definition of revelation
the communication of idea, command n info from Allah to a chosen human being, conveyed either directly or through angels.
the purpose of revelations
- proof of the existence of Allah
- divine law as way of life
- confirmation the truth of previous Messengers
- as guide for living
Revelation of scriptures
- sent the revelations to all the prophet n messengers
- all the revelations are believed to hv been recorded in the form of scriptures
- only a few mentioned in the Quran n today its part of islamic faith must believe
a. al-Quran
b. Torah
c. Bible
d. Psalms
e. Suhuf
a. Muhammad
b. Mose (Musa)
c. Jesus
d. David (Daud)
e. A: braham , M: ose , E: noch
What is Quran??
the miraculous word of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad saw through the mediation of the Gabriel.
What contents in Quran??
- akidah
- moral discussion
- ritual obligation
- criminal
- economy n finance
- community n family
- constitutional reference
explain the stages revelaton of the Quran
- Lauh Mahfuz
- Bait tul-Izzah
- Prophet Muhammad
explain the revelation to Prophet Muhammad
benefit :
1. to strengthen the heart of Prophet n companian in facing the pressure by non-believers
2. to prove or giving the fact about Islam
3. to ease the process of memorizing, understanding n practicing
The way revelation to Prophet Muhammad ?? list
- a dream of Phophet Muhammad
- speak directly to Allah SWT
- revelation through Jibril
what the name of the first n last surah reveal??
first : al-alaq v1-5
last : al-maidah v3
how the compilation of the Quran?
- memorization
- written
* Prophet Muhammad
* Saidina Abu Bakar As Siddiq
* Saidina Uthman Bin Affan
During Prophet Muhammad :
how and who the companions?
- memorized
- companions : Saidina Ali , Zaid bin Thabit, Abdullah, Ubai and Mu’adz ( write on dates fronds, stones, skins and animal bones )
Saidina Abu Bakaq As Sidq
- the war of Yamamah
- writing in more orderly manner
- Zaid bin Thabit as a leader
- Amirul Mukmin has kept all v Quran
Saidina Uthman bin Affan
- islam has spread
- conflict about the method of recite
- adjust : Zaid, Abdullah, Sa’id and Abdul Rahman
- Rasm al-Uthmani
What the meaning of hadith??
everything that is attributed to the Prophet Muhammad saw in terms of words, deeds, taqrir or attributes whether physical/moral and history
why we need hadith??
- Allah SWT urgues to follow hadith
- as a guide and clue
- the Prophet is the receipient and revelation
- the source of Islamic Law
- explaining the moral principle
what the meaning of sanad and matan?
sanad : the nrrators who certified the text of hadith
matan : the actual word or text of hadith
list 5 acceptable hadith :
- continuity the chain of narrators
- strong memory of narrators
- integrity of the narrators
- confirmity of sanad and matan
- no defect of sanad and matan
Hadith mutawwir and ahad
The meaning of mutawatir ?
narrated by a large number of narrators ( impossible to lies and error to occur )
hafith mutawatir
the condition of hadith mutawatir ??
- at least 5 diff narrators
- impossible to lie
- from similar ppl
- rely on intellect n sensory perception
What the definition of ijtihad n taqlid ?
a method applied by mujtahid to infer a practical Islamic Law obtained from detaild arguments n resouces.
what is mujtahid?
the individual who qualified to exercise ijtihad in the evaluation of Islamic Law
What is the cronolgy of usul fiqh ?
- Prophet Muhammad SAW time
- companions of Prophet SAW n tabiin time
- the tabi’ tabiin time
What is the cronolgy of usul fiqh ?
- Prophet Muhammad SAW time
- companions of Prophet SAW n tabiin time
- the tabi’ tabiin time
*ijtihad *
explain the definition n more about ijtihad :)
- d : an expending effort to arrive at a sharia ruling
- the mujtahid or jurists who expend efforts for this purpose
what is the minimun qualifications of true mujtahid process ??
- expert in arabic languagae, literature and phylosophy
- high caliber scholar in Quran
- expect in hadith by Prophet
- expect in both science in hostorical n logical critism
- must be pious and have true islamic characters
explain the definiton and more about taqlid ?
- d : the doctrine refer to acceptance of religious rulling in mtters of workship n personal affairs from someone regarded as higher authority
- just follow
1. muqallid ( blind follower/we ) doesnot hv ability to acquire knowledge
2. mujtahid when he enconters a new situation
what the meaning of ‘ ijma’ ‘ and example ?
the agreement of mujtahidin from among community of Prophet Muhammad after his death.
1. appointmnet of 4 caliphates
2. compilation of al-Quran by Abu Bakar
3. unifying Quran during Uthman
4. Abu Bakar declare war
the meaning of ‘ ijma’ ‘ and example
the agreement of mujtahidin from among community of Prophet Muhammad after his death.
1. appointmnet of 4 caliphates
2. compilation of al-Quran by Abu Bakar
3. unifying Quran during Uthman
4. Abu Bakar declare war
what the meaning of ‘ qiyas ‘ and example ?
the applicatiob of a case that has no law in the text to a case that has a law
1. original case
2. legal ruling of original case
3. newor parralel case
4. effective cause
what the meaning of ‘istihsan’ and example ?
to deem or consider something good
1. bai’ al-salam
2. bai’ al-istiha’
what the maning of ‘marsalih mursalah’ and example
to bring benefits n avoid dangers
1. benefits abtained by God for mankind
2. to solve problem
what the meaning of istihab ?
preservation of the status quo laq until there is evidence for any changes
what the meaning of ‘ ‘urf ‘ and list 2 type ?
denoted a social tradition practice of society
1. ‘urf al-sahih (comply by sharia)
2. ‘urf al-fasid (not comply by sharia)
what the meaning of ‘ sadd al-zara ‘ and 1 example ?
prevention of anything which is leading to harmful
1. not selling of graphes to whine maker
what the meaning of “ qawlu al-sohabi “ ???
high ability to understand the Quran, sunnah n ijma’