Some Interesting Facts Segment 1 Flashcards
What percentage of your brain is water?
Your brain is 77% water. That doesn’t leave much room in there for me! Oh I forgot, there is no “Me”.
Hyperthermia: Heat exhaustion. What happens when it is too hot to play golf?//90 Degrees is the cut off point. If over 90 degrees, get a cart for minor relief, but still you are in danger.
Drink plenty of water even though you do not fee thirsty. At 90 degrees, every three holes drink a complete small bottle of water. That is three bottles for 9 holes.//People with previous heart conditions are very much in danger. A normal person will do heart damage and eventually become a heart condition type person.//When temperature rises the heart has to beat faster and work harder to pump blood to the surface of your skin to assist with sweating to cool your body. Overheating your body causes cardiovascular diseases, including congestive heart failure.//When the body overheats, it causes inflammation. This stresses the heart and other organs. The stress then changes physiological responses related to inflammation and cell injury. [MN: killing cardio cells past the Hayflick limit in my case.] //These responses result in heart failure by increasing damage to heart tissue and inflammation.
Apparent temperature is what it feels like outside, not what the thermometer says.
The apparent temperature is what affects your heart. So if temp is 90 and apparent temp feels like 97, it IS 97 degrees as far as your heart is concerned.
Increased blood flow to skin works like a radiator for the body. When your heart pumps more blood to the skin’s surface, it is drawing out the heat. A healthy person may have to pump 3 times as much blood as normal. This is making your heart pump three times as hard. It cannot hold up. Something is going to give.
Profuse sweating, loss of coordination, tiredness, dizziness are all leading signs you are doing damage to your heart. So next time you are golfing in hot temperatures and your game is really bad because of the heat, you are doing cumulative damage to your heart.
How successful are the swooping attacks of an eagle?
An eagle only snatches up prey with their talons one out of eighteen tries. NGO
What was the average lifetime in the era of King Henry VIII?
The average life expectancy during King Henry VIII was 35 to 40 years.
What was the average lifetime of someone living in Colonial America?
Life expectancy in Colonial America was only 25 years! Half the women died giving childbirth.
What caused the collapse of the Minneapolis bridge in 2006?
The bridge collapsed from the acid in pigeon droppings. [Life after humans DVD]
After all humans disappear, what will the landscape look like?
10,000 years after humans, all evidence of man will be erased from the surface of the Earth. All the skyscrapers will eventually have window breaks and roof water leaks that over time will erode away the interior of the building until it collapses and erodes into rust and dirt. Plant life will climb the massive building and accelerate the disintegration of the building. [Life after humans DVD 1.]
What evidence of humans will be left on the planet after 100 million years?
After 100 million years, only fossil evidence will be on Earth.
It makes you think that if someone man goes extinct on Earth, after 100 million years all the buildings, dams and highways will show no trace of existence. Our fossil evidence would be buried miles deep into the surface of the Earth.
Unless there were severe erosion to bring the fossils near the Earth’s surface, future visitors would have no idea we were ever here!
Found. 80,000 year old human teeth.
Discovered in a cave in China, 47 well preserved teeth that indicate modern humans were in the region at least 80,000 years ago.
REF: AARP Newsletter, Sept. 2016
How to complain.
REF: AARP Newsletter Sept. 2016.
Stay Human. Going to the front desk in person with a gentle attitude gives you a lot of mileage.
Stick to the truth. If you exaggerate, it only hurts your credibility. When the cable guy arrives 40 minutes late, it doesn’t mean you “waited all day”. Stay true to what you expierenced and how that differed from what you expected. Evidence helps, take pictures.
Know your goal. What do you want? What I want is a free breakfast in the morning for my inconvienence.
Often the best approach is to simply let things go. Feelings of frustration, anger and betrayal can ruin your day and keep you up at night, and that is not healthy.
Do older people play video games?
REF: AARP Newsletter Sept. 2016.
What we discovered is that video games are truly ageless. Of the 41 million Americans age 50 plus who play video games regularly, 3/4 of them play weekly, and 4 in 10 play daily. Among players 60 and older, 43% play video games daily.
Exercise and Alzheimer’s.
REF: AARP Newsletter. Sept. 2016.
