Some other individual differences Flashcards
XY, XX, and many variants
XXY is called a typicalintersex combination (Klinefelter syndrome)
XXXY, XXXXY and XYY (Klinefelter variants).
Can be born with a chromosome missing and thus have 22 sets of autosomes and an XO combination of sex chromosomes where the O indicates a sex chromosome (originally either an X or Y) has been lost (Turner syndrome)
Vast majority of psychology research has looked to differences between males and females (alpha bias) with males traits the valued norm (Bohan, 2013)
This changed somewhat with the rise of feminism in the 1960’s
Currently female attributes are being valued in a way they haven’t been before (Bohan, 2013) but are still not valued equally
There are differences between the sexes (e.g., hormonally, neurologically) but does that translate into measureable individual differences as a function of sex?
1980’s differences
Even in the 1980’s differences were greater within than between the 2 predominant sexes e.g. levels of aggression
What is feminism?
Simply put, a feminist believes all sexes to be equal.
Politics, radical, & feminazi
“In every country and culture that I have visited, from Sweden to Uganda, from Singapore to Mali, it is clear that when women are given respect, and the ability and freedom to pursue their personal dreams and ambitions, life improves for everyone.”
Helen Mirren @ Tulane University, May 20th, 2017
A common perception is that women’s rights have never been better.
The rights we have were hard won …by feminist activists …going back generations to the first wave of feminism in the 1900s. In the 1970s during what is known as the “second wave” of feminism, activists secured for us vital services such as refuges and helplines, which provide support today to women, children and men affected by domestic abuse, rape and sexual violence (Mackay, 2015)
Adam (2005, p. 7) states, ‘we talk of football and women’s football, not men’s football and women’s football’.
The male nurse, man bag, women’s golf etc
Inherent in such language is role & behaviour bias
Australian Bureau of Statistics (Cat No. 6302.0)
Males working full-time earn 18.2% more than woman working full-time (2014).
Between November 2013 and May 2014, men’s salaries increased an average $24.90 per week and women’s increased only $7.09.
Has significant impact on females financial security over their lifetimes.
Highest gender pay gap at 30.7% are the health care and social assistance sectors.
What influences how clever we see ourselves?
Are there sex differences?
Both males and females tend to over-estimate their ability
Correlations between perceived intelligence and actual tend to be small (e.g., about .2)
Some evidence suggests that personality is related to self-estimation accuracy e.g., agreeableness and neuroticism both negatively related to self-estimated intelligence albeit weakly but not to actual intelligence
Some studies suggest that O is + correlated with intelligence – latest research suggests it is related to crystallized but not fluid intelligence
Men tend to over-estimate their ability more than women but that is aggregate (i.e., domains differ)
As women don’t over-estimate as much as men in general but both do it, women suggested to be more accurate in estimating their intelligence than men
So there were some relationships with over-estimation of abilities and E, O, C, being male etc but the variance accounted for suggests a lot more than personality and sex are involved
De Bolle et al. 2015
Sex differences in personality of adolescents in 23 cultures.
Girls scored higher on all 5 of the NEO dimensions than boys – particularly on openness and conscientiousness
Some differences in facets e. g., boys higher in excitement seeking and ideas
No differences in impulsivity, values, compliance etc
Girls show sex-type differences earlier than boys
Age & sex interaction for N with girls higher but both sexes had lower N with increased age
No differences in these patterns across cultures
Music dimensions and personality(Zweigenhaft, 2008)
Compared 4 genres of music with the 30 facets of the FFM and then specific music ‘types’
reflective & complex genre
intense & rebellious genre
upbeat & conventional genre
energetic & rhythmic genre
Also compared grades and preference for a particular type of music
Examples of sig. relationships with reflective & complex genre
Blues O (.30) Jazz vulnerability (-ve.22), assertiveness (.32), esthetics (.32) Classical nothing sig Folk most strongly with O (.40) & all its facets, angry hostility (-.25), trust (.23)
Sig. relationships with intense & rebellious genre
Alternative O facet of values (.26) Heavy metal Angry hostility (-.23), order (-.22), achievement striving (-.22) Rock No sig facet relationships
Sig. relationships with upbeat & conventional genre
Values (-.22)
Esthetics (-.28), ideas(-.30), values(-.25)
Impulsiveness (-.23), feelings (-.27), values (-.54). Overall O (-.36)
Esthetics (-.23), modesty (.28) overall A (.26)
Sig. relationships with energetic & rhythmic genre
No sig facet relationships
Impulsiveness (.22), E (.28), O (.38), self-discipline (-.24)
Warmth (.22), esthetics (.22), actions (.22), altruism (.22)
And a pile of others
Bluegrass, oldies, opera, punk etc
Compared grades and music preference and found no sig. relationships but trends for higher grades related to rock and punk and lower grades with country and rap/hip-hop
Significant sex differences in empathyMark H. Davis
Women displaying higher scores than men in each case.
