Soviet Era Term Flashcards
Muscle of the bolsheviks, assassin, power hungry, world wide communism
Joseph Stalin
Brain behind movement, wants to improve USSR, less ambitious than Stalin
Stalin emphasized heavy industry over customers goods
Industrial development
Led to disaster, Stalin combined small farms into large farms
Landowning peasants opposed to civilization Stalin seized their farms
The Bolsheviks, the win in 1921
Red army
Elected legislators
Supreme Soviet
Elected the politburo
Central committee
Small executive body
The government excessive complete control over people
Totalitarian rule
Expel Stalin’s rivals from the communist party
The great purge
A pact hitler and Stalin signed which meant they wouldn’t attack each other
Nonaggression pact
Germany invaded and they all ran out of food
900-day siege of Leningrad
Destroyed factories, railroads, farms, and cities had to be rebuilt
World War II
Succeeded Stalin denounced Stalin and tried to end brutal terror
Nikita Khrushchev