What the meaning of akhlaq ?
Character, behaviour, personal traits n manner.
The definition by al-Ghazali n Ibn al-Athir about akhlaq.
State mind that is firm from ones actions easily, wo the need for reflection n deliberation.
The inner characteristics of oneself whether its good or bad.
The important of akhlaq.
- It is the reason why prophet Muhammad sent down to the world.
- Fundemental component of obedience to sharia.
- Signifies internal belief.
- Prerequisite for acceptance of one ibadah
Explain more about TAQWA.
- the noblest of all character traits that a muslim should constantly strive to develop.
- to protect, to be wary, careful n take good care.
Explain more about IKHLAS.
- to purify, refine n remove all impurities.
Explain more about HONESTY.
- truthfullness (sidq)
-m : keeping one’s commitments n transparency.
Explain more about BROTHERLINESS.
-brotherly relations w other fellow Muslims.
Explain more about STRIVING.
- he need to work very hard.
- man, as the vicegerent of God must strive hard to master all the needed technical skills.
Explain more about MODERATION.
- to developing man morally n materially
Explain more about JUSTICE.
Giving to the right person w the right manner what ought to be given
Explain more about REFORMATION.
Wholesomess or transform.