General Policies Flashcards
If the employee is called back on a holiday the employee shall be compensated for a minimum of___ hours at the rate of one and one half times his/her rate of pay, as long as they are on normal work status
3 hours
Any additional increase to the rate of pay would then have to be approved by the ______ and the ______
Human resources director
City manager
An employee will only be consider for acting out of classification pay is he/she is to be assigned for at least ___ calendar days
Records related to alcohol and drug collecting process and training shall be maintained for a minimum of _______ years
The ________, under the direction of the _________, is charged with the maintenance of the classification plan so it should reflect the duties performed by each employee in the classified service, in a class to which each position is allocated
personnel director
City manager
The _________ will also review the medical history made available by the individual when a confirmed positive test could have resulted from a legally prescribed medication.
Lab Director
Employees who are promoted shall be placed on ____ month probation in the new position.
Military leave
Eligibility. Any regular employee who leaves city service for military duty shall be placed on military leave without pay after the first ___ calendar days if said regular employee is a member of the National Guard or Reserve
30 calendar days
______ is a very severe step in the disciplinary process which may be utilized in lieu of termination in some instances.
If an employee chooses not to use one or both of their optional holidays, they may be paid for one or both holidays the ____________
First Payday in December.
Employees who donated blood will be entitled to ___ hours of blood leave
4 hours
In order to prevent stoppage of public business or loss or serious inconvenience to the public, appointment of employees on an emergency, temporary basis may be authorized by the__________
City Manager
Expenses and claims after the trip is completed will be submitted with Amended travel and training request to be approved by the department head, ____________.
Upon approval the reimbursement will be processed through the _________
Assistant City Manger
Finance Department
City Safety Policy
If the blower has a gas driven engine, that must be downwind from the manhole. Place the air intake to the blower from ___ to ____ feet above the ground surface, depending on conditions
2 to 5 feet
Employees who have tested for drugs and alcohol, where no substance abuse was found, shall receive notice of such findings from the ________________
City Human Resources Department.
Arrangements for return of pension fund contributions must be made with the _______
Payroll clerk
The individual in Human Resources who has been designated to receive and review all applications for participation in the Temporary Leave Donation Program
Recommending Official
Whenever an employee terminates his employment with the city, the employee shall make an appointment with the _________ to participate in a brief exit interview.
Human resources department
The supervisor shall immediately notify the ___________, or in hid/her absence, the _________ designee.
In the event that this person is not available, the supervisor shall immediately contact the ________________
Department head
Department head
Human Resources Director
No more than ____hours of vacation may be taken in succession
Employees will be allowed to sell back up to 24 hours of vacation leave if their accrual bank is over the 192 hour max based on the last payday in ________
96;144 for 24 hr employees
Disciplinary Action
If the employee is still dissatisfied with the action taken, he/she may appeal in writing to the _______. The ________ shall render a final decision in writing
Human resources director
Any employee convicted of any alcohol related activity shall notify the ______________ IMMEDIATELY
Human Resources Department
Refusing to immediately submit to an alcohol or drug test when requested by ___________
A supervisor
In any one calendar year, or you leave donor may donate no more than ______ of the amount of annual leave he/she would be entitled to accrue during the leave year in which the donation is made or, no more than ______ of the compensatory time an employee has recorded on the books.
During the probationary period, the_________ May remove an employee who is unable or unwilling to perform the duties of the position satisfactorily Or who’s habits and dependability do not merit his continuance in the service
City Manager
Media statements affecting 2 or more departments will be made only by the ___________.
City Manager
All requests for performance increases must be approved by the _____, _____,______
Department head,
human resources director,
city manager
Employees promoted to a position in a higher pay grade shall be placed in the closest step within the new pay grade plus________ steps
Two additional
Beginning on the 91st day of Injury leave status, the employees salary shall be reduced to ___% of their normal base pay. After __ months of injury leave status, the employee will be reduced to the workers comp. maximum temporary total disability rate established by Oklahoma state statute.
