Soldier Support Institute (SSI) Adjutant General School - Command and General Staff College Chief of the Corps Brief Flashcards
6 Satellite Training Locations:
Fort Knox, KY; Camp Parks, CA; Fort Dix, NJ;
Fort Shafter, HI; Fort Buchanan, PR
Little Creek, VA
AG Capabilities Development
AG Capabilities Development • IPPS-A Functional Course
Development and PME Training • HR Optimization • FM 1-0 & ATP 1-0.1 & 1-0.2 Updates
• AGS LRC Home Page
• S1NET – Info Synthesis & Best
• AGTube – Video Job Training Aides
AGS Vision
Technically Competent and Combat Ready HR
Professionals capable of operating in any
Train, educate, and develop adaptive total force
HR Professionals and Musicians; develop and
integrate DOTMLPF-p solutions to enable Large-
Scale Combat Operations (LSCO).
AGS Priorities

HR High Risk Gaps
Personnel Accounting (PA): HRSC and all other formations with S-1/G-1/J-1 have
limited ability to provide 100% personnel asset visibility (PAV) to Corps, which affects
personnel allocation and slows operational tempo and potentially resulting in
culmination of the operation before reaching the commander’s objective due to limited
knowledge of the combat effective manning levels due to losses/casualties. (Since CAN
FY 15)
Replacement Operations: No Army theater replacement operations policy and
associated doctrine on a peer threat, which negatively impacts personnel allocation
(ASCC, Corps, Division, BDE and BN) resulting in a degraded operational tempo and
potentially resulting in culmination of the operation before reaching the commander’s
objective due to combat ineffective manning levels due to losses/casualties and lack of
replacements. (Since CAN/NGQ FY 16)
Casualty Estimation & Casualty Stratification (CECS): HR organizations (e.g., HRSC,
Theater and Corps) have limited ability to conduct timely and accurate casualty
estimation and stratification, which affects personnel allocation and slows operational
tempo and the planning for Army Health Services (AHS) and Sustainment operations.
(New in FY 17/18)
Current Array of HR Operations

HR Operational and
Organizational Concept (SRC-12)

ASCC Human Resources Operations Center (HROC)

Theater Personnel
Operations Center (TPOC)

Corps & Division HROC

Army Transformation:
Multi-Domain Operations, Army Futures Command, and Talent Management
Guiding Principle:
Right Officer, Right Assignment, Right Time, Over Time
• Requires a detailed level of knowledge of all officers
• Manages all officers – greatest impacts to 6-60%
• Make a new & better system, not make the system better • 10x change vs. 10% change
• Creating lasting reform requires changing Army cultural norms
Why the Army needs a new system
People define our Army – the premier organization for human development. • Talent management gives us a decisive advantage against near peer adversaries—our smaller
population, smaller industrial base, and an all volunteer force model requires us to maximize
potential of our people. • Today, we are experiencing the slowest rate of technological change in our lifetime. Talent
management allows the Army to adapt to changing technology and stay competitive for our
Nation’s best talent. • Changing generational norms mean different expectations for career, family, and spouses.
How do we get there from here?

What current proponent rules should remain in the future
Sustain PME requirements (timing can be less restrictive) • Maintain S1 positions as Key Developmental assignments at
the CPT and MAJ levels
• Maintain Command Positions as Key Developmental
• Builds bench of talented/qualified officers required to serve
at next levels
• Maintain AGCCC as only CCC for AG officers
• Ensures officers have sufficient AG technical training
What current proponent rules should change in the future system?
Create flexible timelines for PME attendance-adjust the following:
• CCC beginning around 4th year/aligned with promotion to CPT
• ILE immediately following selection for promotion
• DL ILE officers begin ILE during initial assignment as MAJ
• KD qualification
• Timeline – “must” serve a “target” timeframe
• CPTs only broaden after KD time is complete • Increase MAJ KD qualification opportunities
• BDE S1 only KD opportunity (progressive jobs are available) • Increase emphasis on broadening opportunities for 42C officers
What current proponent rules should go away in the future
KD qualification
• CPT KD qualification only after CCC completion
• No substitute for Bde S1 as MAJ KD assignment
What specific risk do Proponents need Army Senior Leaders to
Risk to Officer Development:
• Officers may attempt to “track” for either G1/S1 or Cmd roles –
limiting broadening
• Officers may not receive PME on time and negatively impact
performance in critical jobs
• Risk to mission/short-term unit readiness:
• BN S1 authorizations make up 64% (532 of 835) of AG coded CPT
billets – army requirements more challenging to fill without
deliberate forcing function
• Risk to the Army in building a deep experience bench:
• Potential smaller bench for officers to serve at the next levels
(sufficient BDE S1 / G1 experience)