beliefs and teachings Flashcards
Where is the trinity present in Baptism?
In Baptism, it is performed in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Where is the trinity present in the Eucharist?
In the Eucharist, we give thanks to God and the Son is present in the consecrated bread and wine through the Holy Spirit.
What is a doctrine?
A doctrine is a belief held by the Church.
What does each part of the trinity reveal about God?
The Father reveals that God is outside us, as creator.
The Son reveals that God is beside us, as our saviour.
The Holy Spirit reveals that God is inside us, strengthening our faith.
What happened at the Council of Nicaea?
The Council of Nicaea in 325 was when the Nicene Creed was written to clarify the divine nature of Jesus as before, there was controversy about whether Jesus was God.
What happened at the Council of Constantinople?
The Council of Constantinople in 381 was a meeting to clarify the belief in the trinity and show that the Holy Spirit is also God.
What are the two interpretations of the creation story in Genesis?
literal interpretation
- the creation story is a word for word truth
- Genesis is a scientific and historical account
metaphorical interpretation
- the creation story is symbolic and sacred, shows the purpose of the universe
- shows characteristics of God
- this view incorporates modern science
What four characteristics do the creation story prove God has?
The creation story proves that God is creator, benevolent, omnipotent and eternal.
What five characteristics do Catholics believe that God gave us in his image?
- rational - can engage in debates about faith
- free will and conscience - make moral choices
- relationship with God - going to mass, daily prayer
- give and receive love - marriage
- answerable to God - happen in the next life
What does dominion and stewardship mean?
Dominion means God gave us the authority to his land.
Stewardship means God made us be loving towards the Earth.
What would happen if Catholics only focused on dominion and not stewardship? Which Christians believe this and why?
- over farming to feed humans
- deforestation
- burning fossil fuels
- minority of Christians believe this, but evangelical Christians claim they don’t need to worry about the environment as Jesus will soon return which will mean the end of the world anyway
What would happen if Catholics focused on both dominion and stewardship? Why do most Christians take this view?
- managing farming and fishing to ensure a balance
- recycling
- using renewable energy
- Pope Francis wrote about caring for the environment in 2015. they also believe it’s a moral responsibility
What is the evidence that Jesus is fully human?
- born of Mary
- died
- got tired in John
- cried at his friend’s death in John
What is the evidence that Jesus is fully God?
- Mary was a virgin
- claimed to be the ‘I am’
- healed people
- performed miracles
What were the issues with Jesus claiming to be God incarnate?
- he was accused of blasphemy
- he healed and forgave the paralysed man in Matthew, but Jews believed only God could forgive sins
- he allowed the disciples to pick corn on the Sabbath
Describe the events of the Paschal Mystery in Luke.
- the last supper
- the arrest, trial and suffering
- Jesus’ death on the cross
- Jesus’ resurrection
- Jesus’ ascension
Why did the Word become flesh?
- to save (CCC)
- to know God’s love (CCC)
- to model holiness (CCC)
Why did Jesus die?
- to show how to respond to cruelty - “Father forgive them” Luke
- erase sins
Why is the resurrection so important?
- the foundation of the church
- proved Jesus is God
- it is a present event - “I am with you always” Matthew
What does the ascension mean?
- prepares how we will go to heaven
- it was the letting go of Jesus, ready for pentecost
How do we receive salvation and grace in each sacrament?
- Baptism - freed from sin, become child of God
- Confirmation - receive grace from Holy Spirit for strength
- Eucharist - accepting God’s offer of salvation
- Marriage - grace provided for loving relationship
- Holy Orders - grace for ordained
- Reconciliation - repentance of sin restores relationship with God
- Anointing of the Sick - healing grace unites suffering with Jesus
What is eschatology?
Eschatology is the Christian study of life after death.
What is particular judgement?
Particular judgement is God judging whether a person goes to heaven, hell or purgatory straight after their death.
What is general or last judgement?
General or last judgement is at the end of time, a final and eternal judgement.
What does the CCC teach about the nature of resurrection?
A person’s soul is reunited with their glorified body, CCC
What do Catholics believe about eschatology, judgement and resurrection?
- heaven is an eternity in the presence of God
- hell is an eternity outside the presence of God
- purgatory is a stage of purification
- particular and final judgement
- physical resurrection
What do other Christians believe about eschatology, judgement and resurrection?
other Christians:
- an omnibenevolent God wouldn’t allow hell to exist, so everyone goes to heaven
- purgatory is not in the Bible
- more emphasis on final judgement
- just a spiritual resurrection