Sole of the Foot Flashcards
4 layers in the sole of the foot
Layer 1: 2 Abductors, 1 Flexor
Layer 2: Lumbricles, Quadratus Plantae Tendons, FDL, FHL, TP
Layer 3: 2 Flexors, 1 Adductor
Layer 4: DABS, PADS
Number of muscles in the foot
Plantar Aponeurosis
What is it
3 purposes
_____ is directly under the skin
longitudinally (heel to toes) arranged bands of dense connective tissue with thick central portion and weaker medial/lateral bands
Holds parts of the foot together
Helps prevent injury to plantar aspect of foot
Helps support longitudinal arches of the foot
Aponeurosis (fascia)
Abductor Hallucis
Origin: Medial Tubercle of the calcaneus, flexor retinaculum, plantar aponeurosis
Insertion: medial aspect base proximal phalanx digit 1
Innervation: medial plantar nerve (S2, S3)
Function: Abducts digit 1 (from midline which is digit 2), helps with flexion of digit 1
Abductor Digiti Minimi
Origin: Medial/Lateral tubercles of calcaneus, plantar aponeurosis
Insertion: Lateral aspect base proximal phalanx digit 5
Innervation: Lateral Plantar Nerve S2, S3
Function: abduct digit 5, helps flex digit 5
Flexor Digitorum Brevis
Origin: Medial Tubercle of Calcaneus, Flexor Retinaculum, Plantar Aponeurosis
Insertion: both sides middle phalanges lateral 4 digits
Innervation: median plantar nerve (S1, S2)
Function: Flexes digits 2-5
Quadratus Plantae
Origin: Medial/ Lateral aspect plantar surface of calcaneus
Insertion: tendons of FDL (Posterolateral aspect of the tendons)
Innervation: Lateral Plantar Nerve S2, S3
Function: Flexes digits 2-5 with the FDL
Corrects pull of the FDL
Lumbricles (4)
Origin: tendons of the FDL
Insertion: medial aspect extensor expansions digits 2-5
Innervation: L1 medial plantar nerve, L2-L4 Lateral Plantar Nerve
Function: Flexion MTP; Extension IP joints
Lumbricle 1 is uni-pennate; 2-4 is bi-pennate
Tendons of these 3 muscles are in Layer 2
which nerve are these muscles innervated by
TP: 1st compartment of flexor retinaculum
FDL: 2nd compartment of flexor retinaculum
FHL: 4th compartment of the flexor retinaculum
All these muscles were innervated by the tibial nerve branch of the sciatic nerve
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
Origin: base of 5th metatarsal
Insertion: base of proximal phalanx 5th digit
Innervation: Lateral plantar nerve S2, S3
FunctionL flexes digit 5
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
Origin: plantar surface of cuboid and lateral cuneiform
Insertion: both sides of bases proximal phalanx digit 1
Innervation: medial plantar nerve (S2, S3)
Function: flexes proximal phalanx of digit 1
Adductor Hallucis
Origin: Oblique head: bases of metatarsals 2-4; transverse head: ligaments of MTP
Insertion: tendons of both heads attach to the lateral side base of proximal phalanx digit 1
Innervation: lateral plantar nerve S2, S3
Function: adducts digit 1
Pain with active motion in one direction and passive motion in the opposite direction is a
contractile tissue problem (muscle, tendon)
Pain with active and passive motion in the same direction is a
noncontractile problem - everything but muscle
Flexor Hallucis Lognus Tendinitis
pain with passive extension but active flexion
DABS (all bi-pennate)
Origin: adjacent sides of metatarsals 1-5
DABS 1 - medial side proximal phalanx digit 2
DABS 2-4: lateral sides digits 2-4
Innervation: lateral plantar nerve S2,S3
Function: Abduct Digits, Flex MTP joints
PADS (all uni-pennate)
Origin: medial sides metatarsals 3-5
Insertion: medial side bases of proximal phalanges 3-5
Innervation: lateral plantar nerve S2, S3
Function: Adducts digits, flexes MTP joints
Digit One muscles that abduct/ adduct
abducts: abductor hallucis
adducts: adductor hallucis
Digit Two muscles that abduct/ adduct
Abduct medially: Dabs 1
Abducts laterally: Dabs 2
Digit Three muscles that abduct/ adduct
Abducts: Dabs 3
Adducts: Pads 1
Digit Four muscles that abduct/ adduct
Abducts: Dabs 4
Adducts: Pads 2
Digit Five muscles that abduct/ adduct
Abducts: ADM
Adducts: Pads 3
Tibial Artery is in the ___ compartment of the flexor retinaculum
Tibial Artery divides distal to the _____ into ____ and _____
medial malleolus
Medial plantar artery
Lateral plantar artery (this will join the deep plantar artery of the dorsal is pedis)
Tibial nerve divides distal to the ____ into the ___ and ___
medial plantar nerve, lateral plantar nerve