SOP's Flashcards
Revocations from The Vehicle Take Home Program:
A members participation may be revoked at any time by the ______, ______, or _________.
The ____ and/or ______ may also revoke the entire program when or if it believed to be in the best interest of the City or Fire Dept to do so.
City Manger, City Council, or Fire Chief
City Manager and/or Fire Chief
Fire Hydrants shall be located and so spaced that no hose lay from a fire apparatus exceeds _______ feet within area containing One and Two family detached dwellings.
500 feet
It shall be the responsibility of the ______________ to ensure the personnel comply with any general order issued and the document is processed through the SOP development process if needed.
Assistant Chiefs
City Safety Policy
Rock, soil, tools and equipment must be at least ____ ______ from the edge of the trench
Two Feet
Permit required; Fees
The location for Open burning, which shall not include burning in an approved container, shall not be less than _____ feet from any structure OTHER than a neighbor’s residence, overhanging wires or trees and not less than ___ feet from a neighbor’s residence.
50 feet
100 feet
Fourth Quarter SCBA Challenge
1 3/4 inch hose Drag
Members are instructed to pull a Charged ___ ft section of 1 3/4 inch hose ___ ft, open the nozzle and knock over a traffic cone placed Approx. __ ft beyond the line.
50 ft
50 ft
10 ft
All accidents or incidents involving Injury to a Fire Dept personnel, No Matter how caused will be reported to the _______________ Immediately.
Additionally, If the cause of the injury is the fault of Defective equipment or the actions of someone other than fire department personnel, a report containing the following will be made to the ___________ office with ___ hours, with a copy being forwarded to the ______ and ______
Human Resources Department
City Attorneys Office; 48 Hours
Fire Chief
City Safety Officer
Has Mat Response (Outside City Limits)
The MWCFD HMRT shall respond with a minimum of _______ techs and ___ officer
Five techs
One Officer
Members may standby for other members at their station subject to the approval of their _______________
Immediate Supervisor &
Shift Commander
Code of Federal Regulations:
Hazardous Waste Ops and Emergency Response 29 CFR 1910:____
Respiratory Protection 29 CFR 1910:_______
Fire Brigade 29 CFR 1910:______
Confined Spaces 29 CFR 1910:________
1910: 120
1910: 134
1910: 156
1910: 146
City Safety Policy:
Machine Guards- projecting shaft ends should present a smooth edge and shall not project more than _____ the diameter of the shaft, unless guarded by a non rotating cup or safety sleeve.
One half
Injury or Illness reporting
Supervisor: Consult with __________if immediate cause is determined to be the result of the employees engagement in unsafe work practices for which the employee has been trained and such training is documented
Assistant Chief
Members shall promptly report the loss of any equipment belonging to the Fire Department to their __________.
This loss will be recorded and a memo turned in to __________
Commanding officer
The chiefs office
Training Requests should be done ___ days prior to first day of event if MIE’s are needed prior to departure.
30 days
Unauthorized Burn:
The _____ _______ and _____ ______ will be notified by dispatch personnel should it be determined that the call resulted in an unauthorized burn.
Shift Commander and Fire Chief
Types of soil:
Cohesive TYPE soils with an unconfined compressive strength of ____- tons per square foot. Any soil with CLAY content is _______
1.5 tons
Type A
Types of soil:
Cohesive materials with an unconfined compressive strength of ____ tons per square foot and less than ____ tons per square foot. Gravel, silt, and loam are examples.
.5 tons
Less than 1.5 tons
Type B
City Safety Policy
Hand mowing, edging, weedeater:
Chase vehicle is to be used with Flashing Lights.
Chase Vehicle is to be no closer than ___ feet behind the employee.
15 feet
General orders differ from SOP’s in that they are in effect for _______________
A specific time period
All accidents or incidents involving any fire department personnel or equipment wherein the City or the employee is NOT at fault will be reported to the ________ office within ___ hours. The __________ will be notified immediately and will make notifications to the ________ and the __________
City Attorney’s Office. 48 hours
Shift Commander
Fire Chief
City Safety Officer
No piece of Equipment shall be removed from the apparatus without orders or permission of the _____________
Shift Commander
Communicable Disease:
After completing paperwork, the ____ Copy should be mailed to the OSDH using the included Gray envelope. It will be the responsibility of the _____________ and/or ___________ to ensure this is accomplished.
In addition, The _____ copy should be delivered IMMEDIATELY to the designated person (Usually the Infection Control Practitioner)
Training Officer; Shift Commander
City Safety Policy
The only acceptable tint on safety eyewear is gray or “_____”
Any employee of the department who sees a need for the establishment or modification of a current policy or procedure may submit the suggestion to ___________
His/her supervisor
All members of the Special Operations team should be involved in ___ hours of training per discipline annually.
8 hours
Chemical Decontamination Solutions:
Used for the final wash down for Decon solutions 1,2,3, and 4
Mild Soap
Chemical Decontamination Solutions:
Used for base and caustic contaminants such as organic bases, alkali and caustic wastes
HydroChloric Acid
Special incidents:
The ______ _______ or the ___ ____ will coordinate the custody and investigations of all such items of protective clothing in accordance to NFPA 1851.
Shift Commander
Fire Chief
In the event an exposure occurs, personnel shall IMMEDIATELY make notifications and report to the ER at the treating facility As Soon As Possible.
Fill out The OSDH Form ____ IMMEDIATELY and fill out injury reports and First Notice of injury reports as soon as possible.
Wellness/Training Committee
Shall meet _________ to discuss the success of the departments physical fitness policy and recommend area that requirement.
Shoring Must remain within __ feet of the lip of the trench and __ feet from the bottom of the trench.
2 feet
2 feet
One Fire prevention Officer or Fire Marshall will be on call from 7 am Friday morning until 7 am next Friday Morning.
The Fire Marshall will provide EOC with a copy of the Monthly On Call Sheet approximately __ days prior to the end of the month.
3 day
Permit required; Fees
Precautions shall be made to prevent the fire from spreading to within ___ feet of any structure, overhanging wires or trees.
If the Fire is in an Approved Container, it may be conducted not less than ___ feet from any structure
50 feet
15 feet
Fourth Quarter SCBA Challenge
Vertical ventilation Simulator
Members are instructed to drive the beam with a dead blow hammer a distance of __ ft, turn around and drive it back __ ft.
2 feet
2 feet
City Safety Policy
In trenches greater than ____ feet deep, ____ ______ fencing is to be used around the perimeter of the trench.
Two feet deep
Blaze Orange
Priority 3-_____________
Closest Engine/Ladder
Code response determined by Responding officer
When in doubt of which blade should be used, the ______ shall be selected.