All employees who are members of a reserve component of the Armed Forces or the National Guard shall be entitled to a leave of absence for the purpose of annual training (AT) and regular drills without the loss of pay during the first ____________ of such absence during any federal fiscal year
30 calendar days
Upon successful completion of an approved course, the following reimbursement procedure is to be followed:
Successfully completed with a B or higher
Must present a receipt from the university or college showing the amount paid for tuition
Above items must be attached to a complete Midwest City Claim voucher for the amount claimed for reimbursement
All demotions must be approved by the ____________.
All employees being demoted shall be placed on _______ in their new classification
Human Resources Director
Any vacancy to be filled on a date other than the beginning of a pay period Must have prior approval of the_____ or _________
City Manger or Asst. City Manager
Part time regular employees may be eligible for health benefits if approved by the _______
City Manager
The ________ shall then investigate the actual or suggested duties and recommend to the ______ the appropriate class allocation or the establishment of a new class.
The _______ she’ll have final approval of classification changes
Personnel director; city manager
City manager
Leave Donors will complete the authorization form in full and submit it to the ____________ for processing
Human Resources Department
Upon approval of the ________, an employee may begin work prior to the medical examination
Human Resources Director
Loss or damaged ID badge, immediately contact ______________ for a replacement.
Human Resources
Additional sick leave without loss of pay may be extended by the __________
City Manager
An employee who remains on military status for a period of more than ___ years shall be considered resigned
5 years
Emergency leave
A max of __ days may be allowed at one time and a max of __ days may be allowed per calendar year
Additional emergency leave may be granted at the __________ discretion
CBA 2 & 4
Department Head’s
After the training, the amount shall be adjusted according to the receipts provided by the employee within __ days upon return from said training
10 days
Samples will be collected and tested only by laboratories certified by the ______________
State board of Health.
Sick leave with pay in excess of ____ consecutive work days shall be granted only after presentation of a written statement by a licensed physician certifying that the employees condition prevented him from performing the duties of his position
The ___________ has been designated to oversee and coordinate implementation of handicap programs with the city
HR Director
If, in the instance of a conflict between the merit system and a labor agreement, the __________ shall take precedence
The labor agreement
A regular employee may request a leave of absence without pay for a specified time period of no less than ________ and no to exceed _______.
Such leave may be approved by the employees ___________ and the ________
1 month; 1 year
Department Head
City Manager
A post accident drug and alcohol test should be completed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Drug testing must occur no later than __ hours after the accident.
Alcohol testing must occur no later than __ hours after the accident.
If more than __ hours elapse before an Alcohol test is administered, the city is required to prepare and maintain on file an explanation of why the test was not properly administered for the FHWA
32 hours
8 hours
2 hours
If the employee is being harassed by his/her supervisor, the employee must immediately report this to the___________
Human Resources Director
Employees who donate blood through the Oklahoma blood Institute on behalf of the City’s blood donor program within________ preceding or following the date designated by the city shall be entitled to _____hours of blood leave
72 hours
4 hours
Non uniform city employee whose regular shift begins after 3pm and before 7am shall be eligible to receive shift differential pay of ____ per shift for each shift worked
Tardiness: First occurrence- Second Occurrence- Third Occurrence- Fourth Occurrence-
Oral counseling
Written reprimand-copy to Human Resources File
Disciplinary Probation
Grounds for Dismissal
A referral by a substance abuse professional is ______ when there is a positive test
No Mileage reimbursement will be paid for trips within ___ miles of City Hall or if driving a city Vehicle.
50 miles
When an employee’s position is reclassified to a higher pay grade, he/she shall be advanced to the step in the new grade which will provide_________ as the grade and step from which he/she was reclassified _______
At least the equivalent pay
Plus one step
The employee shall present his/her department head a copy of orders to report for annual training as soon as they are made available and no less than _________ prior to departure on leave
10 working days
In order to minimize potential problems created by military leave, it is the responsibility of the employee to coordinate with __________ In the Scheduling of annual duty training whenever possible
His supervisor
Accident Review Board:
The board will make a recommendation to the department head as to disciplinary action.
If the department head wishes to deviate from the boards recommendation, he/she may appeal the recommendation of the board to the ___________, in writing, within ______ hours of receiving the recommendation.
