SOP 323 Processing Stolen Vehicles Flashcards
Process vehicle for latent fingerprints with an emphasis placed in the ________.
The________ may authorize a crime lab to
process and photograph the vehicle.
recovering officer’s supervisor
Should notification not occur, it should be documented on the ________ and routed to the Auto Theft Squad.
recovery supplement
It is the responsibility of the recovering officer to ensure that the originating agency is advised of the_____, _______information,and __________ of the vehicle. This will be accomplished by teletyping the other agency.
suspect information
storage location
The _______of the Communications Technician who causes the teletype to be sent to the other agency will be in the “recovered stolen vehicle-other jurisdiction”
operator number
Impounding recovered stolen vehicles should be viewed as a last resort, as the _____ is responsible for the resulting fines.
A hold will not be placed on a recovered stolen vehicle unless the following criteria are present:
- V.I.N. is missing or altered
- Vehicle used in a serious offense
- Originating Agency Request Hold