Abrasive blade
An organizational directive issued by the department that establishes a specific policy that must be followed
Standard Operating Procedure
Alarm and detection systems plan review fee:
Contractor must first obtain a permit from the City
To obtain such a permit, the contractor must submit ___ sets of plans to the city…
ISO Mandates:
Facilities Training- __ hours of training at the drill tower and/or training grounds
18 Hours
Blocking Fire Hydrants
Any person violating this section shall be punished , upon conviction, by a fine of not more than ___________ plus costs, or by imprisonment for not more than ______ days or by both such fine and imprisonment
15 days
Second quarter Fitness Evaluation
Ladder climb:
Employee must climb and descend a ___ ft ladder for __ repetitions
16 ft
3 reps
First Occurrence:
Second Occurrence:
Third Occurrence:
Fourth Occurrence:
Informal oral counseling by CO: NOTIFY AC AND FIRE CHIEF
Oral reprimand- Copy to personnel file
Written Reprimand
Ground for Dismissal
Libraries and Equipment
No equipment will be taken off of apparatus unless approved by ______ ______ and/or _____ ______
Assistant Chief
Training Chief
Pre entrance medical monitoring:
Medication use in the last ___ hours
Alcohol Consumption in the last ___ hours
Prescription Meds and OTC Meds within __ hours
72 hours
24 hours
24 hours
During hand digging operations, If more than __ feet of trench wall is exposed, there is a danger of a slough in and shoring shall be placed prior to continuing digging operations.
Personnel involved in digging and extrication should rotate about every ___ minutes
2 feet
30 minutes
If the On Call investigator foes not answer the call, Contact the ___ _______ immediately.
If dispatch cannot contact the Fire Marshal with __ minutes, begin calling the other investigators in _____________
Fire Marshal
15 minutes
Numerical Order
Interference with FD Operations:
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter for which another penalty is not provided in this chapter shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than ____ plus costs, or by imprisonment for not more than _____ days or by both such fine and imprisonment
30 days
Types of soil:
Cohesive materials with unconfined compressive strength of LESS than ____TSF. This category includes granular soils, sand, and submerged soils.
.5 tsf
Type C Soil
Haz Mat ENTRY team radio Frequency:
Aluminum Aerial Ladders:
Cleaning should be performed after every involvement in a fire or _____________.
Cleaning shall be performed the __________
At least once each month
First week of each month
Limited Use Equipment (disposable patch kits, absorbents, packing containers, etc.,) that has been used at an incident shall be documented and reported In Writing to the ____ ________ to facilitate its replacement
Shift Commander
City Safety Policy
A trench __ feet or deeper that is not Shored MUST be inspected by the _____ ________ prior to any work beginning in the trench.
5 feet
5 feet
Safety Coordinator
Confined Space Ventilation system
Place fan at least ___ feet from any type of exhaust to avoid CO contaminants.
50 feet
All incidents or suspected incidents of abuse to city equipment, material, property or facilities by City employees or agencies of the City, shall be reported IN WRITING to the _______, who will Notify the Fire Chief as appropriate.
Shift Commander
All contaminated tools and equipment must be decontaminated before being placed back into service. If this is not possible the tool shall be considered Damaged and shall be reported In Writing to the ____ _________
Shift Commander
Every __ years, the risk management program will be evaluated.
Hearing protector plugs provided by the employee shall prove they meet ____dBA reduction rating.
City Safety Policy
Portable fire Extinguishers are to be inspected ________ by a Licensed Vendor to insure operability.
Portable fire extinguishers are to be inspected _______ by a competent person to maintain such operability and compliance.
Buildings of noncombustible or limited combustible construction, Protected by a complete Automatic Sprinkler and classified by NFPA 13 as “Light or Ordinary Hazard”may by protected by fire hydrants located with a maximum spacing of _____ feet
500 feet
Fire Lanes:
Fire lanes shall be kept clear at all times for vehicles or obstructions and marked with signs, measuring at least ______inches by _______ (__x__) reading FIRE LANE—DO NOT BLOCK or FIRE LANE—NO PARKING.
Twelve by eighteen 12x18
A fire hydrant located on a dead end water main may not be positioned further than _____(___) feet from a looped water supply source.
However up to ____ additional hydrants may be added to a dead end main if the main size is _____ inches or greater .
Three hundred (300)
8 inch main
All Fire Dept vehicles shall be Inspected at least ______, Within__ hours after any use or repair, and prior to being placed in service or used for emergency purposes to identify and correct unsafe conditions
24 hours
Mass Decon is established when large numbers of people need to be decontaminated at the scene of a HazMat emergency.
Create a Decon Corridor utilizing the engine and the wall of a building or two engines approx __ to ___ feet apart.
12 to 16 feet
The burn pit shall be no greater than ____ feet in diameter and no greater than _____ square feet. A contiguous wall shall be erected around the burn pit of a height no less than ___ and no greater than ___ tall
10 feet
32 square feet
2 feet
3 feet
City Safety Policy
If a vehicles function requires the tailgate remain in the open position to carry a load which projects past ____ feet, a _____ flag will be attached to the end of the load in accordance with state law.
4 feet
Red Flag
All accidents or incidents involving any fire dept personnel, or equipment wherein the City or the employee MIGHT be found at fault will be reported to the ________ office in writing within ___ hours.
The ___________ will be notified Immediately and will make Notifications to the __________ and the __________.
City Attorney. 24 hours
Shift Commander
Fire Chief
City Safety Officer
Burn permits:
Monies collected will be attached to the _____ hard copy and placed in the Administrations designated cabinet for deposit and processing
Fire Marshal can only make changes to the incident reports with the authorization of the _____ or ______ of that incident.
Company officer
Acting Company Officer
Sprinkler systems:
This section shall be applicable to all new installations, modifications and/or relocations of More than ________ sprinkler heads in any structure.
Seven (7)
If members of the news media contact the Fire Dept. for information concerning an emergency run, Reporters are to be directed to the _________ of the _____ for further Information
PIO of the Hospital
If there is a CO detector that is alarming in the structure ONG should be notified of a __________ incident and should be requested to respond.
CO detector NOT alarming, dispatch to wait for responding unit to indicated any readings on instruments.
Priority One-____
Priority Two-_______
Priority One
30 minutes
24. Hours
Property will not be loaned, borrowed or rented except in an emergency and then only with the Consent of the ___________
City Manager
Shrubs, hedges, flowers, fences, rubbish, building material or other obstruction of any character that is placed with a radius of _____(__) feet from any fire hydrant and/or fire department connection
Five (5)
Open Burning:
The burning of trees, brush, grass and other vegetation matter for the purpose of clearing land, and agricultural crop burning when:
The burning is not within ___________ feet of an OCCUPIED residence or structure
100 ft
Within all other areas, including but not limited to, mercantile, business, educational, assembly, detention and correction, health care, storage, industrial and
multi-family dwellings, the maximum spacing shall be no more than ____ feet
400 feet
Moderate or High pressure lines breaks require a __________
Full HazMat Response
City Safety Policy
In the event that a city vehicle is stopped in or at the edge of a roadway, the vehicles emergency lighting must be utilized if the speed limit is over ___ MPH or if a lane of traffic obscured.
