Motor Pathways: Cortical Motor Function Flashcards
What is volition?
Motor systems produce movements that are adaptive and accomplish a certain goal
Describe the hierarchical organisation of motor control.
Association Cortex
Motor Cortex
Spinal Cord
What are postural adjustments and unconscious processing?
Postural Adjustments – the motor system has to compensate for changes in the body’s centre of mass during movements
Unconscious Processing – many of the postural adjustments occur without our awareness
What are the three parts of the motor cortex?
Primary Motor Cortex
Premotor Cortex
Supplementary Motor Area
What makes up the association cortex?
Frontal Cortex
Parietal Cortex
NOTE: this is not exactly part of the motor pathway but it influences the planning and execution of movements
What are the two parts of the pyramidal (descending) system?
Corticospinal Tract – these are upper motor neurons that start in layer V of cortex and exits and synapses with lower motor neuron in the spinal cord.
Corticobulbar Tract – these are upper motor neurons that start in the cortex then synapses with lower motor fibre that is part of a cranial nerve
Describe the side loops of this descending pathway and their role.
The descending pathway also has two side loops that go to the cerebellum and basal ganglia
The cerebellum and basal ganglia check the motor information before it travels to the muscles and has its effect
elevator descends from roof to bottom, but in the middle it has to stop to get checked before it reaches the bottom
Which lobe are the three parts of the motor cortex found in? Describe their arrangement.
Frontal (anterior to the central sulcus)
The primary motor cortex is on the precentral gyrus
The premotor cortex and the supplementary motor area are anterior to the primary motor area
What are the most important cells in the primary motor cortex?
Betz Cells (pyramidal cells located in layer V of motor cortex)
Where are these cells located within the grey matter and which tracts originate from here?
They are found in the 5th layer of grey matter
The corticospinal tracts originate from here
Describe what happens to the upper motor neurones that come from the primary motor cortex.
They travel through the brainstem to the pyramidal decussation in the medulla where 90% of the axons cross the midline (remaining 10% do not cross and are the anterior corticospinal tract that controls postural muscles)
These axons continue down the spinal cord and synapse with a lower motor neurone which innervates muscle
The pathway of the corticobulbar tract is somewhat similar – upper motor neurones go down into the brainstem and synapse with a lower motor neurone (part of cranial nerve).
Describe the structure and function of the lateral corticospinal tract.
The lateral corticospinal tract originates in the primary motor cortex from the Betz cells.
Their axons pass down through the brainstem and decussate at the pyramidal decussation in the medulla.
It then passes down the spinal cord and synapses with a lower motor neurone.
It goes onto control mainly the distal musculature.
NOTE: 90% of axons from the primary motor cortex decussate at the medulla (these are the lateral corticospinal tract axons). The 10% that don’t decussate form the anterior corticospinal tract.
How can the cortical representation of a muscle in the motor cortex change?
The more we use a muscle, the bigger the representation of that muscle in the cortex.
What is the function of the premotor cortex?
Premotor cortex is part of the motor cortex but is non-primary motor cortex.
It plans movements and assembles movements into coordinated actions
NOTE: premotor cortex is anterior to the primary motor cortex
What is the function of the supplementary motor area?
this is also a non-primary motor cortex Planning complex internally driven voluntary movements e.g. speech
It also becomes active when you are thinking about movement before movement (e.g. rehearsing a dance)
What are the two parts of the association cortex that are involved in motor control? State their functions.
Posterior Parietal Cortex – ensures movements are targeted accurately to objects in external space
Prefrontal Cortex – involved in the selection of appropriate movements for a particular course of action
Describe the features of upper motor neurone lesions.
Initially you get loss of function of the motor neurones leading to:
Paresis = graded weakness of movement
Paralysis = complete loss of muscle activity
After a few weeks, the loss of descending inhibitory pathways leads to increased abnormal motor activity such as:
Spasticity (increased muscle tone)
Hyperreflexia (exaggerated reflexes)
Clonus (abnormal oscillatory muscle contraction)
Babinski’s Sign
NO muscle atrophy
What is Babinski’s Sign?
You stroke the plantar surface of the foot and in a normal subject you will see flexion of the toes (they curl downwards)
In the case of upper motor neurone lesions, the patient will show an EXTENSOR PLANTAR RESPONSE where their toes fan out and their big toe lifts up.
Why is muscle atrophy not seen in upper motor neurone lesions?
The lower motor neurones are still in tact and they have a role inproviding nutrients to the muscle.
There will still be partial atrophy due to muscle disuse.
Define apraxia.
A disorder of skilled movement not caused by weakness, abnormal tone or posture or movement disorders (tremors or chorea).
It is caused by the loss of information on how to perform skilled tasks rather than loss of motor command to the muscles.
Lesions in which part of the brain tend to cause apraxia?
Inferior parietal lobe Frontal lobe (premotor cortex and supplementary motor area)
What are the two most common causes of apraxia?
Stroke and Dementia
Describe the features of lower motor neurone lesions.
It is generally the opposite of upper motor neurone lesions.
Muscle Atrophy– the metabolic trophic support to the muscles is lost
FASCICULATIONS– damages motor units produce spontaneous action potentials, resulting in a visible twitch
Fibrillations – twitch of individual muscle fibres (aren’t visible to the naked eye but are picked up on EMG)
What is motor neurone disease?
A progressive neurodegenerative disorder of the motor system – it is a spectrum of disorders.
MND can affect upper motor neurones, lower motor neurones or both
What is the term given for upper AND lower motor neurone disease?
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Describe how the symptoms of ALS change as the disease progresses.
Some patients may present with only upper motor lesion symptoms or only lower motor lesion symptoms but as the disorder progresses, both upper and lower motor neurone signs will be coexistent.
List some signs of ALS.
Increased muscle tone (spasticity in the limbs and tongue)
Brisk limb and jaw reflexes (hyperreflexia)
Loss of dexterity
Dyarthria – difficulty speaking
Dysphagia – difficulty swallowing
Which lower motor neurone controls the tongue?
Hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII)
What might you see in the tongue of an MND patient?
Fasciculations and spasticity