City Manager; 48 hours
A memo recommending the Suspension without pay, demotion or removal of any employee will be sent to the _________ by the department Head with written documentation supporting the recommended suspension w/o pay/demotion/removal as being for the good of the service.
Review Board
Board consists of:
Assistant city manager as chairperson,
the assistant city manager/administration,
human resources director
and city attorney, or in case of conflict, a department head designated by the city manager
Upon separation an employee shall be paid for the unused portion of his/her compensatory time, not to exceed ____ hours
Employees who have been tested for drugs and alcohol, where No substance abuse was found, shall receive notice of such findings from the city ___________
Human Resources Department
Submission of the physicians statement will be in addition to any prior physicians certification which is generally required for absences of sick leave in excess of____________
Three days
If and employee loses or damages ____ time/identification badges within a __________, there will be a minimum $5 charge to the employee for the third and any subsequent times/identification badge
Two year period
In the case of Job applicants, the lab director or City ____ shall notify the applicant of a positive test result.
Applicant must request a re-test with ___ hours
72 hours
Each eligible employee accumulates 3.7 hours per pay period for sick leave with the exception of a rookie firefighters working 24 hour shifts who shall accrue ___
Hours annually
144 hrs
5.538 hrs per pay period
A supplemental pension program is available to all regular full-time employees after __ months of employment
Membership forms and additional information are available in the Human Resources Department
6 months
Most potential employee performance problems can be best addressed at this level, day to day communications and feedback between an employee and his/her supervisor.
Informal Counseling
The employee shall also provide his/her supervisor with notice of their drill schedule within ____ working days of receipt of same unless said drill is scheduled by proper military authority giving the employee less advance notice.
Ten (10)
If a position that and employee is cross trained to perform and is willing to move to becomes available, the _______ may request that the employee be transferred laterally which requires the approval of the _______and the ______
Department Head
Human resources director;
City manager
An employee who is a member of the reserve component of any branch of the Armed Forces or the National Guard who is ordered to active duty as a result of a state or national emergency is entitled to a leave of absence without loss of pay during the first ____________ Of such leave unless his/her being ordered the active duty is because of:
Own request
Or failure to fulfill contractual language obligation.
30 calendar days
An employee who is laterally transferred to a new position within his/her department shall receive a _______ rate increase within his/her paygrade and shall retain his/her anniversary date
One step
Failing to notify the employees supervisor, ______ _____ ______, that the employee is taking medications or drugs which may interfere with the safe and effective performance of duties.
Before beginning work
Tuition assistance shall be provided to full time regular employees who successfully meet tuition reimbursement requirements for courses administered by an accredited college or university or other training institution approved by the ________
Human Resources office
Eligibility to receive pay for a city holiday shall require that the employee must work his or her regular scheduled shifts ___________ and _____ the holiday
Immediately preceding and following
Employees with less than __ years service may be extended a maximum of __ hours with pay, not to be repaid
Employees with more than __ years of service may be extended the initial __ hours as stated above, plus an additional __ hours for each __years of service with the city
5 years; 40 hours
5 years
40 hours
8 hours
5 years
Any employee who believes he/she has been subjected to discrimination in relation to the employment with the city should notify their ___________, in writing, of the discriminatory acts or action.
The _________is to respond, in writing, within __ working days
Department Head
Department Head
5 working days
Anytime an employee is promoted and the promotion requires that he/she leave one pension plan and be placed on another, his/her vacation and sick leave accrual shall be earned at the rate of _______ and vacation leave Shall begin with ________
A newly hired employee
A zero balance
The pre employment protocols for police officers and firefighters are on file in the office of the ___________
_____ percent Of the total police and fire employees will be subject to random testing on an ______basis
Human Resources Director
Compensatory time records will be maintained by both the _________ and _________
Payroll office
The city official designated to approve or disapprove the applications of potential leave recipients is __________.
City Manager
This type of believe may be issued by the department head for a specific time period, with or without pay, at which time in employee is to be off the job.