In the event that a city vehicle is parked on a residential street with a posted speed limit of or below ___ MPH, a single or series of cones are to be used.
25 MPH
25 MPH
Fourth Quarter SCBA Challenge
(October, November, December)
Failure to complete this course will be reported to the ___________
Shift Commander
Report damaged blades to the ______________
Carbide and Abrasive
Shift Commander
Second quarter Fitness Evaluation
Sledgehammer forcible entry simulation:
Employee must use a __ # sledgehammer and horizontally drive, at ankle level, consecutive blows and drive sled to designated mark.
10 #
City Safety Policy
Each supervisor must retain records of attendance for each meeting and send a copy to the _____ ______
Safety Coordinator
Members shall have their beds made prior to 6:45 a.m.
Beds can not be made prior to 7PM on the weekdays, and 12PM on the weekends. Holidays are an exception.
12 pm
When a covered entry is requested, the minimum height shall be no less than ___ feet.
16 feet
Vehicle Take Home Program:
Vehicle _____ and vehicle ______ will be two factors in considering revocation.
Vehicle abuse and vehicle accidents
_____________ are responsible to conduct a quarterly in-service training session dedicated to SOP/Policy Review
Company Officers
Chemical Decontamination Solutions:
Used as a Second wash for Unknown contaminates and etiological materials such as Heavy Metals, pesticides, Chlorinated Phenols and non organic wastes
Sodium Hypochlorite
Priority ONE: ___ engine/ ___ Ladder
Industrial Accidents (Including 203 and 206)
Pt’s TRAPPED with Injury
Major Trauma related injury (Including 203 & 206)
Multiple Pts ( Regardless of Nature)
Levels of Protection Haz Mat:
The Level __ ensemble protection shall provide the greatest level of protection to the skin, respiratory, and eyes
Level A
City Safety Policy:
Supervisors shall check employee drivers licenses SEMI-annually. Documentation of this check shall be submitted to the office of the _____________
Safety Coordinator
The ____ _____ is authorized to clean up or abate the affects of any hazardous Substance unlawfully, accidentally, or negligently released, discharged or deposited upon or into any property or facilities within the city.
Fire Chief
Fourth Quarter SCBA Challenge
Hose Carry
Members are instructed to pick up and carry one section of ___ inch hose that is rolled and strapped a distance of ___ft and place it on a table approximately 3x3 .
Member are then required to pick up a second section of __ inch hose and carry it __ft back to the original table.
3 inch
40 ft
3 inch
40 ft
Total time the member is able to physically perform the designated task in an acceptably safe and coordinated manner.
Estimated SCBA Operating Time
Parameters to burn:
Wind speeds to allow burning is ____ or less
Inversion factor must be greater than______ feet
Ozone quality must be above “_____” conditions
City Safety Policy
Risk management will assist each department in developing and coordinating effective safety programs and training. _______ Safety meetings will be conducted by the appropriate supervisor in each department.
The ___________ must approve all long distance business telephone calls made from Fire Department telephones.
Shift Commander
Civil Disturbance Response:
Dispatcher knows or suspects that a civil disturbance has been involved in the call, but there is NO APPARENT THREAT of additional violence, the event shall be dispatched as a “__________”
Decision to stage or proceed into the scene shall be made by the ___________ of the first Responding Unit.
Tier One , Civil Disturbance Proceed with Caution”
Company Officer
Rate at which member consumes the supplied air throughout the operation. Starting Pressure 4500 psi/ SCBA
Estimated Air consumption Rate
If for some reason these instruction are not received , the end user should request them from _____________
Shift Commander
City Safety Policy
A medical questionnaire and fit testing as per 1910.____ must be competed.
It is the responsibility of the ___ ___ or his designee to research, purchase and issue, repair or replace as needed, and retire structural firefighting protective ensemble items.
Fire Chief
Members must minimize personal phone calls and shall limit their personal phone calls to ___________
Five minutes
One shift Commander shall serve as the director of the Wellness/Training Committee as appointed by the ____________
Fire Chief
The ____________ has the responsibility for the implementation and operations of the department’s risk management plan.
Fire Chief
City Safety Policy
Hypothermia- Remove any wet clothing. Submerge victim in warm water (____ degrees to _____ degrees) if possible
100-105 degrees
The Midwest City Risk Management Program will be monitored ANNUALLY, In __________, by the ___________
Health and Safety Officer
Smoking is permitted outside of the fire station, provided the location is a minimum distance of ___ feet from any entrance designated as a public entrance.
25 feet
Civil Disturbance Response
Dispatcher knows or suspects that the POTENTIAL (PD) FOR FURTHER civil disturbance is present, the event shall be dispatched as “______________” Should be considered a ______________ event.
CO should select and identify a staging area that is at least ____ mile away and out of sight and hearing range of the scene.
Tier Two Civil Disturbance Stage for PD
Law Enforcement event
1/4 mile
No member of the Dept. shall give out information on Dept. matters unless authorized by the ___________
Fire Chief
Fourth Quarter SCBA Challenge
Traffic cone test- 8 traffic cones ( spread out in TWO rows of FOUR that are ___ ft apart) FOUR tennis balls are placed on top of FOUR of the cones in a row
Eight (8)
If life or limb is threatened, respond to the nearest emergency room and contact _______ Upon arrival
Risk Management
Permit required; Fees
Bonfires shall not be conducted less than ___ feet from any structure
Recreational fires shall not be conducted within ___ feet of a structure of a structure, or combustible material.
Recreational Fire are to be small fires not greater than ___ square by ___ feet in height.
50 feet
25 feet
3 feet square by 2 feet High
City Safety Policy
Hot Work Permit: Manhole Operations
The Minimum crew for a worker to enter a collection system manhole is _____ workers.
Three (3)
Levels of Protection Haz Mat:
The Level __ Ensemble affords the minimum Protection. This can be normal protective equipment.
Level D
City Safety Policy
Employee injured under your supervision:
Must Accurately complete the Inury/illness report and submit the form to the ___ _______ _______, by the ____ _____ _____ following the Injury.
Workers Comp Coordinator
Next work day
Hearing Program:
NFPA 1500, section 5-11.3 &
OSHA 29 CFR __________
City Safety Policy
Cones used to secure excavations should be a minimum of ___ inches tall and _______ tape stating “Caution-Do Not Cross” on the tape
30 inches tall
City Safety Policy:
Any claim made by a citizen of the City caused by private property damage should be referred to the _____________ department
Risk Management Department
Sprinkler systems:
A minimum safety factor of __ psi will be required on all new sprinkler system installations.
5 psi
The ____ __ _______ will do an audit every quarter and complete the annual report.
Chief of Training
Level Two Response: _______, ________,____,____,____,_____,and Notify ____
Level Three Response: Level 2 with _______ or _______
Closest Engine or Ladder, HMRT, 203, 206, PD, Ambulance
DHS State or Federal Assistance.
