Doppler Flashcards
What is the Doppler principle?
The physical principle used to measure the velocity of blood in circulation
Define demodulation in the context of Doppler.
The process of extracting the low Doppler frequency from the transducer’s carrier frequency
What are positive Doppler shifts?
When blood cells move toward the transducer, causing the reflected frequency to be higher than the transmitted frequency
What are negative Doppler shifts?
When blood cells move away from the transducer, causing the reflected frequency to be lower than the transmitted frequency
What does the Doppler shift represent?
The difference between the reflected frequency and the transmitted frequency
Fill in the blank: Doppler shift (Hz) = _______.
reflected freq. - transmitted freq.
What is measured velocity in Doppler?
Defined by a magnitude and a direction
What is the formula for Doppler shift?
Doppler shift = 2 x velocity of blood x transducer freq. x cosine
What does the cosine factor represent in the Doppler shift formula?
The angle between sound and vessels
What does bidirectional Doppler distinguish?
The direction of flow toward or away from the transducer
What does a spectral tracing below the baseline indicate?
A negative shift or flow away from the transducer
What does a spectral tracing above the baseline indicate?
A positive shift or flow toward the transducer
What is Continuous Wave (CW) Doppler?
A commonly used signal processing technique for bidirectional Doppler
What are the advantages of CW Doppler? List at least two.
- Ability to accurately measure very high velocities
- Very small Doppler shifts can be detected
What is a disadvantage of CW Doppler?
Cannot determine the exact location of moving blood cells due to range ambiguity
What does range ambiguity refer to?
The inability to determine depth of reflections due to overlap of transmit and receive beams
Fill in the blank: Simultaneous anatomic imaging and Doppler fusion is achieved with _______.
What does duplex imaging/scanning refer to?
Velocities sampled every second in blood circulation
What are the two Doppler shifts in the Doppler shift formula?
- Reception of sound wave by moving RBC
- Transducer’s reception of the sound wave from the moving RBC
What is the significance of the number 2 in the Doppler shift equation?
Represents that there are actually 2 Doppler shifts involved
What does PW Doppler stand for?
Pulsed Wave Doppler
PW Doppler is a type of ultrasound that measures blood flow velocities.
What is range resolution in the context of PW Doppler?
The ability to select the exact location where velocities are measured
This is achieved by placing a small marker called the gate or sample volume on a 2D image.
What is aliasing in Doppler ultrasound?
Inaccurate measurement of high velocity signals
It can result in high velocity flow being displayed as traveling in the opposite direction.
What is the Nyquist limit?
The highest Doppler frequency or velocity that can be measured without aliasing
It is defined as Nyquist limit (Hz) = PRF / 2.
What does the color map do in Color Flow Doppler?
Converts measured velocities into colors on the image
It displays flow direction and velocity through a vertical bar of various colors.
What is the primary advantage of PW Doppler?
Ability to select the exact location for velocity measurement
This is facilitated by the use of a gate or sample volume.
Fill in the blank: The most common error associated with Doppler ultrasound is that high velocity flow in one direction is incorrectly displayed as traveling in the _______.
opposite direction
What are the two most common dictionaries used in Color Flow Doppler?
- Velocity mode
- Variance mode
True or False: Aliasing never occurs with Continuous Wave (CW) Doppler.
What is the relationship between the amplitude of the reflected signal and the number of blood cells?
Related to the number of blood cells creating the reflection
A higher number of blood cells leads to a stronger reflected signal.
What type of information does Color Flow Doppler provide?
Direction of flow and average or mean velocities
This is done through color-coded velocity information superimposed on a gray scale image.
What is the effect of scanning deeper regions in relation to Doppler sampling rate?
Aliasing can occur if the sampling rate is too low compared to measured blood velocities
This is particularly relevant when measuring high velocity flows.
What is the significance of the black bar in the Color Map?
Indicates ‘no Doppler shift’
It serves as a reference point for determining flow direction.
How does Color Flow Doppler differ from PW Doppler regarding the importance of angle knowledge?
Knowledge of angle is less important than in CW or PW Doppler
This allows for more flexibility in imaging techniques.