic adoration used?
- Adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament (consecrated host = Body of Christ the real presence of Jesus).
- Usually placed in a monstrance (a decorative frame).
- Many Catholics perform Eucharistic Adoration for an uninterrupted hour known as the holy hour.
What is the significance of Eucharistic adoration?
•A special form of devotion/ worship on the sacrifice of Jesus and
thanksgiving for the gift of his body made present in the Eucharist-a
special way of honouring and adoring Christ.
•Helps the worshipper to make contact with the presence of Christ in a
special way.
•Helps to deal with anxieties and worries and to cancel out the world’s evils and bring world peace (Pope John Paul 11).
•Link to when Jesus asked his disciples to “stay and keep watch” when he
was in the garden of Gethsemane.
What is pilgrimage?
A journey to a special place of religious
significance, usually connected to the lives of Jesus, Mary, apostles or saints,
What is a relic?
part of a dead saint’s body or belongings.
Importance of Pilgrimage
•Pilgrimage has been an important part of Christian tradition throughout
•In the past Christians made journeys to the Holy Land to venerate relics of
the saints hoping to gain God’s forgiveness for sins or healing from illness.
•Places of pilgrimage often provide a connection to key figures e.g. Jesus,
Mary, the saints.
- Mary appeared to Bernadette 18 times in 1858.
- A miraculous spring appeared at the time of the appearances.
- Many healing have taken place here.
- There is a Eucharistic procession every afternoon, and the Rosary procession in the evening.
-Centre of the Catholic Church.
-Home of the Pope - the Vatican
-Important connection to the first Pope, Peter. Main place is St Peter’s
Basilica which contains the tomb of St Peter.
-The present day Pope often leads liturgical worship here throughout the
-In 1061 a noblewoman had three visions of the house where the angel
Gabriel visited Mary - she built a replica of that house in Walsingham.
-Modern pilgrims believe they can feel closer to the Virgin Mary when
praying here.
-There are claims that healings have taken place here.
-Brings people of different Christian denominations together - there are
both Catholic and Church of England shrines here.
-This is a major centre of Christian pilgrimage, where the crucial events in
the final week of Jesus’ life took place, the events that are still celebrated
in Christianity today.
-Pilgrims visit the churches at special places e.g. The Garden of
Gethsemane, the Upper Room, the Crucifixion, the Tomb/ resurrection.
-Many pilgrims walk the Via Dolorosa to remember the suffering of Jesus
as he carried the cross.
What is the importance of pilgrimage?
-Provides time and space for prayer - “Time out” of our busy life/ worlds to
focus on our faith and prayer.
-Connection to other Christians.
-Allows Christians to “journey” closer to God.
-Adds discipline to their spiritual life.
-May be cured from illness or gain inner strength to cope with illness.