When a unit has arrived on scene and is within __ ft of coming to a complete stop or final placement the “on scene” button shall be pressed.
10 feet
ISO Mandates:
Driver Operator Training:
___ hours for New Drivers. In December, a __ hour curriculum will be provided by the Training Division.
60 hour
30 hour
Confined Space Ventilation system
If an extension cord is required, the minimum size is ______ (Max ___ ft)
12 AWG. Max 100 feet
Alarm and detection systems plan review fee:
A permit fee of ____ Plus ____ state fee Plus ____ cents per square foot of the structure shall be charged for all new construction and for existing structures where more than ____ percent of the alarm and/or detection system is being modified.
The _____ ____ _____ will assess the area involved and the material to be burned for safety and compliance concerns
Fire Code Official
Turnouts are to be cleaned by the user __________ and an advanced test must be performed by the ____ ________ _______ _______ at least ______ __ ______
Bi annually
Fire Department trained evaluator
Once a year
City Safety Policy
Working in Cold Weather:
If the chill factor is in the “Great Danger” zone, only life and health safety tasks will be considered with Special Consultation with the ____ ______ and ______ ________
Department Head and City Attorney
City Safety Policy
Hazardous Communications
OSHA 29 CFR 1910:1200
Ventilation Saw:
Each saw is equipped with two different types of blades, a _______ for wood and ______ for light metal and concrete.
Carbide-tip blade
Abrasive blade
City Safety Policy
When an accident involving City property or equipment in which bodily injury or property damage occurs, IMMEDIATELY contact.
All such accidents shall be reported to the City Attorneys office in writing within ___ hours by the ________ _________ and shall include a statement describing the accident.
Your supervisor
Police Department
The safety Coordinator
24 hours
Safety Coordinator
The following procedure shall be followed upon recovering an exposure or suspected exposure to any Communicable Disease.
Notify Supervisor and ____________ Immediately
Shift Commander should notify: (3)
Shift Commander
- Fire Chief
- Training Chief
- EMS Coordinator
Risk Management
Any inclement weather, which could cause cancellation of a scheduled presentation, should be directly confirmed by the ______ ______. Through the information provided on the request form
Company Officer
Tablet care and use:
Cleaning of the screen while in a protective case shall only be done with a ___________ or __________.
Microfiber cloth
Damp cotton cloth
City Safety Policy
When properly placed, the feet of the ladder shall be approximately ___ ____ as long as the vertical
A minimum ___ ____ shall extend above the edge of the trench
One fourth 1/4
3 feet
Rescuer safety is paramount in any rescue situations. Prior to conducting any High Angle Operations, a _______ ______and _____ ______ ________ will be clearly identified.
Safety Officer
Rescue Team Leader
The ___ ____ shall act as the Safety officer if manpower dictates.
Edge Tender
City Safety Policy
Each employee who operates a city vehicle, even if only occasionally, is required to report suspension or revocation of his license to the supervisor who will in turn advise the ____ ______ and the _______ _________.
The ________ is responsible for disciplinary action for an employee failing to report a change in license status.
Safety Coordinator
Personnel Department
The ____________ is responsible for disseminating new or revised SOP’s, informing all personnel, and providing training if needed.
Training officer
City Safety Policy
Safety Equipment such as Personal Protective Equipment’s use is determined by the performance of a Job Hazard Analysis as required by 26 CFR 1910:132
26 CFR 1910:132
City Safety Policy
General Crane safety:
At a minimum, wear a ___ ____ and a Type ___ Safety Vest
Hard Hat
Type II
Structural firefighting protective ensembles items issued to individuals shall be marked with the individual employee’s ________ and _____ ______ by using a black permanent laundry marker in approximately ___ inch letters or numbers.
Any questions about marking protective clothing items should be referred to the ______ ______
Number and Last Name
1/2 inch
Shift Commander
The ____ ______ is responsible for verifying the training and collecting the quarterly reports.
Shift Commander
Civil Disturbance Response
If Fire Department Emergency Response personnel respond to an incident of an unknown nature and find themselves in a violent situation, Personnel shall be informed by the Incident Commander that a “_____________” Retreat is necessary
Area of Retreat should be at least ___ mile away and out of site.
Tier Three
1/2 mile
SOP FDA 3 “Fire Department Personnel Accountability shall be conducted when personnel reach the safe area
In a rescue situation, soil types are considered to be Type __ and shoring should be constructed accordingly
Type C
All weight related exercises should be performed at a weight that is approx. ___ % of the maximum weight that the individual can perform one complete Rep.
City Safety Policy
Placement of cones
Parallel Parking-
Nose In Parking -
Back In Parking-
Parking on roadway with Trailer-
Parallel parking-Adjacent to the rear bumper
Nose In- Rear, centered
Back In- Front Centered
Parking with a trailer- rear corner, center side of truck trailer combo, and front corner
City Safety Policy
Either use tight sheet shoring to guard against the caving in of sandy soil or loose material when the depth of the trench Exceeds ___ feet, or cut back the back to a safe angle of repose.
The safest angle is a ratio of __:__
Five Feet
The _____ ______ ______ will check local weather conditions online at and at the NOAA website each WEEKDAY morning by ___
Fire Code Official
Any member who, due to illness, accident or other reasons, is unable to report for duty at normal starting time shall PROMPTLY Notify his ____________ prior to beginning time of that shift
Commanding officer
Start and operate saw for a minimum of ____ minutes
______ means the item is visually dirty or dirty to the touch with “normal” non-hazardous material, such as after a structure fire.
Child Locked in a car will be a Code __ response and an ambulance will be dispatched with the fire unit
Code 3
Tablet Care and Use:
2 generations of IPADS: One uses ____ flat and wide connector
One uses a newer__ lighting connector
Charger must be a ___amp or greater charger
30 pin
1/4 inch
Hotlines, Units dispatched by radio fo not respond to the alert within ___ seconds of the tone being sound.
90 seconds
Vehicle Take Home Program Procedures:
Agreement Form-
Date, City Vehicle Equipment number, VIN, List of property carried in the vehicle.
Copies to: 4 People
Fleet Supervisor
Fire Chief
Members Immediate Supervisor
ANSI Class __ High Visibility Garments (vests) are carried on each engine, truck
Permit required; Fees
The _________ is authorized to order the extinguishment by the permit holder or the fire department of open burning that creates or adds to a hazardous or objectionable situation
Fire Chief
The creation of a “safe Box” is required for RESCUE of victim. The optimal safe zone is ___ feet of shored safe area.
12 feet
Place a minimum of __ ground ladders for emergency exit. Ladder must remain within ___ feet of personnel for emergency access.
2 ladders
25 feet
Alarm and detection systems plan review fee:
Re-inspection fees may be accessed in the event that Fifty Percent and acceptance test require additional inspections. This Fee shall be in the amount of _________
Fifty Dollars $50
Applications for permits must be made in writing at least ______(__) days prior to the display
Thirty days 30
Level __ Decon shall be used on small releases that have a minimal impact on life, property, and the environment.
