Beliefs and Teachings Flashcards
Expression of praise of God
what is the trinity
One God who gradually reveals himself in three persons
what creed explains the trinity
Nicene creed
What does the trinity teach Catholics
We must work together to bring God’s love into the world
God the Father
The creator, the maker of heaven and earth. God has a continuing relationship with his creation and will provide and protect his people
God the son
Shows God is beside us, Jesus is God in human form. We can worship him as he is God
God the holy spirit
God is inside us, God communicates with humans
How is the trinity reflected in worship?
Every mass we begin with sign of the cross.
We state the Nicene creed to affirm our belief.
SOWA (Trinity)
“The trinity is one, we do not confess three Gods but one god in three persons” CCC
What does Genesis 1 teach Christians?
God is the only creator, Created the world Ex Nihilio(out of nothing), God blessed creation everything is Holy.
What does Genesis 2-3 teach Christians?
God created humans Imago Dei(In his image) not physically but have characteristics that they share with God
What does the creation story teach Catholics?
God is the creator(God the father)
God is omnipotent(all-powerful)
God is omnibenevolent(all-loving)
God is eternal
“let there be light”
“let us make man in our image”
“God saw all that he made & it was very good”
How do humans bear the image of God?
Rational-Humans are intelligent & can find there way to God
Free will-Humans can choose right and wrong
What is incarnation?
The belief that God is human through Jesus
Jesus as the divine word
Jesus was omipotent & instructed his disciples to spread his teachings.
Jesus was omniscient he knew Judas would betray him
Jesus is the word of God.
Why is incarnation important?
Shows God’s care for the world that he freed us from our sins.
Jesus could only give us salvation by being human.
“and the word became flesh and dwelt among us” John 1:14
What is the paschal mystery?
Term that refers to the death and resurrection of Jesus and the effects of his salvation.
Last supper
The final meal Jesus shared with his disciples(night before crucifixion). Jesus gave bread and wine to his disciples telling them to do this in memory of me.
Garden of Gethsemane
Judas arrived in the garden to arrest Jesus.
The trials
Peter denied Jesus three times, Jesus was found innocent of blasphemy but he was still crucified.
The Resurrection
Jesus’ body was meant to be in the tomb but on the Sunday morning his body was gone and he had resurrected.
The Ascension
40 days after his resurrection Jesus ascended into heaven.
Metaphor used to explain how the paschal mystery.
SOWA(Pascahal mystery)
“he parted from them and was carried up into heaven” Luke 24:50
CCC teaches that resurrection gives definite proof of Jesus’ divine authority.
What is grace?
Undeserved mercy from God which gives the strength to be good and holy.
Beliefs about Salvation
Humans cannot save themselves from sin but can choose to accept SALVATION, this doesn’t mean they have saved themselves but have accepted Jesus has saved them.
Original sin
Is inherited from the actions of Adam & Eve, everyone has original sin.
Personal sin
Actions that break God’s law is the consequence of a persons actions.
What is the significance of Baptism?
Humans re freed from sin & become children of God.
What is the significance of the Eucharist?
Catholics receive the body & blood just as at the last supper.
What is the significance of Matrimony?
Grace provided for loving relationships and pro-creation.
What is the significance of the Holy Orders?
Graces provided for ordained ministers of the church.
What is the significance of Reconciliation?
Repentance of sins restores the relationship with God.
What is the significance of Anointing of the sick?
Healing grace unites the suffering person with Jesus’ passion.
What does the Holy spirit do for Catholics?
Makes Jesus bodily present to all those who receive him in the Eucharist
What does Grace come through?
- Receiving sacraments
- Using free will to except salvation
- Leading a Christian life
SOWA(Salvation& grace)
-“For God sent the Son into the world not to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through him” John 3:17
Why is Salvation important?
- Without salvation a persons sins prevent them from entering heaven
- Without salvation we have no relationship with God