sources of wisdom and authority Flashcards
What four kinds of books are in the Old Testament?
- law
- history
- Prophets
- writings
What three kinds of books are in the New Testament?
- gospels
- letters
- revelation
What three languages was the Bible originally written in?
Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.
What is the divergent content of the Bible among Catholics, Protestants and Eastern Orthodox Churches?
- Catholic Bible contains seven deuterocanonical books that are not in the Protestant Bible
- Eastern Orthodox Churches include additional scriptures not recognised by the Catholic Church
What are the three ways of interpreting the Bible?
- inspired word of God (Catholic view)
- literal word of God (deliberate contradictions etc)
- liberal (written by writers inspired like any other writer, not literal truths)
What is the magisterium?
The magisterium is the teaching authority of the Church.
State the order of importance in the magisterium.
1) Pope
2) cardinal (bishop chosen by Pope)
3) archbishop
4) bishop
5) monsignor
6) parish priest
7) deacon
What is the ordinary magisterium?
ordinary magisterium:
- everyday teaching of the Church
- like letters, homilies etc
What is extraordinary magisterium? What are the two parts to it?
- conciliar - Pope calls bishops to meet and settle new questions, Second Vatican Council is an example, there have been 21 of them
- pontificial - only been two of these, very important
What four things were in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy about in the Second Vatican Council?
Constitution on the Second Liturgy:
- more participation of the laity
- mass could be celebrated in local language
- Eucharist could be received in both forms
- more Bible in mass
What four things were in the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church about in the Second Vatican Council?
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church
- possibility of salvation for non-Christians
- encouraged bishops to work together
- explanation of role of Mary
- emphasis on importance of laity
What four things were in the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation about in the Second Vatican Council?
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation
- Word of God is a person, Jesus
- Bible and tradition are equally important
- Bible is the Word of God, written by humans, inspired by God
- Gospels are particularly important
What four things were in the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World about in the Second Vatican Council?
Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World
- covers economics, poverty, social justice, science, culture, technology
- highlighted impact of science and technology
- importance of talking with non-Christians
What are three parts of the Church?
- laity (married and single)
- clergy (bishops, deacons, priests)
- religious (monks, nuns, brothers, sisters)
The Church is the ___ __ ____.
The Church is the Body of Christ.
Who is the head and body of the Catholic Church?
head - Pope
body - Catholics
Who is the head and body of the Orthodox Church?
head - authority from councils of bishops working in agreement of the people
body - Orthodox Church
Who is the head and body of the Protestant Church?
head - God’s Word
body - all Christians
What are the four marks of the Church?
one, holy, catholic, apostolic
Why is it important that the Church is one?
- allows global community
- rids of division
- duty to talk to and pray for other Christians
Why is it important that the Church is holy?
- means set apart for special purpose
Why is it important that the Church is Catholic?
- means universal
Why is it important that the Church is apostolic?
- tradition of the apostles
- magisterium guides on current issues
- duty to preserve, teach and pass on the faith
Why is Mary a role model of the Church?
Mary is a role model of the Church because she is the embodiment of what it means to be a perfect Catholic.
Give three reasons why Mary is a role model of the Church.
- joined with Jesus - mother of Church as she is the mother of Jesus, she is like Jesus (immaculate conception, assumption)
- discipleship - had faith in Jesus from conception, sacrifice and service before Jesus’ birth
- faith and charity - accepted risk of bearing Jesus, obeyed Joseph’s dream in Egypt, encouraged Jesus to solve problem of no wine, watched Jesus at foot of cross
Name some feast days for Mary.
- 1 Jan - Mary, the Holy Mother of God
- 8 Dec - Immaculate Conception of Mary
- 15 Aug - Assumption of Mary
- 25 Mar - Annunciation of the Lord
Name some special prayers for Mary.
- Hail Mary
- Rosary
- Magnificat
- Hail Holy Queen
Name some places of pilgrimage for Mary.
- Lourdes, France
- Knock, Ireland
- Fatima, Portugal
- Guadalupe, Mexico
What four moral qualities does Jesus preach?
- love
- forgiveness - the key to salvation (Matthew)
- servanthood - washed disciples feet
- social justice - parable of sheep and goats
What three sources do Catholics use when making ethical decisions?
- conscience
- informed by scripture and tradition
- authority of magisterium
What is natural law?
Natural law is ‘do good, avoid evil’ - St Thomas Aquinas. Moral code in everyone.
What is virtue?
Virtue is considering the moral character of a person to make ethical decisions.
What do Catholics believe about conscience?
Catholics believe that their conscience is their sacred obligation to follow, when informed by scripture.