Single wash and rinse station with liquid recovery pool
City Safety Policy
Employee Notice of Injury
In the event you have any questions or concerns about your injury or medical treatment, you should immediately call the ______ ______ ______.
Workers Comp Coordinator
Monitoring trench site:
Carbon Monoxide over ___ PPM
Hydrogen Sulfide over ___PPM
35 PPM
Response tools and Equipment:
All broken and damaged tools and equipment shall be taken out of service. An Equipment Maintenance form must be submitted to the _____ ________
Shift Commander
Second quarter Fitness Evaluation
Crawl (search) test:
Employee must crawls distance of ___ ft with 2-180 degree turns.
75 feet
City Safety Policy
All tractors must have the reflective _______ triangle slow moving vehicle sign.
The controlled access device shall be located a sufficient distance from a public street to allow ____ cars to line up at the controlled access device.
In no case shall the controlled access device be located closer than __ feet from the curb or edge of pavement of a public street.
3 cars
50 feet
Employees inability to complete the evolutions should be reported to their ____________
Assistant Chief
Burn permit
The area where the burn permit is to be constructed must be inspected and approved by the _____ ______or his designee prior to a permit being issues and prior to any authorized use.
Fire Inspector
All acts of vandalism to city property will be reported to the _________, who will make the necessary notifications to the _______ and _________.
Shift Commander
Fire Chief and Police Department
Second quarter Fitness Evaluation-
(April, May, June)
Lifting test:
Floor to waist- occasional to _____ lbs
Floor to shoulder- occasional to ___ lbs
120 lbs
50 lbs
City Safety Policy
Working in Hot weather:
Heat Stroke (Most Serious)- temperature ___-____
106-112 degrees
If the equipment is City owned, No repairs are to be made until Authorized by the ____________
City Attorney’s Office
Running activities should be conducted at ___% of the individuals maximum heart rate
If there is more than one member who is in the six-day window when leave must be cancelled, the Shift Commander will cancel leave starting with ________ and will proceed in this manner to the proper number of personnel has been reached.
The last member who requested leave
Point of Entry sector is assigned to control access to the collapse area within _____ feet
300 feet
City Safety Policy
Excavations-Back Hoes and Track Hoes
Spoil dirt shall be at least __ feet back from the edge of the excavation
2 feet
City Safety Policy
Locks used for lockout procedures must be identified by a ___ ____ inch wide _____ band around the body of the lock.
Keys for these locks must have _____ heads.
One Half inch
Yellow band
Yellow head
City Safety Policy
When two chains are used they must be _____ ______.
Double hooked
City Safety Policy
Poison ivy is generally a climbing and trailing vine plant with a cluster of Three leaves on a stem and often has white berries. Very bright in the Fall.
Poison Oak resembles Poison Ivy but Grows Upright with the characteristics of a Bush
Poison ivy and Poison Oak
Second quarter Fitness Evaluation
Ladder Raise:
Employee must raise ____ft ladder from the ground to an erect position using every rung. Once raised, must reverse sequence to lower ladder.
15 ft
Confined Space Ventilation system
Place fan up wind and a Minimum of __ feet from the confined space opening to avoid recirculation of hazardous atmosphere.
5 feet
Second quarter Fitness Evaluation
Stair climb and hose hoist:
Employee must climb to the __ floor landing and hoist hand over hand a __ # weight the equivalent of 2 Standard floors (___ft) the stair climb and hose hoist must be conducted consecutively
2nd floor
22 ft
If ventilation system is used during a hazardous materials incident ensure proper Decon of all components In Accordance with the ________________ Officers guidelines for that incident.
City Safety Policy
Every slow moving vehicle, equipment or other machinery, designed for use at speed less than____ MPH, shall be equipped with a slow moving vehicle emblem.
25 MPH
Fourth Quarter SCBA Challenge
Rescue Drag
Members are instructed to drag a weighted mannequin (175 lbs) approx. _____________ (___) feet around an obstacle and back.
Twenty five (25)
City Safety Policy
Contact should be made with the ____ ______ in charge of any medical facility immediately ______ from manholes and sewers in which work must be done.
Medical Officer
City Safety Policy
Storage of Acetylene:
Store reserve stocks of Acetylene cylinders at least ___ feet away from reserve stocks of oxygen cylinders
20 feet
Proof of general Liability insurance in the amount of at least ___ _____
One million dollars
Fire Lanes:
A Fire lane shall mean any thoroughfare _____ feet or more in width.
20 feet
City Safety Policy
Walls of trench are to be formed utilizing benching or sloping when possible. Any trench over __ feet deep is REQUIRED to have a ladder positioned every ____ feet of trench length
4 feet
25 feet
Chemical Decontamination Solutions:
Used as a Third wash for unknown contaminants such as solvents and organic compounds, PBB’s, PCB’s, oils and greases
Can also be used as a general purpose rinse for Decon solutions 1 &2
Sodium Metasilicate
City Safety Policy
All accidents will be reported to _______ __________ in order to determine the cause and what action must be taken to prevent recurrence.
Risk Management
Exit and emergency lighting required:
Occupied by employees or customers before ___ or after ___
It shall be unlawful and an offense to violate the provisions of this section. Any person convicted of violating this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than $_____ plus costs, or by imprisonment for not more than __ days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Or after 6pm
30 days
Any member who is going to be absent or tardy form his/her duties Shall notify their commanding officer As Soon As Possible. This notification shall, as a minimum, inform their commanding officer ___minutes prior to their scheduled reporting time.
30 minutes
ISO Mandates:
Emergency Medical Training: ___ hours per year of EMS Training
__ AED Refreshers per year
40 hours
4 AED refreshers (1 per quarter)
City Safety Policy:
Accident Review Board Requirements:
If any equipment is City owned, no defective part shall be repaired or disposed of until authorized by the ___________
Department Head
Time at which low pressure alarm activation occurs until the member is no longer receiving adequate air to continue or at which time the firefighter is unable to complete an additional task.
Estimated Escape Time
___________ means the item is known to have Come in Contact with a hazardous material, blood, other bodily fluid, or biological agent
Removal of clothing is a form of Mass Decon. Removal of up to ____ % of the contaminate.
Optimal pressure is approx __ to ___, with average flow of _____ GPM per nozzle
30 to 50 PSI
As defined by OSHA, a Trench is a narrow excavation in relation to it length made below the surface of the ground. In general, The depth is Greater than the Width, but the Width is not greater than ____feet
15 feet
Rescue area Safety:
Provide level area for ground pads and place within___ inches of lip of trench.
6 inches
City Safety Policy
Do not over speed engine. Operate it at the _____ speed needed for effective operation.
Slowest Speed
The minimum clear width of all gates subject to this section shall be ____ feet.
