Solid Waste Flashcards
these are the discarded solid substances generated from human activities and having no
more value with respect to its economic, physiological or technological process
solid waste
Classifications of Solid Waste. (10)
Organic waste
Biodegradable wastes
Non-biodegradable wastes
Toxic wastes –
Construction wastes
Hazardous wastes
Bulky wastes
These are the wastes generated during the preparation of food like
vegetables, flowers, leaves, fruits, and other wastes from market places
organic wastes
Wastes that come from plants or animals that can be degraded by
other living organisms, often used for composting, If processed, this can be a source of
heat, electricity and fuel. These include human waste, manure, sewage, slaughterhouse
biodegradable waste
Waste that cannot be broken down by other living organisms
non-biodegradable waste
These are usually organic waste having low moisture content. Examples
are paper, wood, dried leaves, etc.
These includes metals, tins, cans, bottles, stones, etc.
Examples are old medicines, paints, chemicals, bulbs, spray cans,
fertilizer and pesticide containers, batteries, shoe polish.
toxic wastes
These wastes can be recycled or used again for the same or different
purpose. These includes paper, glass, metals, plastics, etc.
These wastes consist of unwanted materials that are produced
directly or indirectly from the manufacturing, assembly and other construction processes.
Examples of these are rubble, roofing, broken concrete, nails, electrical wiring, etc.
construction wastes
These waste are considered harmful and dangerous and can consist
of medical waste, industrial waste and hospital waste.
hazardous wastes
- Examples of these are tree branches, tires etc.
bulky wastes
Sources of Solid Wastes (8)
Construction and Demolition Areas
Municipal Services
_____________ can be attributed to the collection and treatment of solid wastes.
This is imperative because waste that are collected but are not treated can result to some
environmental and human problems
solid waste management
The first in the hierarchy of 5R’s and is the best way to minimize waste
Reducing the amount of waste is one of the best things that all of us can do
One important thing that an individual can do is to reuse waste materials.
If an item cannot be refused, reduced or reused, the option will be to
In this way, new
product is formed.
Essential Components of the Waste Management System: (5)
Waste generation
Onsite handling, storage, and processing
Waste collection, transfer and transport
Waste processing and recovery
Thermal Processes of Solid Waste Management Techniques (5)
A. Solid Waste Incineration
B. Pyrolysis
C. Pyrolysis / Gasification
D. Conventional Gasification
E. Plasma Arc Gasification
Biological Processes of Solid Waste Management Techniques. (2)
A. Composting/ Aerobic Digestion
B. Anaerobic Digestion
Other Processes of Solid Waste Management Techniques (2)
A. Recycling
B. Landfill
Process that converts waste material into gas, ash and heat
Solid Waste Incineration
Thermal decomposition of carbon-based materials that produce syngas.
there is an additional reactor added to promote gasification of the
carbon char or pyrolysis liquids that is formed from the initial pyrolysis step
Pyrolysis / Gasification
A thermal method where carbonaceous materials are converted into syngas using a
limited amount of air or oxygen.
Conventional Gasification
A high temperature pyrolysis process that coverts carbon-based materials into
Plasma Arc Gasification
Involves the conversion of organic materials such as yard trimmings, food scraps,
coffee grounds and filters, tea leaves, herbs, spices, nuts and egg shells as well as
cut flowers or plant trimmings, as long as they aren’t diseased to prevent the
emission of harmful greenhouse gasses
Aerobic Digestion/Composting
Important Factors to be Considered During Composting (5)
Feedstock and Nutrient Balance
Particle Size
Moisture Content
Oxygen Flow
Produces renewable energy that avoids carbon emissions. A process that is dependent on the micro-organisms that digest organic waste
and takes place in the absence of oxygen in a sealed tank
Anaerobic digestion of Organic Waste
is a simple way in which everyone can contribute to make the world a better
place to live
Recycling Symbols and Materials
Recycling Symbol #1
Recycling Symbol #2
Recycling Symbol #3
Recycling Symbol #4
Recycling Symbol #5
Recycling Symbol #6
The refuse collected
is basically spread out in thin layers and compressed.
sanitary landfills
Essential Requirements for Solid Waste Disposal Site (5)
Technical requirements
Environmental requirements
Social requirements:
Economic requirements
Institutional requirements
Adverse Impacts from Landfill Operations (5)
Fatal accidents
Infrastructure damage
Pollution of the local environment
Production of methane gas generated by decaying organic wastes
Harboring of disease vectors