What the meaning of mukallaf ??
The person that responsible of obligation n command to carry out the law of Islam and avoid prohibitions of God
What is the characteristics of mukallaf ??
- Reached childhood n intelect (puberty)
- Hv though n common sense
- Reached call of Islam upon him
What is he judgement of huma intellect ? List 3
- Necessary (wujub) : does not exist or cannot be seen
- Impossible (istihalah) : something absurd or illogical
- Possible (jawaz) : something logic n make sense
Allah as a God
What the meaning of God ??
Who created the universe n all beings.
Meaning of the attributes of Allah below :
1. Wujud (sifat al-nafsiah)
2. Qidam (sifat salbiah)
3. Baqa
4. Mukhalafutu Lil Hawadith
5. Qiamuhu Bi Nafsih
6. Wahdaniah
- Existence
- Non-beginning existence
- Non-ending existence
- Non-resemblance at all His creation
- Self-existene
- Absolute oneness
Sifat al-Ma’ani:
7. Qudrah
8. Iradah
10. Hayat
11. Sama’
12. Basar
13. Kalam
- Absolute power
- Absolute will
- Knowledge
- Life
- Hearing
- Slight
- Speak
Sifat Ma’nawiyyah
14. Kaunuhu Qadiran
15. Kaunuhu Muridan
16. Kaunuhu Aliman
17. Kaunuhu Haiyan
18. Kaunuhu Sami’an
19. Kaunuhu Basiran
20. Kaunuhu Mutakaliman
- His state of power
- His state of determine
- His state of knowing
- His state of forever alive
- His state of hearing
- His state of seeing
- His state of saying
- a Prophet n a Messenger of God*
What the definition of Messenger ??
- Messengers are intelligent, free, male humans that had a revealation of a teaching of religion.
- some of them have Heavenly books revealed to them.
- chosen by Allah n protected since birth
Explain the differences between Messenger n Prophet.
Messenger : sent to disbelievers either by bringing a new law like Prophet Muhammad or by continuing the previous law.
Prophet : sent to people who are ready to believe, such as Prophet Adam)
What are the characteristics of messengers ?
- Must process trithfulness, truthworthiness n must hv delivered their messengers entirely.
- Impossible attributed w lies or committing doing forbids message
- Possible to hv any human condition. Only mracles (mukjizat) give them advantage than other human.
What are the attributes of Messenger of Allah ?? List all 4.
- Truthfull (siddiq)
- Trustworthiness (amanah)
- Delivering (tabligh)
- Intelligent ( fatonah)
List 6 pillars of faith in islam.
- Existence of Allah swt
- Existence of angels (malaikat)
- Existence of book of Allah (kitab)
- Messenger n prophet
- Doomsday (qiamat)
- Fate in Divine Decree (qada qadar)
What the meaning of Qada’ ?
Matter decided by Allah SWT on all his creatures wether the point of view of creating it, abolishing it or changing it such as the death.
What the meaning of Qadar ?
Matter whose rate has been set by Alah SWT since the beginning in accordance w his knowledge that precedes every thing.
The example like when n where is the place that will we die.
What are the lessons from this topics?
- more grateful to God
- increase self-patience
- increase effort
- keep relying on God (tawakkal)
What are the meaning of syahadah?
The muslim declaration of belief in the oneness of Allah n acceptance of Muhammad saw as Prophet.
Explain the concept of syahadah.
Rasulullah said : Islam is buit in 5 things
1. Witnessing that there is no God but Allah n that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
2. Establishing prayers.
3. Paying zakat.
4. Performing Hajj.
5. Fasting in Ramadhan.
Give the meaning and explain more about TAUHID AL-RUBUNIYAH
- almighty God, creator n owner of the whole universe
- god give
- Life n death to all beings
- Harm n pleasure to humans
- Accept request
- Govern, manage universe
- god has power to do something accroding to His will n nothing can match His power.
What the meaning of TAUHID ASMA’ WA-SIFAT?
Monothezing Allah from all names n His atributes
What the meaning of TAUHID AL-ULUHIYAH ?
Monothezing Allah n worhiping only to Allah n dont associate partners w Allah.
What are the categories of Polytheism (syirik) ?
- The power of God s shared by other entities
- Denying the existnce of God
- Shaping the image of God
- Giving home n attributes of God
- The act worship is directed to other than Allah (at-taghut) worshiping idols
- Perform to be seen n praised by people (riya)