15 feet
SOP Committee:
One firefighter,
One AO
One Company Officer from each shift
The committee shall meet in _____ of every year to discuss any changes to the document shall be updated by __________
June 15th
Approved combustible materials burned within a burn pit shall not exceed __ Feet in height
The Burn Pit Permit shall be effective for a period of __ years from the date of issue
4 feet
5 years
Levels of Protection Haz Mat:
The Level __ ensemble protection shall provide a high level of respiratory protection, but a lesser level of skin protection.
Level B
City Safety Policy
Employee injured under your supervision:
Injury and Illness records will be kept at the office of the _____ ________. Each recordable case must be logged within ___ workdays after learning of its occurrence. The log must be retained for __ years following the end of the calendar year to which it relates.
Safety Coordinator
6 work days
5 years
If a cancellation of constant manning is made within _______ the member will work _______ and have their card returned to the front of the file.
12 hour window
4 hours
Site Safety for Trench:
Hot Zone:___ to _____
Warm Zone:___ to _____
Cold Zone:______ to ______
0-50 feet
50-200 feet
200-300 feet
All Hydrants on public property within the city shall be painted _____.
Private hydrants located on or near a public street shall be painted ______
All Hydrants installed for the sole purpose of serving as a “blow off” for the utilities department shall be painted ____ _____ ____ __ _____ ______.
The same color as public Hydrants
Minimum 2x12 lumber placed between spoil pile and trench on level ground. ___ feet between trench and spoil pile is Optimal
2 feet
City Safety Policy
Employee injured under your supervision:
You must contact the Workers Comp. Coordinator, The Risk Manager, or the _____ _______to obtain approval for medical treatment.
Safety Coordinator
Priority 2- ___________
Closest Engine/Ladder
____________ - establish processes, rules, and guidelines which shall be followed by all Department personnel.
Standard Operating Procedure
Chemical Decontamination Solutions:
Used as the First wash for Unknown contaminants such as inorganic acids, metal processing wastes, solvents, and organic materials, PCB’s and Etiological materials.
Sodium Carbonate (Soda Ash)
City Safety Policy
The safety equipment with the widest variety of design is ___________
ISO Mandates:
Officer Training:
__ hours per year of sustainment training (current Officers)
Fire Officer I & II offered every other year for Lt. and Major Candidates. (Fire Officer I _____ Fire Officer II ____)
12 hours
March; May
City Safety Policy
13 safe steps to excavation and trenching:
Equip trenches deeper than ____ feet with runways, ramps, or ladders within a minimum of ________ feet of the reach of employees inside the work area.
Ladders must be the length that provides for at least ____ rungs be above the top edge of the trench.
Four 4
Twenty Five 25
3 rungs
Secondary Assessment Trench:
Any trench over __ feet deep ManDATES the use of Special Operations Team
8 feet
ISO Mandates:
Company Training- ___. Hours of FF training per year
Strive for __ hours per month
192 hours
16 hours per month
City Safety Policy
Assistance in determining the type of respirator needed can be found in OSHA Health Safety Standards, 1926.____
City Safety Policy
Accurate records for each employee with an occupational exposure must be completed and the records required shall be kept for the duration of employment plus ____ years in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.____
30 years
Alarm and detection systems plan review fee:
A permit fee for modification of Less than 50% of an existing system shall be only the $___ and the $___ state fee.
City Safety Policy
Mishaps involving __________ and ____ ___ _____ ___ are the two. Most common types of injuries involving ladders and scaffolding.
Falls from high places
Level __ Decon shall be used on releases that pose the MOST severe danger to life, property, and the environment and extend beyond the initial property and affects a large area.
Gross Decon station
SECONDARY wash (scrub down) station with liquid recovery
Rinse station with liquid recovery
Level 3 Decon
Hearing protection shall be utilized when operating in environments with noise levels in excess of ______ decibels
City Safety Policy
Any mowing/lawn care work performed at the edge or within ____ feet of a roadway requires a Type ___ reflective wear.
10 feet
Type II
Civil Disturbance Response
If a series of actual acts of civil disturbance are reported in a specified area of the city dispatch shall identify the situation as “_______________” and the ________________ shall be notified and appraised of the situation.
Staging Area may by required to be located in Excess of ___ mile away from the areas where civil disturbances have been identified.
Tier Four Multiple Disturbances
Emergency Management Director
City Safety Policy
The general policy for non-life and Safety tasks will be that cold weather considerations will be implemented anytime the reported Wind Chill falls below -___ degrees Fahrenheit.
-25 degrees
Mutual Aide request for HazMat Team
The dispatcher will immediately contact the _____ _______ and obtain approval to respond the Midwest City Haz Mat Team.
Shift Commander
City Safety Policy
Prior to entry into a permit required confined space, it shall be established the roles of each participant of the entry team. At a minimum, There is to be an Entrant, and Attendant, and a Safety Person. A permit must be filled out by the ______/________ Prior to entry
City Safety Policy
Water accumulation:
Pump out water when in excess of ___ inches
Six 6
The fire department establishes this hearing conservation program as an acknowledgement of the potential for personnel to be subjected to sound levels of ___ dBA or greater.
City Safety Policy
With the front end loader, one of the most serious emergencies is a fire.
The area between the _____ and the _____ ______ is the most likely place for a. Fire to begin. Location of transmission
Cab and the truck body
All Equipment carried on fire apparatus or designated for training shall be inspected at least _____ and within __ hours after any use.
24 hours
Bed Bugs: Bedlam Spray and Clove Spray available at the Training Office. Leave Apparatus on the pad Contact \_\_\_\_ Immediately The \_\_\_ will contact the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
______ should be contacted to help Decon the apparatus and equipment
AC; Training Officer
HazMat 1
NFPA Fire Codes:
Any aggrieved person may appeal the decision of the Fire Chief in writing to the ___ ______ within __ business days
City Manager
5 business days
If the responding ambulance is expected to have a response time of more than ___ minutes the dispatcher should notify the first arriving Fire Department unit of this factor.
10 minutes
6x6 lumber or air shore rails shall be used only and allow __ feet between shores. Walers are placed in the order according to the shores and secured in a minimum of ___ spots.
8 feet
2 spots
Sprinkler systems:
A permit fee of _______ plus the ______ state fee shall be charged for all Newly installed sprinkler systems, plus _____ cents per square foot of new building construction area.
If the project is a remodel only and no additional square footage is bring added to the structure, only the _____ permit fee and ____ state fee will be applicable
$50 $4 $.02
$50 $4
Post entry, transport to medical facility required if:
Increase in pulse greater than ___ beats per minute
Temp greater than _____ deg. (Oral) _____ deg (core)
Systolic BP decrease by _____ mm of Hg at TWO minutes standing
20 beats per minute
101; 102
20 mmHg
The minimum Number of Fire Department Personnel operating on a Level One Hazardous Materials incident shall be _______
Violations; Penalty Permit/Fees
Any person who violates any provisions or a permit issued under this article shall be subject to an Administrative Fee of _______
Any person convicted of violating this article shall be punished by a fine of. Not more than ______ plus costs, or by imprisonment for not more than __ days, or by both such fine and imprisonment
30 days
Second quarter Fitness Evaluation
Simulated Dummy Drag:
Employee must pull the equivalent of ____ lbs dummy a distance of ___ ft with 1-180 degree turn.