Suspension/decision making leave
When a determination is made that employee may be impaired because of drug or alcohol use, he/she shall not be allowed to return to work until the test results have been reviewed and confirmed by the ___________
Medical review Officer
It shall be the responsibility of the ______________ to place the employee who has a qualifying event on FMLA, fill out necessary FMLA request form and forward it to the ______________ for approval
Department Head
HR Department
When employees are traveling overnight or out of state, ____ dollars per day will be allowed for incidentals
The work period shall be defined at 12:01 a.m. Thursday through 12 midnight Wednesday of the 2nd week for all employees except Police and Fire who are covered under the ______ under the FLSA
7K exemption
Garnishment from ______________ within a One year period shall be grounds for dismissal.
More than 2 different creditors
The Positive reports or tests results shall be disclosed to the _________ ______ on a need to know basis.
Department Head
______ leave may be used for treatment and rehabilitation purposes.
Provided the application is complete upon receipt in the human resource department, the review and subsequent approval/disapproval should take no more than_______
Three workdays
As part of an administrative investigation regarding an alleged violation of the City’s policies and procedures, an employee may be required to submit to a polygraph test at the discretion of the __________
City Manager
Rental car expense will be considered a special expense and may be paid by the city when prior written approval is received from the __________.
City Manager
Employees may not pick up checks early without the approval of the __________
Department Head
The city Council will exercise it’s good faith and judgment in light of all the available information presented to it concerning the benefits of the cost savings suggestion in determining the amount of the award, up to a maximum of _______
Once off probation, The firefighter will be covered under the IAFF contract and will receive a bank of PDO hours based upon accruing at the rate of _____ hours per pay period for the remainder of that fiscal year.
The human resources department shall send out a description of the vacancy and its requirements to all departments.
Each department will post this notice on the appropriate bulletin board for at least __ regularly scheduled working days
5 regularly scheduled
The employee may furnish the Review Board a written statement within ___ normal business days following the receipt of the Department Head’s recommendation.
ALL pertinent information will be sent to the ______, including review boards comments
The _______ will issue a written decision to the employee and department Head within ___ normal business days.
3 normal business days
City Manager
City Manager; 10 normal business days
Without written authorization from the ________, no employee on probation will be eligible to be considered for promotion or transfer until the probationary period has been completed
City manager
All Holiday leave must be used before the calendar year ends and the new calendar begins, unless prior approval by the _________
Department Head
Any questions, ideas, or suggestions regarding handicap access or services should be directed to the _________
HR Director
If the application is not approved, the _____________ will notify the applicant (or another employee who made application on behalf of the potential leave recipient)
Within ________ after the date the application was received.
Human Resources Department
Three workdays
Any request for assistance under the American With Disabilities Act should be directed to the _________
Human Resources Director
All requests to fill vacancies must be approved by the_____ or _______ before the human resources department can advertise the recruit for the position
City Manager or Assist. City Manager
Unannounced follow-up tests will be conducted at least___ times within the first __ months after an employee returns to work.
Testing may be extended for a period of up to __ months after return to work.
6 Times
12 months
60 months
City Grievance procedure:
- Present grievance to supervisor
- Present grievance to Dept. Head
- Present grievance to HR Director in writing
HR Director shall meet with the employee and Dept. Head within __ calendar days in an attempt to resolve the grievance.
If unresolved, HR Director shall issue a decision, in writing, within __ calendar days of the meeting
If unresolved after answer from HR Director, grievance may be submitted to the _______ within __ calendar days.
City Manager shall review and issue a response to grievant and Dept Head within ___ calendar days of receipt of the grievance
City Manager 7
Accident Review Board:
Operational and administrative procedures and rules will be established by the board and modified from time as approved by The ___________
City Manager
Regular employees, not currently on disciplinary probation, who have exhausted all their earned leave, may be granted extended sick leave with pay for a specific time period by the ______
City Manager
These rules shall be administered by the _________ Under the direction on the _________
Human resources director
City manager
Leave accrued
0-12 months
4.6 hrs per pay period
If a performance increase is delayed for improvement, the employee shall be reevaluated in ___days
If placed in a new position, the employee will be placed on _________ probation unless otherwise waived by the_______, and approved by the _________ and _________
Department head
Human resources director
City manager
These drills are mandatory and normally scheduled ____ to ______ in advance
6 months to One Year
No employee shall be eligible for a performance pay increase while on ________status
Leave without pay
An employee returning from military leave shall be entitled to restoration to his former position he makes application within __ days from his release from military provided said applicant shall provide a certificate evidencing satisfactory completion of service.
