The definition of syariah
Staright path
The purpose of syariah ?
- Maslahah daruriyah
- Maslahah hajiyah
- Maslahah tahsiniyah
The meaning?
An obligity act, w failure to perform it being sinful
- Wajib
What are the 1st classifications ?
- Subject who are required to perform
- ‘ayni : demond for individual
- kifai : obligatory on a society
- Wajib
What are the 2nd classifications ?
- Time available for performance
- mutlak : act that is not set a definite time for its implementation
- muqayyad : obligatory act that has been set a certain time that has beginning n end
- Wajib
What are the 3rd classifications ?
- Extent of the required act
- muhaddad : act whose amount or extent has been determine
- ghair muhaddah : act whose any amount has been fixed
- Wajib
What are the 4th classifications ?
- Identification of the object required
- muayyan : act is required specifically, no choice (prayer)
- mukhayyar : no specific but hv some several determined acts
The meaning ?
Not required by law but are considered to be maritorious n rewarded
- Mandub
What is all classifications and explain ?
- Sunnah Muakkadah
-Recommeded by Prophet continuously - Sunnah Ghayr Muakkadah
-Determine recommeded action
-not done by prophet - Sunnah Zawaid
-Act at Prphet pertaining to ordinary daily tast as human
The meaning ?
Translated as permited
The meaning?
A disliked or offensive act not sin if do, get reward if leave
- Makruh
Explain the classification
- Tahrimah
- close to haram
- marrying someone who infected w HIV - Tanzihan
- by iself
- eating while standing
The meaning and the classifications ?
Forbidden or unlawful
1. Lizatihi (prohibition from the start)
- act prohobited for itself
- eating pork
- Lighairihi
- act prohibited due to external factors
- eating stolen chicken
The definition of fiqh ibadah ?
The devotion n worship of a muslim to Allah which is done in humanity to God n sincere intention according to the ways prescribed by religion.
What are the meaning of TAHARAH ?
Cleanliness or purification
Purification is half of iman(faith) - narrated by imam at-tarmidzi
3 type of impurities n example ?
- Mughallazah
- pig n dog - Mutawasitah
- feces, flowing blood - Mukhaffafah
- urine of boys less than 2yo
What are the meaning of WUDU ?
- partial ablution
- al-hasan : godness
- al-nazofah : cleanliness
What cause of cancellation of wudu ?
- Get something out of one of 2 ways
- Touching someone not mahram
- Touching genitals wo lining
- Loss of mind
When wudu is obligation ?
- Any types of prayers
- Performing tawaf
- Touching the Mushaf of Quran
What are the meaning of BATH ?
Full ablution
List the reasons why we need to take bath ?
- Sexual intercourse
- Semen comes out
- Cessation of mentrual
- Cessation of childbirth bleeding
- Dead
- Converted to islam
What are the meaning of TAYAMUM n how ?
- dry ablution
- deliberately imposing a land rubbed on the face n both hands as a substitute
What cause the tayamum was cancelled ?
- All things that invalidate wudhu’ n bathing
- Loss of difficulties
- The end of prayer time
The reasons why we need to take tayamum ?
- no water
- no ability to use water
- fear ofending time of prayer
- fear of losing property if looking for water
What are the meaning of PRAYER ?
Workship that contains certain words n actions that begin w takbir n ended w salam.
Give 3 causes of cancellation of prayer.
- talk
- drink or eat
- open the Aurah
What are the meaning of FASTING ?
Act worship commanded by God, carried out by obstaining from food, drinking n sexual intercourse.
When the cancellation of fasting happen ?
- eat n drink on purpose
- vomit on purpose
- menstruation n childbirth
- insane while fasting
What are the advantages of fasting and explain why.
- Human spiritual
- train human spirit to disciplined - Human morality
- understanding of living poor ppl - Human physical
- body to rest n healing disease
What are the meaning of ZAKAT ?
Purification of property
Give 2 type of zakat and the obligatory.
- Al-fitr
- Wealth
- gold n silver
- livestock
- agricultural forms
- business profit
- profit
- income
Give 3 advantaged of zakat ?
- As a given of gratitude to Allah
- Eliminate of nature of greed, stinginess n extravagance
- Helping the poor people
What are the meaning of HAJJ n UMRAH ?
Hajj : travelling kaaba in certain month to perform tawaf, sai, wujuf n other.
Umrah : an intentionally visiting kaaba to perform tawaf n sai.
What are IHRAM ?
The intention to start H n U at miqat makani
What are TAWAF ?
Surrounding 7 rounds from Haj n Aswad.
What are SAI ?
The journeys from Safa hill to Marwah hill.
Done till 7 times.
What are WUKUF ?
Arrival of a pilgrim and his presence in Field Arafah.
Give 4 advantages of performing hajj n umrah.
- Get rid of small sins n purify the soul of human
- Increase human’s confidence in Allah
- Raise human aweness of reality
- Appriaciate the stories of Messengers of Allah
What are CORPSE ?
A person who died.
Explain the steps of dealing with corpse.
- Lay it down : by directing the parts of his body to Qibla
- Talqin : to remind n teach him syahadah
- Close both eyes
- Cover whole body
- Bathing
- Shroud w white cloth (3m,5w)
- Congretional prayer
- hanafiyah (local authorities)
- syafi’iyah (wali)
- malikiyah n hanabilah : person bequethed by corpse - Burying
The definition of fiqah muamalah.
Religious rule to protect human property (harta).
a. Concept of property.
- anything cam be owned n utulized under normal circumtances.
-m: legitimate relationships between person n property according to syariah.
b. Concept of contract (aqad)
Explain all.
- a bond that results from 2 expressions or whatever takes its place.
1. Error during contracting
2. Contracts that incur losses
3. Contracts that contain fraud
4. Contain element of coercion
Rhe definition of fiqh munafahah
Marriage law or contract contains the word ijab n qabul.
Explain the situation when marriage is
1. Compulsory
2. Sunnah
3. Mubah (harus)
4. Makruh
5. Haram
- Someone able to either physically or financially.
- Person wants to have a wife and children and able to control himself from committing adultery.
- Person want to get married but able to restrain his lust from committing adultery.
- Incapable but wants to get married.
- Unable to provide for his physical and mental well-being.
Explain the meaning of
1. Mahar
2. Polygamy
3. Talaq (divorce)
- Dowry : gift of husband to his wife
- The men marriage more than one
- Breaking the bond marriage n ending the maritat relationship.
Give two types of talaq n explain more about it.
- Talaq raji’e
-the divorce where the husband can return to his wife. - Talaq bain
- divorce where the husband cannot return to his wife wo committing a new marriage.
Explain more about
1. Li’an
2. Zihar
3. Iddah
4. Ruju’
- Husband n wife is over n cannot be together again forever after lian.
- Equating a wife w woman is illegally married forever or equate w certain parts.
- Period which a women hs to wait n cannot marry after the death of her husband or divorce.
- Being back together.
The definition of fiqh jumuyah.
Acts or crime prohibited by religion n result punishment.