160 lbs
70 ft
City Safety Policy
The ________ __________ must be notified and/or consulted with to determine if a confined space is able to be considered as a “Non-permit” space
Safety Coordinator
Levels of Protection Haz Mat:
The Level __ Ensemble protections shall be used when the type and concentration of airborne substances are KNOWN and the criteria for using Air Purifying respirators are met
Level C
______ Spray can be used on the soft items, such as the EMS kits.
Clove Spray
Haz Mat response levels:
Minimal danger to life, property and environment:_________
Moderate danger to life, property, and environment:________
Release of _____ pounds or more in solid form
Release of _____ gallons or more of liquid
Extremely Dangerous to Life, Property and the Environment
Level One
Level Two
40 pounds
100 Gallons
Level Three
Exposure Protocol:
Notify ________ of exposure.
Complete Form ______ for Dept. of Health
Complete ______ report and ______ report
Injury; Supervisors
Sprinkler requirements:
Any business occupancy, as defined by the currently adopted version of the International Fire or Building Code, shall be constructed with an Automatic Sprinkler system and meet all requirements of this code when:
Total square footage of the structure is ______ sq. Ft or more
There is a level or floor within the structure that is below the level of exit discharge OR
The building is constructed with a floor or mezzanine above the third floor calculated from the level of exit
30,000 sq ft
City Safety Policy
Whenever an individual is required to perform his duties in a potentially hazardous situation, the _____ ______ policy shall be Mandatory,
Work place Supervisors will determine when the __________ policy is in effect
Three Person Policy
Oklahoma Dept. Homeland Security Region 8 CBRNE Unit:
When requested to Respond, the Shift Commander shall respond a minimum of ______ personnel with Haz May 1
4 personnel
The Department’s ___________________officer has the responsibility to develop, manage, and annually revise the risk management plan.
Health and Safety
Members are provided a __ minutes rest period followed by a second medical screening
Members are then Provided with a __ minute break to allow for rehab and fluid replacement.
1 minute
15 minute
City Safety Policy
Use of Acetylene:
Stored in an ______ position
Cylinder valves must never be open more than ___ to ____ turn
The quantity is determined by the ____ of the cylinder and it contents.
1/4 to 1/2
Members of the media that request to view or obtain copies of “trip reports” or other Fire Dept. records shall be directed to the _________ or ________ office
Fire Prevention Bureau
Fire Chiefs Office
Second quarter Fitness Evaluation
Hose Drag: employee must pull the equivalent of _____ft of 1 3/4 hose over the shoulder a distance of ____ ft.
Employee must then turn and drop to one knee and pull the hose an additional __ ft.
150 ft
Cleaning Protective Clothing Items:
Water temp. Shall not exceed ______degrees
Cleaning and Decon solutions shall have a pH range of not less than ____ and not greater than ____
105 degrees
6.0- 10.5
City Safety Policy
Install the Upper brace or screw jacks. ____ and remove them ___ for best protection
All emergency vehicles shall park at least _____feet from the collapse site.
100 feet
City Safety Policy
As a general Rule, any trench ___ feet deep or more is to be Shored if space or conditions do not allow for benching or sloping.
5 feet
Burn permits are issued for a period not to exceed ______ ______
One year
The Haz Mat Medical team shall re evaluate the HMRT every ___ to ____ minutes with the member resting, until their evaluation results return to within __ % of their baseline.
5-10 minutes
NFPA National Fire Codes:
The applicant may appeal the decision of the appropriate Fire Official to the _______ of the Fire Department within ___ business days from the date of receipt of notice of the decision appealed.
5 business days
When approved, the GO shall contain a notation indicating that an SOP will follow or include ____________
An expiration date
Second quarter Fitness Evaluation
Stair climb:
Employee must climb steps at a rate of ___ steps/ minute wearing their physical fitness uniform, shorts, T-shirt, and tennis shoes , for a duration of ___ minutes
60 steps/ min
3:00 minutes
City Safety Policy
It is Required that any extinguisher discharged for ANY reason be reported to the ________ __________ and the extinguisher is to be taken immediately out of service for recharge and/or replacement.
Safety Coordinator
City Safety Policy
When an accident involving City property or equipment where bodily injury or property damage has occurred, the ____ ______ shall be contacted immediately
Safety Coordinator
Size Up Trench:
Any trench over ___ feet deep must be shored before personnel are allowed to enter
5 feet deep
No personal items of protective clothing may be used as a substitute for those issued by the department without prior approval from the ____________
Fire Chief
The format used for organizing a successful rescue is referred to as LAST L A S T
Questions about cleaning protective clothing items should be referred to the ____ __________ _________
PPE Committee Member
If there is a question on which uniform is to be worn the appropriate _____________ shall be consulted
Assistant Chief
Second quarter Fitness Evaluation
Simulated Equipment Carry test:
Bilateral carry of 2 - __ lbs items a distance of ___ ft
30 lbs
75 feet
In all areas except those containing only one and two family detached dwellings, Fire Hydrants shall be located in such a manner that no hose line will exceed ______ feet.
400 feet
____________ means the item was used at a specific incident, and in such a manner, it is reasonable to expect that the item May Have Been exposed to a hazardous material, blood, other bodily fluid, or biological agent.
Possibly contaminated
Burn Pit
A burn pit shall be allowed on a property in a location upon property no closer than ______ from any structure, and shall be used in the same manner and under the same requirements in force and effect with regard to any other burning permit and its requirements
50 feet
Whenever possible, a minimum of ________ notice will be given if Manning levels change and constant manning is no longer needed.
12 hour
City Safety Policy
Planking shall be adequately cleated. The scaffolding used for work over __ ____ off the ground shall have toe boards, mid rails, and handrails.
10 feet
Greatest angle above the horizontal plane at which loose material will lie without sliding
Angle of Repose
Level __ Decon shall be used on releases that pose a moderate danger to life, property, and the environment. May also require civilian Decon
Wash station with recovery system
Rinse station with recovery system
Level 2 Decon
The only exception to this should be the Technical Rescue team Vehicle which may park no closer than ___ feet
50 feet
Vehicle Take Home program:
Member selection will be at the discretion of the _______ ______
Fire Chief.
Any Pub Ed events scheduled after hours or on the weekend will be submitted to both the ____ ________ and the ____ ______ for approval.
Shift Commander
Fire Chief
Bed bugs:
Place any gear that was on scene into a large plastic bag and seal the bag.
If the ambient temp. Is over __ degrees, the Infested and bagged gear should be placed inside a vehicle for the remainder of the day. The temp. Inside the vehicle needs to reach at least ______degrees for __ to __ hours to ensure bed bugs die.