90 days
All regular city employees who work at least ____hours per week on a regular basis may be covered by the City’s Health benefit program
30 hours
The employee shall be advised of the Positive test results by the ________ ___________.
Retest so must by requested within a period of ___ hours after notification of an initial positive test by the ____.
City MRO
72 hours
Automated time and attendance policy
Employees may clock in no earlier than__ minutes prior to their assigned starting time.
City employees assigned to on call status shall be compensated at the rate of 1 1/2 times his/her rate of pay for a minimum of _____ if call back
Two hours
Contact the ___________ for a schedule of current tuition reimbursement rates
HR Department
Accident review Board:
Formed at the discretion of the ________ to review accidents and damage or alleged abuse of all city vehicles , equipment , apparatus, and property.
The board makes recommendations to the _______
City Manager
City Manager
Request for advance expenses must be submitted______ days prior to departure.
The _________is responsible for making all travel and hotel reservations
10 days
Department Head
Members of the reserves and National Guard are required to attend an Annual Training, this is also referred to as Summer Camp. This AT Is usually performed as a unit and normally consist of ___ duty days.
Some units have a longer mandatory AT, but normally do not exceed ___ duty days per year
A standard of work performance which exceeds what would be considered adequate performance for a particular position
Meritorious service
No two individuals shall be employed within the same department who are related by blood or marriage within the 3rd degree.
Any exceptions must be approved by the _____ and _____.
HR Director
City Manager
Payroll time must be entered into the computer system by _________ after each_______ that ends a pay period.
The ________is responsible for verifying and approving the time recorded and type of believe used for each employee in his department
3pm Thursday after each Wednesday
Department Head
Written documentation of poor employee job performance, listing corrective actions to be taken by the employee and setting prescribed improvement to be expected
Written reprimand
Employees may accrue and bank ___ hours of compensatory time. Maximum accrual of compensatory time which in employee may have at the end of any pay period is ___hours
Department head shall authorize all such comp time before it is taken.
80; 80
Employees wishing to use leave intermittently or to utilize a reduced workweek for birth or adoption purposes will need to discuss and gain approval for such use from the employees __________and the ________
Department Head
Human Resources Department
Any exempt employee who believes there have been improper pay deductions made shall immediately contact the __________ and present the relevant evidence Of said deductions
Human resources department
All specimens identified as positive on the initial test be confirmed by using GCMS or its equivalent as approved by the ________________
Commissioner of Health
Reimbursement for meals at conferences where the employee does not remain overnight, shall be the actual cost of the meal, including tax and tip, not to exceed _______ of the present MIE rate for the location where the lunch was purchased
One third (1/3)
Tuition reimbursement for courses above a bachelors degree may be granted at the discretion of the __________ if it is clearly demonstrated that advanced courses are necessary for career advancement within the organization
City Manager
All Requests for travel must be submitted to the _________ at least ____ days prior to the training or travel
Human Resources Director
Applications will be kept active for a period of _______
6 months
City vehicles may be driven home upon the __________ approval
City Manager’s
Employees are ___________ eligible for Worker’s Compensation, emergency leave, civil leave, military leave and any designated holidays remaining in the calendar year.
At the end of _____, the employee is eligible to participate in the city employees health benefits plan
3 months
Employees receiving tuition reimbursement for courses above a Bachelors degree shall agree to remain in City employment for _____ for each credit hour paid for by the city
1 month
Regular and regular part time employees who have worked for the city at least___ months are the only employees eligible to take paid vacation leave.
6 months
If the employee wishes to be placed on Civil Leave while testifying as a professional or expert witness, all fees are to be turned into the _____ _____, less approved expenses (Mileage, parking and meals.)