Exercise cannot prevent Alzheimer’s, but it can cut the risk in half.
As we age, the hippocampus, an area of our brains that is key to memory, shrinks, leading to memory problems and possibly dementia. Research shows that with mild exercise, the hippocampus can actually increase in size.
Another study of nearly 900 men and women with an average age of 71 found that those who had exercised moderately or vigorously over five years, jogging, hiking, swimming, dancing, performed on a par with someone a decade younger on tests of memory and other brain skills.
A study found that women who did moderate strength training at least once a week showed a 15% improvement on mental skills tests.
With Alzheimer’s, a recent UCLA study of 876 men and women age 65 or older found that those who were more active had a 50% reduced risk of developing the disease.
Visit for more info.
It is recommended to get 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity aerobic exercise. Also, incorporate strength training two or more times a week.
Some facts on nutrition.
Nutrition 101.
Protein. Eat half a gram of protein for each pound you weigh. 170 = 85 grams of protein each day.
8 Grams of protein in each ounce of meat, fish or poultry. Other equivalents; one egg, 1/4 cup of beans, 1/2 ounce of nuts each has 8 grams of protein.
Most fruits contain little to no protein. When hungry, eat protein to satisfy hunger, not carbs, like chips.
[MN: So my 85 grams of protein would be like 10.5 ounces of meat for example per day.]
How can crocodiles survive for so long without eating?
They have a very slow metabolism and are cold blooded, with tiny brains that do not need to be kept warm. So unlike mammals such as ourselves, thay do not need to use a lot of energy maintaining a constant body temperature.
They get heat from their environment basking in the Sun when they need to warm up. They can slow their heartbeat to one or two beats per minute.
When they have had a good meal, they can store a high proportion of the energy it contains. Although most crocodiles eat about 50 meals a year, they can survive a whole year, and sometimes even two or three years without eating anything.
Why do we get cold feet?
Because your internal organs and especially your brain must be kept as a steady 98 degrees. So when you start to get cold, the flow of blood to your skin is reduced to keep important parts of your body warm. Hands and feet are affected the most.
What will happen when the social security trust fund runs out of money?
In 2034 SS trust fund is expected to run out of money.
Only 80% of SS benefits will be able to pay retirees once the trust runs out.
In 2016, $1,300 is the average monthy payment to retired Americans.
REF: Time mag. Nov. 2016.
What is the longest a bird can stay flying in the air?
Ten months! This bird is the common swift, a bird that can stay in the air without landing.
Ref. Time Nov. 2016.
Which countries do people not get enough sleep?
- U.K. 37%
- U.S. 31%
- Singapore 28%
- Poland 24%
- Turkey 17%
- India 9%
REF. Time Nov. 2016
How long would it take a probe from Earth to reach Jupiter?
It took 5 years to reach Jupiter, 2 Billion miles away.
REF. NBC news.
What abilities can IBM’s “Watson” perform?
What are some facts about him?
IBM’s Watson reads one million books per second and remembers everything! REF: 60 Minutes Oct. 4, 2016.
Watson has 90 servers and 15 Terabytes of memory.
Now Watson is in Medical School looking for cures for cancer.
Everyday there are about 8,000 new research papers published. Too many for a human to read and keep up with.
How many farmers have a tractor?
Only 3% of the World’s farmers have use of a tractor.
How many people die each day because of dirty drinking water?
5,000 people a day die because of dirty drinking water.
1 Billion people have no access to safe drinking water.
How much of our grain crops are used for feeding animals and making fuels?
50% of grains are used for animal feed or biofuels.
How much energy do we get from the sun each day?
In one hour, the Sun gives the Earth as much energy as man will use in one year.
NOTE: Earth only receives 2 billionths of 1% of the Sun’s energy each day.
How did McDonalds come up with their famous golden arches trademark?
On the very first McDonalds, the arches actually held up the building.
DNA some facts.
DNA is a ladder of four linked molecules. DNA of one human if layed out would reach to the moon and back three thousand times.
In our cells, this DNA chain is broken into 46 bundles called Chromosomes.
Because of DNA’s length, they have some glitches, or mutations. These mutations are called “Markers”. We pass these markers to our bloodline (Children).
NOTE: This is how we evolve.
