practices Flashcards
What five things happen during baptism?
- parents and godparents say vows
- priest pours water over head in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- anointed with Oil of Chrism
- infant receives white garment
- candle lit from Paschal Candle
Give three reasons why baptism is important.
importance of baptism:
- person becomes son or daughter of God and a member of the Church
- person is freed from original sin
- person receives strength from God to continue Jesus’ mission
What three things happen during confirmation?
- renew baptismal promises
- anointed with Oil of Chrism
- take a new name
Give two reasons why confirmation is important.
importance of confirmation:
- strengthens faith in order to a be a mature, active Catholic
- receive seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
What happens during Eucharist?
- bread and wine transubstantiated into body and blood
- received daily or weekly
- preparation undertaken
Give two reasons why Eucharist is important.
importance of eucharist:
- receiving physical presence of Jesus
- uniting community through mass
What four things happen during reconciliation?
- contrition - repentance of sins
- confession
- absolution - forgiveness from God
- penance
Give five reasons why reconciliation is important.
importance of reconciliation:
- removes spiritual illness of sins
- offers mercy
- offers forgiveness
- offers advice
- restores relationship with God
What four things happen during the anointing of the sick?
anointing of the sick:
- priest lays hands on ill
- sins are absolved
- anointing with oil
- viaticum (Eucharist ‘for the journey’) is given
Give three reasons why the anointing of the sick is important.
importance of the anointing of the sick:
- gives strength in sickness
- preparation for death
- shows God’s presence throughout their life
What three things happen during matrimony?
- vows made
- exchange of rings
- signing of register
Give two reasons why matrimony is important.
importance of matrimony:
- two people give themselves permanently and exclusively
- procreation and new life is possible
What four things happen during holy orders?
holy orders:
- laying on of hands
- prayer of consecration
- given paten and chalice to celebrate the Eucharist
Give a reason why holy orders are important.
importance of holy orders:
- priesthood establishes Christ’s presence throughout the ages in the sacraments
What sacraments do Orthodox Christians and Catholics recognise?
All seven.
What sacraments do most Protestants recognise, like Church of England?
Only Baptism and the Eucharist as the others weren’t instituted by Jesus.
What sacraments do some Protestants recognise, like Quakers and the Salvation Army?
None as they aren’t communications with God.
What is liturgical worship?
Liturgical worship is structured, public worship set out by the church.
What are the four parts of the mass?
The four parts of the mass are:
1) introductory rites
2) liturgy of the word
3) liturgy of the eucharist
4) concluding rites
What three things happen during the introductory rites in the mass?
introductory rites:
- community around Jesus is formed
- call to mind sins
- ask forgiveness in preparation for eucharist
What four things happen during the liturgy of the word in the mass?
liturgy of the word:
- readings from old and new testaments, including the gospels
- homily
- nicene creed on sundays and feast days
- prayers of intercession
What four things happen during the liturgy of the eucharist in the mass?
liturgy of the eucharist:
- bread and wine are brought to the altar
- eucharistic prayers
- transubstantiation
- received by congregation
What happens during the concluding rites in the mass?
concluding rites:
- priest blesses and sends people away
What is Catholic’s liturgical worship?
Catholic’s have the mass, with transubstantiation and symbols. It is structured and ordered.
What is most Protestant’s liturgical worship?
Most Protestant’s just have a Eucharistic service without transubstantiation. It has a similar structure to Catholics.
What is few Protestant’s liturgical worship?
Few Protestant’s just have symbols. It has less structure to allow connection with God.
Why does Lumen Gentium say that the Eucharist is important?
Lumen Gentium:
- makes individuals part of Jesus’ body
- makes Catholics part of one another
- creates the Church
How do Catholics celebrate the funeral rite in the home?
funeral rite in the home:
- Vigil of Prayer (stay awake to watch or pray)
- may be in the church if the body is laid out the night before
How do Catholics celebrate the funeral rite in the church?
funeral rite in the church:
- Requiem Mass (to remember the dead)
- or just Liturgy of the Word
- encourage mass so that Eucharist is celebrated
How do Catholics celebrate the funeral rite in the cemetery?
funeral rite in the cemetery:
- Rite of Committal and Commendation
- say goodbyes
What are the three aims of the funeral rite?
aims of the funeral rite:
1) communion with the deceased
- supports deceased into the next life through prayer
2) communion of the community
- the people gathered are connected to the person through the Church, the body of Christ
3) proclamation of eternal life
- reminds that death is not the end
What is prayer?