City Clerk
All requests for consideration for Retirement Leave must be approved by the employee’s _______, _________, and the _________.
Department Head,
Human Resources Director
City Manager
The absence from duty without available paid leave was/is (or is expected to be) at least ________ and is likely to (or did) result in substantial loss of income ( or indebtedness)
10 workdays
Accident Review Board:
The board shall be convened at the request of the _____________
Risk Manager
A voluntary demotion must be approved in advance by the _______ and the _______.
The employees request must be made in writing to the __________ and include the reason(s) for the request
Department head
Human resources director
Department head
City employees assigned to on-call/callback (standby) status shall be compensated at the rate of one and one half times his/her rate of pay as long as they are on normal work status for a minimum of ___ hours if called back
2 hours
The employee may appeal the following types of disciplinary actions taken against him/her by notifying the ______, in writing, within ____ working days:
The ______ must respond, in writing, within _____
Department Head; within 5 working days
Written reprimand
Suspension with pay
Performance evaluation
Department Head; 5 working days
Tardiness shall be docked in increments of no less than ___ minutes
15 minutes
If the applicant has experience that would warrant a higher rate of pay then the third step of the paygrade, the________ can obtain approval from the ________ to set the pay rate at the fourth or fifth step of a pay grade
Department head
Assistant city manager
Leave may not be transferred from a donor’s leave account to any other leave account more often then ___________ unless approved by the ___________.
Every 6 pay periods
City Manager
After 12 months on Injury leave status, the employee will be reduced to the workers compensation maximum temporary total disability rate established by OK state Statute. After __ months, employees on injury leave shall no longer accrue leave benefits.
3 months
Pre-employment rest results for Firefighters or police officers will by forwarded directly to the applicable State Pension System. A copy will by sent to the ________ ________ _______
Human Resources Director
Records of negative and canceled drug test results and alcohol test results with a concentration of less than .02 shall be maintained for a minimum of _____
One year
Upon termination from employment AFTER 10 years of continuous employment…….The employees sick leave bank balance shall be paid to the employee at ____ % of the employees regular hourly rate of pay.
In instances involving voluntary, involuntary reclassification of a position, the ________ shall review all factors to be considered in recommending a new salary or wage rate to the __________.
Human resources director
City manager
All medical bills and/ or receipts associated with on the job injuries must be filed with the ___________ office for appropriate review and payment
Risk management office
Problems and potential problems regarding an employees job performance are to be discussed orally by the supervisor with an emphasis on correcting the problem situation, not to punish the employee.
Oral Reprimand
Regular monthly drills are performed by members of the reserves and National Guard and usually consist of ________ scheduled on a Saturday and Sunday once each month
Two days
Any employee convicted of any criminal drug activity that occurred on the job shall notify the ______________ within ____ of said conviction.
Human Resources Department
5 days
The __________ and/or the ___________ will either approve or disapprove the request
Assistant City Manger
City Manager
Retirement Leave
Prior to the request being submitted to the CITY MANAGER, it is the employees responsibility to schedule a meeting with the ____________ staff to meet with Him/Her and His/Her Department Head to discuss the appropriate pay/benefits to be used during Retirement Leave.
Human Resources staff
Lodging expenses will not be allowed for any trips within _____driving time from Midwest city
2 hour
City Safety Policy
The blower should be located in an area upwind of the manhole and at least ___ feet from the manhole opening
10 feet
The _________ shall set the salary or wage for the employee prior to the implementation of a voluntary or reclassification demotion
City manager
A probationary period Maybe from a minimum of ____ days to ____ in length.
90 days to 1 year.
Employees who have been employed for at least ___ months and have worked at least ___ hours during the previous 12 month period are entitled to _____ weeks of leave during any 12 Month period
Employee Incentive Program:
The employee or employees suggesting the idea will be notified, in writing, by the City Manager within ____ days of the date the idea was submitted to the city manager’s office
120 days
The employee shall retain a right to ___ % of the new profits derived from said patents or copyrights.
40 %
Regular monthly drills are performed by members of the reserves and national guard and usually consists of __days scheduled on a _________ and ________ once each month.
