What receptors are responsible for the sensory modalities of touch and proprioception?
Describe the structure of mechanoreceptors involved in touchand proprioception.
The receptor is NOT a separate entity but is actually the peripheral terminal of the peripheral axon of the primary sensory neuron.
Describe the structure of a Pacinian corpuscle and explain how this structure relates to its function.
There is an axonal ending in the middle and it is wrapped around several concentric circles of epithelial cells – this allows the receptor to be very sensitive to vibration.
This is why mechanoceptors like the pacinian corpuscle are examples of encapsulated nerve endings because they have things surrounding the nerve ending
What is the difference between slow adapting and fast adapting receptors?
Slow adapting receptors continue firing impulses for as long as thestimulus is present Fast adapting receptors tend to fire at the start of the stimulus and sometimes when the stimulus switches off but they tend to fade in the middle
What type of receptors are mechanoreceptors?
Mixture of slow and fast adapting receptors
Describe how sensory neurons vary in their properties.
What are the two classifications of axons?
Anatomical = based on axon diameter (labelled using LETTERS)
Physiological = based on conduction velocity (labelled using ROMAN NUMERALS) As axon diameter and conduction velocity are related, there is a lot of overlap in the classifications
Describe the general structure of sensory neurons that conveytouch and proprioceptive information.
They are LARGE and have a FAST conduction velocity (a beta fibres?)
the receptor at the end of the nerve that detects touch and proprioception is a mechanoreceptor
What is a receptive field?
An area of skin that is innervated by one single sensory axon and its branches
Describe how the receptive fields in the lips and mouth vary from the receptive fields of the upper arm.
Lips and Mouth – high-density innervation with very small receptive fields. ie a lot of sensory neurons, each with their own individual small receptive fields. this allows much better localisation of the sensory stimulus
Upper arm – larger receptive fields and less dense innervation (less percise perception)
NB The fingers also have many densely packed mechanoreceptors with small receptive fields.
Describe how neurons can code for the intensity of a stimulus.
It is coded by the FREQUENCY of the action potentials going down the sensory fibres, NOT AMPLITUDE OF ACTION POTENTIAL
Which part of the spinal cord carries sensory axons for touch and proprioception?
Dorsal columns
What are the two tracts of the dorsal column system? What type of sensory fibre enters this ascending dorsal column pathway?
Cuneate tract - information from upper limbs + body above T6
Gracile Tract - information from lower limbs + body below T6
Think of the alphabet - Cuneate is above T6
NB these pathways are part of dorsal column system and so are therefore mainly receiving innocuous (non harmful) stimuli incl:
fine discriminative touch
•Aβ fibers enter via the dorsal horn and enter the ascending dorsal column pathways
Where do these neurons synapse?
They synapse in the Cuneate and Gracile Nuclei in the caudal medulla
Describe what happens after these neurons synapse and the tract that they run in.
First order neurons synapse in the cuneate/gracile nuclei in caudal medulla. The second order neurons then cross the midline (decussation) at the caudal medulla and continue up the brainstem via the MEDIAL LEMNISCUS pathway. This pathway brings the second order neurons from medulla to the ventral posterior lateral nucleus (VPL) of the thalamus
NB pyramidal decussation is for MOTOR fibres and it occurs on the anterior side of the medulla. decussation of the sensory fibres happens on the posterior side of the medulla
Which thalamic nucleus is responsible for relaying somatosensory information from the neck down?
Ventral Postero-lateral
Describe the passage of the third order sensory neuron.
The third order neurone travels from the ventral postero-lateral nucleus in the thalamus to the primary somatosensory cortex
What is the main sensory nerve of the face?
Trigeminal Nerve (CN V)
Where does the trigeminal nerve enter the brainstem and where does it synapse with a second order neuron?
It synapses at the trigeminal cranial nucleus with a second order neuron
axon of the second order neuron then crosses the midline and joins the medial end of the medial lemniscus towards the VPL nuclei in the thalamus to synapse with a third order sensory neuron