Sound Beams Flashcards
What is the location where the beam reaches its minimum diameter?
The focus or focal point is the location where the beam reaches its minimum diameter.
What types of beams create better images, narrow beams or wide beams?
Narrow beams create better images.
What is the distance from the transducer face to the focus called?
Focal depth, focal length, or near zone length
Fresnel zone
What is the name of the region or zone in between the transducer and the focus?
The near zone or Fresno zone is the region or zone in between the transducer and the focus. Sound beams converge in the near zone.
What is the region or zone deeper than the focus, beyond the near field, where sound beams diverge?
The far zone or the Fraunhofer zone
What is the region surrounding the focus where the beam is sort of narrow and the picture is relatively good?
The focal zone
What is the beam diameter at the end of the near zone?
At the end of the near zone, the beam diameter is half the transducer diameter, or aperture.
What is the beam diameter at two times the near zone length?
At 2 near zone lengths, the beam diameter is equal to the transducer diameter.
At a distance greater than two near zones, is the beam diameter greater than, less than, or equal to the transducer aperture?
Since the beam diameter is equal to the aperture at two near zone lengths and it is diverging, then the beam diameter must be greater than the transducer aperture.
What are the two determining factors of focal depth?
Focal death is determined by transducer diameter and frequency of the ultrasound beam.
Would a beam with a small diameter and low-frequency have a shallow or deep focus?
Shallow focus
Would a beam with a large diameter and a high-frequency have a shallow or deep focus?
Deep focus
Sound beam divergence is determined by what?
The transducer diameter and the frequency of the ultrasound
Would a larger aperture and high-frequency create more or less divergence in the far field?
Less divergence
Would a small aperture and low-frequency create more or less divergence in the far field?
More divergence and degraded lateral resolution
What’s another name for a V-shaped wave?
Huygen’s wavelet
This principle explains the hourglass shape of an imaging transducers sound beam:
Huygens’ principal
What determines the frequency of sound created by a pulsed-wave transducer?
Thickness of ceramic and speed of sound
The ability to distinguish two structures that are close to each other front to back, parallel to, or along the beams main axis.
Axial resolution
What does LARRD Resoultion stand for?
Longitudinal, axial, range, radial, depth
Do shorter or longer pulses provide better axial resolution?
Shorter pulses