Saturday and Sunday
Employees must furnish written verification of having voted no later than the employees ________________
Next regular workday
Supervisors are responsible for seeing that there is no sexual harassment in the workplace. If an employee has a complaint that he/she is being sexually harassed, it should be brought to the attention of the __________and the ___________
Department Head
Human Resources Director
Donated leave is defined as vacation leave, holiday leave for employees subject to work on designated holidays, personal days off, compensatory time or sick leave in excess of ___________
560 hours
Employees under FMLA must work an amount of time equivalent to the time they were off ______ pay in order to qualify for a merit evaluation
Confirmation testing will be conducted by using Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry. The Urine sample shall be retained for ____ months by proper storage method to allow for further testing if necessary.
12 months
For birth or adoption of a child, the employee must provide notice ____ days in advance
If the normal pay day falls on a holiday, payroll checks shall be distributed _____________
On the workday prior to that holiday.
The________ is authorized to set the rate of pay within the first three steps of a pay grade
Department head
Whenever a new position is established, or duties of an old position change, the ________ shall submit in writing a comprehensive job description, describing in detail the duties of such a position
Department head
Employees who work in a safety sensitive position shall notify their _______ prior to reporting for duty
All courses to be submitted for tuition reimbursement must be submitted to the _________ prior to formal enrollment of the course.
Human Resources office
Each employee who request time off duty to vote in municipal, county, state, or federal elections may be granted a maximum of ________ voting leave with pay in accordance with the following provisions
Two (2) hours
The _________ shall have the final authority in the determination of any grievance
City Manager**
A CDL Driver involved in an accident is prohibited from consuming alcohol for __ hours after the accident or until he/she has taken a drug and alcohol test.
8 hours
Employees may receive a maximum of _______ hours of donated leave during their total time of employment with the City of Midwest City.
Any requests beyond the max. Shall be considered on a case by case basis by the ________
1040 hours
City Manager
Employees may engage in additional employment outside the official hours of duty if approved in writing by the __________
Department Head
When a position is reclassified to a lower paygrade, and employee shall be moved to the step in the lower grade which causes the ___________ in pay
Smallest decrease
Members of the Reserves and National Guard are required to attend an Annual Training, this is also referred to as Summer Camp. This AT is usually performed as a unit and normally consists of ___ duty days. Some units have a longer mandatory AT but normally do not exceed ___ duty days per year.
For employees on a work week other than Monday through Friday, the ________ shall designate the work day that shall be observed
All holiday leave must be used before the calendar year ends and the new calendar begins, unless prior approval by the _________
Department Head
Department Head
Requests for voting leave must be made, in writing, to the employees supervisor no later than _____________each election
The day preceding
Regular and regular part time enployees Who have worked for the city at least ____ are the only employees eligible for sick leave with pay.
6 months
These drills are mandatory and normally scheduled ______ to _____ in advance.
6 months - 1 year
When an employee is absent from work for ____ consecutive working days without authorization, the employee will be terminated.
Any employee injured on the job must notify his/her supervisor_____________ and complete the required injury/illness report and Worker’s Compensation Court form 2 __________
Both forms must be submitted to the ________ no later than_______ following the injury.
As soon as possible
Risk Management Office
The next day
Privacy and confidentiality of the application:
Information will only be provided to the ____________ and _________
Human Resources Department
Approving Official
Employee Incentive Program
The written cost savings suggestion form shall be submitted directly to the _________office where it will be date stamped upon receipt
City Managers
No less than ___ increments of vacation leave may be taken
No less than ____ increments of sick leave may be taken.
1/4 hour
1/4 hour
This section shall not apply to those employees who’s workday begins _______hours or more subsequent to the time of the opening of the polls, or ends _______ hours or more prior to the time of the closing of the polls
PDO’s Must be used in_____ hour increments
12 hour
Department heads should notify __________ of any pending vacancy by completing the “_____________”
The position vacancy form will be forwarded by______ to the_______ or the________ for approval
Human Resources
“Notification of position vacancy”
Human Resources
City Manager
Assistant City Manager