Largest difference on the fantasy subscale; mean was 18.75 for women, and 15.73 for men, F(1,1176) = 96.28; p
Hinduism: oldest major religion
Unifying aspect is belief in Brahman
(universal life force)
Ignorance of true nature of self (atman) as being one with Brahman, traps you in a cycle of death & reincarnation (Samsara)
Hence, highest goal in Hinduism is liberation (moksha) from the karmic cycle of birth and death
It is a way of life encompassing family, social life, politics, business, art, and health behaviours
Yoga is a well-known aspect of Hinduism, family life is also considered a sacred duty.
Most houses have a shrine to a particular deity and women conduct a regular puja to the deity
Siva (or Shiva) is simultaneously the creator, maintainer, and destroyer of life.
Judaism, an ancient (2000BC) and highly specified religion that regards its followers as chosen especially by G-d, places little emphasis on the afterlife, focusing instead on human actions and their effect on mortal life.
Jews are descendents of the Israelites who follow the laws set down in the Torah which is the word of G-d passed down through Moses
Central tenet: One all powerful G-d
Humanistic Jews
Siddhattha Gautama Buddha
Born in 563 B.C. at Kapilavastu, on the border of Nepal.
Then known as Siddhartha, son of the King of the Sakyas, Suddhodana & Queen Maya.
Siddhartha lived in the protected splendour of the palace; at 16 was married to Princess Yasodhara (who later became his disciple and was known as the Lady of the Lotus).
Son named Rahula.
Buddha means Enlightened One or Awakened One
Every living being has the same basic wish – to be happy and to avoid suffering
Respond to difficult situations with a positive or peaceful mind they would not be problems for us; indeed we may even come to regard them as challenges or opportunities for growth and development.
Buddhism has a strong ethical code that encourages generosity and refraining from killing living beings, stealing, sexual immorality, lying, and taking intoxicants
Worlds largest religion
based on the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth
Son of God rather than a prophet who was prophesized about in the old testament
Many denominations but monotheistic
originating in Arabia and followed by an estimated 900 million people in the contemporary world (2nd largest next to Christianity)
Muslims firmly follow the belief that their actions during physical life (ajal musamma) are indicative of their fate in the after life
Islam means submission, as in total surrender of oneself to God
Believe God revealed the Qur’an to Muhammad who was a profit as was Moses, Abraham & Jesus
What do they have in common?
A system of belief by which to make sense of the world
While the beliefs of the Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist, Christian and Jewish faiths regarding moral life, destiny and the afterlife vary drastically, a common theme in each is the reward granted after death for appropriate behaviour during physical life.
Politics & psychology
Swami et al., 2011
In Britain a stronger belief in conspiracy theories significantly related to higher political cynicism, greater support for democratic principles, more negative attitudes to authority, lower self-esteem, and lower Agreeableness
In Austria a fictitious conspiracy theory was significantly associated with stronger belief in paranormal beliefs, and lower crystallized intelligence
Kenny, 2013 - UNSW
In 1999, Australia ranked 15th in world league tables for women’s representation in the lower house of its national parliament; in 2014 we ranked 45th
The selection process within the major political parties is the main obstacle to the equal political representation of women
Are there gender differences in voting?
Women given the vote 1893, 1894, 1920 – not all agreed.
More women vote for labor & Greens than for liberals or other conservative parties here and OS
No advantage to have female candidates if the goal is to attract female voters (Jody Newman)
Hatemi & McDermott, 2012
In the 1970’s it was proposed that genetics influence politics as well as environment
Conducted large review of evidence over 40 years of research using twin and adopted populations to control for relative influences.