The definition of syariah
Staright path
The purpose of syariah ?
- Maslahah daruriyah
- Maslahah hajiyah
- Maslahah tahsiniyah
The meaning?
An obligity act, w failure to perform it being sinful
- Wajib
What are the 1st classifications ?
- Subject who are required to perform
- ‘ayni : demond for individual
- kifai : obligatory on a society
- Wajib
What are the 2nd classifications ?
- Time available for performance
- mutlak : act that is not set a definite time for its implementation
- muqayyad : obligatory act that has been set a certain time that has beginning n end
- Wajib
What are the 3rd classifications ?
- Extent of the required act
- muhaddad : act whose amount or extent has been determine
- ghair muhaddah : act whose any amount has been fixed
- Wajib
What are the 4th classifications ?
- Identification of the object required
- muayyan : act is required specifically, no choice (prayer)
- mukhayyar : no specific but hv some several determined acts
The meaning ?
Not required by law but are considered to be maritorious n rewarded
- Mandub
What is all classifications and explain ?
- Sunnah Muakkadah
-Recommeded by Prophet continuously - Sunnah Ghayr Muakkadah
-Determine recommeded action
-not done by prophet - Sunnah Zawaid
-Act at Prphet pertaining to ordinary daily tast as human
The meaning ?
Translated as permited
The meaning?
A disliked or offensive act not sin if do, get reward if leave
- Makruh
Explain the classification
- Tahrimah
- close to haram
- marrying someone who infected w HIV - Tanzihan
- by iself
- eating while standing
The meaning and the classifications ?
Forbidden or unlawful
1. Lizatihi (prohibition from the start)
- act prohobited for itself
- eating pork
- Lighairihi
- act prohibited due to external factors
- eating stolen chicken
The definition of fiqh ibadah ?
The devotion n worship of a muslim to Allah which is done in humanity to God n sincere intention according to the ways prescribed by religion.
What are the meaning of TAHARAH ?
Cleanliness or purification
Purification is half of iman(faith) - narrated by imam at-tarmidzi
3 type of impurities n example ?
- Mughallazah
- pig n dog - Mutawasitah
- feces, flowing blood - Mukhaffafah
- urine of boys less than 2yo
What are the meaning of WUDU ?
- partial ablution
- al-hasan : godness
- al-nazofah : cleanliness
What cause of cancellation of wudu ?
- Get something out of one of 2 ways
- Touching someone not mahram
- Touching genitals wo lining
- Loss of mind
When wudu is obligation ?
- Any types of prayers
- Performing tawaf
- Touching the Mushaf of Quran