Prayer is ‘raising one’s mind and heart to God’ - CCC
What are the five types of prayer? Give examples.
types of prayer:
1) repentance - asking for forgiveness (the I Confess)
2) thanksgiving (grace before meals)
3) adoration (Glory Be)
4) petition - asking for personal needs
5) intercession - on behalf of others (bidding prayers)
Why is it important to have different types of prayer?
- different stages of life
- different needs
- different locations
- different feelings
What is the difference between formal and extempore prayer?
formal prayer - formulaic, from Church’s tradition
extempore prayer - informal, without planning
Why is the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father) important?
- ‘the most perfect of prayers’ - CCC
- reminds Catholics to honour God
- reminds Catholics to repent and forgive
- reminds Catholics to ask for what they need everyday
- states key beliefs
- unites
What is popular piety?
Popular piety is worship that does not follow the formal liturgy of the church. It extends liturgical life but does not replace it.
What is the significance of the rosary? What are divergent views on it?
the rosary:
- focus on different parts of Jesus’ life
- meditation on the grace of God
- honour Mary
- other Christians believe worshipping Mary is going against the Ten Commandments, so they don’t use it
What is the significance of the stations of the cross? What are divergent views on it?
the stations of the cross:
- 14 stations honouring suffering and death of Jesus
- reminder of their salvation
- recreating sites in Jerusalem
- Protestants don’t use images as it goes against the Ten Commandments
What is the significance of Eucharistic adoration? What are divergent views on it?
Eucharistic adoration:
- adoration of Eucharist
- linked to Jesus saying to disciples to watch and pray
- Protestants don’t believe in transubstantiation, so they don’t do this
Why is pilgrimage important for some Christians today?
importance of pilgrimage for Christians:
- time for space for prayer
- connection to other Christians
- allows Christians to journey closer to God
- response to busy life and world
Why is Jerusalem an important place of pilgrimage?
- where Jesus died and was resurrected
- common among all Christians as it is based on the life of Jesus
Why is Rome an important place of pilgrimage?
- home of the Pope
- non-Catholic Christians don’t recognise the Pope so don’t think this is important
Why is Lourdes an important place of pilgrimage?
- Mary appeared to Bernadette 18 times in 1858
- healings have taken place here
- some Christians don’t think Mary is important
Why is Walsingham an important place of pilgrimage?
- in 1061, a noblewoman had three visions of the house where Gabriel visited Mary and made a replica
What are the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching?
1) sacredness of life and dignity of people
2) call to family and community
3) human rights
4) protection of the poor and vulnerable
5) dignity of work
6) solidarity with all people as one family
7) stewardship and care for the planet
What are the three key words Catholic Social Teaching is concerned with?
- justice - promoting justice, eliminating injustice
- peace - encouraging harmony, preventing conflict
- reconciliation - protecting people’s rights
What does CAFOD do and why?
- Catholic Agency for Overseas Development
- there in a crisis
- helping people help themselves
- educate and raise awareness
- fight injustice and poverty
- rooted in Catholic Community
What two ways can Catholics “love thy neighbour”?
- corporal (bodily) works - feeding, sheltering…
- spiritual works - praying, forgiving…
What is the Catholic mission?
Catholic mission is the idea that a person is sent to help people or bring benefits.
How do Catholics evangelise today locally?
- through career
- parish life (mass, sacraments, charitable works, social events)
How do Catholics evangelise today nationally?
- attending national events and workshops connected to their career
- the Bishop’s Conference
How do Catholics evangelise today globally?
- global meetings
- use of social media
- through the Pope and CAFOD
For Catholics, what is evangelism?
Evangelism is not converting someone to Catholicism, but it is sharing and living out the message. People may then wish to find out more.