Sonographers In The Clinical Setting Flashcards
What are the major principles of medical ethics?
- Respect for autonomy
- Nonmaleficence
- Beneficence
- Justice
These principles guide healthcare professionals in ethical decision-making.
Define respect for autonomy.
The patient has the capacity to act intentionally, with understanding, and with free will.
This principle is the basis of informed consent.
What does nonmaleficence mean?
Avoid needless harm or injury to the patient, whether by action or inaction.
It requires medical competence.
Explain beneficence.
The actions of health care providers should benefit the patient.
This principle emphasizes the importance of patient welfare.
What is the principle of justice in medical ethics?
Fairness in treatment, ensuring that people who are equals qualify for equal treatment regardless of various factors.
This includes age, gender, and educational background.
What is informed consent?
The process of educating patients about the essentials of a medical procedure, including:
* The nature of the procedure
* Reasonable alternatives
* The risks, benefits, and uncertainties related to each alternative
* Assessment of the patient’s understanding
* The patient’s acceptance
It ensures patients make voluntary, knowledgeable decisions.
When should a sonographer question a patient’s ability to participate in decision making?
- Underage (<18)
- Patient is incapacitated or incapable
- Patient does not speak English and requires a translator
Only the patient can provide consent.
What should a sonographer do if a patient revokes consent?
The sonographer must end the exam as soon as it is safe to do so.
Consent can be revoked at any time by the patient.
What is the first step when meeting a patient?
Treat the patient respectfully, introduce yourself, and describe your role and the procedure.
Building a rapport is crucial for effective communication.
What is essential before starting an exam?
Identify the patient.
This is important for ensuring the correct procedure is performed on the correct individual.
True or False: A sonographer can provide a clinical interpretation of the exam to the patient.
Sonographers must not provide clinical interpretations to patients.
What is dignity in the context of patient care?
The quality of being worthy, honored, or esteemed; includes a patient’s perception of being in control and having self-worth.
Every patient has the right to be treated in a dignified manner, one that is respectful and ethical.
What are some factors that can lead to a loss of dignity?
Factors include:
* Advanced age
* Infirmity
* Lack of privacy
These factors can significantly impact how patients perceive their care.
What does ergonomics study?
The interaction between the sonographer, patient, and equipment to optimize the well-being of sonographers in their professional environment.
This field aims to reduce injuries and improve efficiency.
What percentage of sonographers experience WRMSIs?
More than 3 out of 4 sonographers experience WRMSIs.
Nearly 20% end their careers due to these injuries.
What are common causes of injury in sonographers?
Causes include:
* Repetitive motions
* Forceful or awkward movements
* Poor posture
* Improper positioning
* Strain
* Pressure on joints for extended periods.
These factors contribute to work-related injuries.
What are Standard Precautions?
A set of guidelines to minimize exposure and risk for health care workers when in contact with a patient.
Based on the idea that all patients should be treated as potentially infectious.
What is the purpose of SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)?
A detailed work practice program that helps prevent WRIS.
Sonographers should know the location of SOPs.
Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with SOPs?
The supervisor is responsible for making sure all employees are following SOPs.
This oversight is crucial for maintaining safety and standards.