How many countries does Africa have?
How many countries in Africa are democratic vs dictatorship?
Africa has 54 countries. Of those 54, only 6 are democratic with realistic elections. The overwhelming majority are run by gangs or dictators. This is why poverty cannot be removed. Any food or clothing sent to these countries is intercepted by the dictator or gang who sells them for his own profits.
Homeless Veterans. How many are there in the United States?
Any given night in the U.S., there are roughly 40,000 veterans homeless and looking for a place to stay the night.
In New York City, how many homeless are there?
75,000 according to Time Magazine March 14, 2016.
How big a disaster was the triple hit Earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown?
The natural disaster itself claimed 16,000 lives. The region remains mired in misery. About 100,000 people are still homeless, their land poisoned by the nuclear fallout from the accident at Fukushima Power plant. The accident will take decades to clean up.
Ref: Time magazine 2016.
Which western state has the highest Syphillis rate?
Las Vegas, Nevada.
Padding the payroll.
What country had the greatest number of ghost workers collecting a paycheck without showing up to work.
Nigeria. They discovered there were 23,846 ghostworkers they were paying that were not working.
Ref: Time Mag. March 14, 2016.
Proof positive that Primordial man used tools to butcher and eat animals.
How many years ago was this evidence?
Solid evidence that prehumans used tools to butcher and eat animals about 250,000 years ago. This is according to the Journal of Archaeological Sciences.
Animal blood was detected on 17 of 44 tools believed to have been used by our ancestors in northeast Jordan. The researchers were from the University of Victoria in Canada.
Ref: Time Mag. 2016.
Does sex boost brain power?
Yes. Coventry University in England studied 6,800 men and women ages 50 to 89 and found that those who were sexually active scored higher on cognitive tests than those who were not.
Ref: AARP Bulletin April 2016.
How bad is sugar for your body?
Sugar is poison. Sugar overwhelms your liver and forces liver to store sugar as fat.
When liver is pushed to the max with frutose, the pancreas makes excess amounts of a hormone called insuln.
Insulin is our energy storage hormone.
Insulin also blocks your brain from letting you know you are fat.
MN: This is why fat makes you crave more fat! Sugar and processed foods are digested instantly to glucose.
What percentage of Neanderthal DNA is part of us today?
Africans Americans: 1.5%
Whites: 3%
Chinese: 1%
The Neanderthal DNA protects us from many cancers that would kill us today. They had a strong tolerance against it, and their DNA helps our immune system to fight it off.
In what year was the earliest documented case of a successful C-section?
The year 1337 CE. Evidently Julius Caesar being the first C-section is a hoax. Ref. Time December 2016.
Why do penguins live on the South Pole rather than the North pole?
Because Antartica is the coldest place on earth. Penguins are the only animal that lives there. The South pole is colder than the North pole because the elevation is 5,000 feet higher. It is surrounded by the sea so that no predators can reach it, unlike the North pole with polar bears.
Which has the best sense of smell, a bloodhound or a Grizzly bear?
Brown Bears: Ref: “Bears” by Disney on Netflix
A Grizzly nose is seven times more powerful that of a bloodhound! Grizzly digs a new den to hibernate each winter. 30,000 Grizzlies in Alaskan Peninsula, a federal protected reserve.
Who is the Bumblebee’s largest predator?
The Bumblebee’s largest predator is the Grizzly Bear! The Grizzly digs up their burrows in the ground then eats the nest, bees and all, getting his sweet fix of nectar. Bears love honey! Ref: Bumblebees on Nat Geo Wild Channel. 4.3.15
What is the cheapest day to fly?
Is flying cheaper than driving a car?
Airline tickets: Best time to purchase airline tickets is Tuesday after 3 pm. Cheapest is 90 days in advance. Tues, Wed, Sat is cheapest fly day. Most expensive day is Sunday.
Flying is 65 times safer than driving a car. Every minute of the day, 300,000 people are in the air flying somewhere.
According to MODOT, of the 688 people killed on Missouri highways in 2016, what percent were not wearing seat belts?
How many crashes did cellphones contribute to in Missouri 2016?
62% of auto crash fatalities were not wearing seat belts.
2,470 Crashes by cellphone usage while driving!
ref: West Mag