85 degrees
118degrees. For 2-3 hours
Check with TIC
___ psi will be used at all times when pressurizing air shores. The only exception is when pressurizing corners, then __ psi will be used until all corners are secured and then Re-pressurize to ___ psi in the same order they were established.
200 psi
50 psi for corners
200 psi
Civil Disturbance Response
In the event that an actual act of violence toward Fire Department personnel has occurred, a perimeter shall be identified a minimum of ____ mile in each direction from which the act occurred. For at least a ___ hour period.
1/4 mile
24 hour
NFPA Fire Codes:
If the aggrieved person disagrees with the decision of the City Manager, he may appeal the City Managers decision to the ____ _______ in writing within __ business days from the date of receipt of notice of the city managers decision.
City Council
5 business days
ISO Mandates:
Driver Operator Training- __ hours per year of sustainment training (relief drivers)
In addition to 192 FF training
Tasks books provided by the ___
12 hours
TO; Training officer
If an issue arises that does not allow for the completion and/or review of an incident report, it should be brought to the attention of the _______ ________ or ______ ______ of the shift to resolve.
Appropriate Shift Commander
Training Chief
All Traffic should be stopped or detoured within____ feet of the collapse site.
300 feet
Fourth Quarter SCBA Challenge
Ladder climb- members are instructed to climb a __ to ___ ft straight ladder to the SECOND to last rung , the specified rung, descend, and proceed to station 2.
City Safety Policy
Other than prescription changes for vision, Any Prescribed brace, splint, Eye Patch, Ect must be reported to the _____ _______ _________ for evaluation prior to the employee beginning work.
Human Resources Department
Permit required; Fees
Special use—-One say only….________
90 day Permit______
One year Permit_________
Bomb Threats:
Closest Engine/Ladder to respond Code ___.
The ____ ______ will be notified of the bomb threat.
Responding Unit will stage a minimum of ____ ft
Portable Radios and Cell Phones no closer than___ft
Code 1
Shift Commander
500 feet
500 feet
Response-________,________,and ONG Priority ONE
2 Engine/Ladder
One ambulance
Each supervisor shall hold periodic safety meetings, These meeting should last an average of ____ minutes and be held once a week.
5 minutes
Damage incurred to vehicles or equipment shall be reported to the members ______ ______ as soon as possible
Immediate Supervisor
Constant manning will be implemented by the shift commander to maintain a minimum of ___ fire suppression personnel on duty.
The ____________ will coordinate the repair or retirement of protective clothing ensemble items as needed
Shift Commander
Trench Level Incidents :
Level 1: Handled by first alarm assignment with limited assistance from cooperating agencies
Level II: Utilizes specially trained resources and requires resources beyond the capabilities of the local Jurisdiction
Level III: Large or Complex operation requiring regional or state rescue teams/ task forces
Level IV: Utilizes National teams
Vehicle take home Program:
Members are required to submit a ______ record of off duty activity/mileage to their Immediate supervisor.
City Safety Policy:
If the blower has a gas driven engine, the exhaust must be downwind from the manhole. Place the air intake to the blower from ___ to ___ feet above the ground surface, depending on conditions.
2 to 5 feet
In the event that two or more personnel have applied for the same period, on the same date (within the six-day window) the shift commander will cancel the leave of ______ first.
The least senior members
Coats and hoods may be removed when the atmosphere and structure are _______ _____ by the _______ __ ___________
Declared Safe
Officer in charge of the incident
Wellness/training Committee:
This Committee shall meet the first ________ of each quarter and submit a formal report to the Fire Chief.
Constant Manning will not be implemented unless all suppression personnel scheduled off for the time period that constant Manning is needed have Pre-scheduled their leave a minimum of _____ days in Advance.
Fire Lanes:
The signs shall have reflective background and shall contain RED lettering at least __ inches in height.
The signs shall be spaced at intervals not to exceed _____(___) feet in distance
2 inch
Sixty (60)
_______ ______ _______ is responsible for coordination of the actual collapse site and the sectors associated with all of the activity in the “rescue area”
Operations Sector Officer
City Safety Policy
As explained in OSHA 29 CFR _____.______, “Occupational Exposures means reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result front he performance of an employees duties
City Safety Policy
Chain Saw ops:
The blade of the saw shall be a minimum of __ inches longer than the circumference of the tree/limb being cut
2 inches
Maas Decon:
Set the nozzles to the WIDEST fog pattern and keep the pressure between ___ to ___ PSI
30 to 50 PSI
A turnaround lane, a minimum of ___ feet in clear width shall be provided for vehicles unable to enter the gated area.
14 feet
HazMat: Assist other HazMat Teams:
HMRT responses outside city limits to Assist another HMRT, shall respond with _____ techs and ___ officer
Five Techs
One Officer
Employees who fail to complete the Second Quarter “Annual fitness Evaluation” will be referred to ____________ “_______________”, for further evaluation through our Occupational Medicine Program
Human Resources “Risk Management Division”
City Safety Policy
Locks, Keys, and tags may be issued through the ________ _____ or designated Supervisor
Lockout/ Tagout training must be done ________ to remain in compliance with federal regulations
Department Head
Protective Clothing Inspections:
Daily, Quarterly, and Yearly
As part of their routine station inspections, the ____ _______ will ensure compliance to this policy quarterly
Company Officer
Trench Rescue:
A Hazard Zone shall be established to control at least ___ feet around the perimeter of the collapse site
75 feet
City Safety Policy
Safety glasses must be _____ rated and approved by the Safety Coordinator prior to their use.
The Safety Zone during shoring is established using the __ foot rule. All Personnel are considered in the safe zone while remaining within __ feet of a shore.
4 foot rule
4 feet
ISO Mandates:
Emergency Vehicle Program: __ hours competed with driving course in ______ of each year
8 hours
Fire Lanes:
Curbs may be painted Red with the words “FIRE LANE—DO NOT BLOCK or “FIRE LANE—NO PARKING lettered in _____ ____ inch letters and spaced at intervals not to exceed _______(___) feet
White 4 inch letters
Sixty (60)
Injury Illness reporting
Supervisor - Perform accident investigation to determine immediate causes associated with the injury or illness and Take Photos as required and report finding with in ___ hours of accident/injury
24 hours
Fourth Quarter SCBA Challenge
Pike pole / Ceiling pull simulation
Members are instructed to raise and lower a weighted pike pole or pry bar simulating the action of pulling a ceiling ___ Times.
The ______ ______ is responsible for ensuring the training is complete, training records are filled out correctly, and safety of all personnel during training
Company Officer
City Safety Policy
Start the ventilation blower, and blow out the manhole atmosphere and check for gas and oxygen content Prior to entry. The blower should be located in an area upwind of the manhole and at least ___ ____ from the manhole opening.
Ten feet (10)
The ________ must approve the usage of Fire Dept. Equipment for any purposes other than official dept. use
Fire Chief