HR Planners Handbook Flashcards
Human Resources Support
Core Competencies
Subordinate Key Functions
HR Enduring Principles
HR (SRC 12) Rules of Allocation
SRC 12 Rules of Allocation
SRC 12 Rules of Allocation
At the Inter-Theater Gateway you must have a TG PAT and an MMT. You
must remember to order each unit and sub-unit individually
A TG PAT can handle 0 - 3,600 per day
For every 1,800 after you must order
and additional HR PLT.
Reminder: each HR PLT has 3 squads
functioning as PATs
0 - 3,600 = No additional assets needed
3,601 - 5,400 = 1 additional HR Platoon
5,401 – 7,200 = 2 additional HR Platoons
At the Inter-Theater Gateway you must have a TG PAT and an MMT. You
must remember to order each unit and sub-unit individually .
Remember that the Postal Platoons at
the MMT are not providing area postal
support. They are conducting MMT
operations and handling bulk mail.
Sustainment Warfighting Function
Sustainment is the provision of Logistics, Personnel Services,
and Health Service Support necessary to maintain and prolong
operations until mission accomplishment.
Sustainment sub-functions include:
Levels of War - HR Relevance
Why do we need an HRSC or HROB?
The HR Sustainment Center (TSC) and HR Operations Branch (ESC/SB SPO)
Human Resources Sustainment Center
HRSC provides technical guidance and ensures execution of the personnel accountability, postal, casualty, and RSO functions performed by HR SRC 12 elements and the HR Operations Branch within the Sustainment Brigades or ESCs.
HRSC - Critical Functions
HRSC - Responsibilities
Office of the Director
Office of the Director Integrates and executes plans and operations, PA, casualty, RSO and postal missions as defined by the policies and priorities established by the ASCC G1/AG • Provides technical guidance (and training assistance) to the ESC and SB SPO HROB’s • Provides technical to the TSC SPO/DMC and the ASCC G1/AG • Ensures theater HR support plan is devloped and supported with available resources within the TSC • Is the technical link and advisor to the theater HR organizations for PA, casualty and Postal
HRSC - Responsibilities
Plans and Operations Division
HRSC - Responsibilities
Personnel Accountability (PA) Division
HRSC - Responsibilities
Casualty Operations Division
Casualty Operations Division MISSION. Establishes the theater CAC & manages casualty reporting within the theater of Operations IAW policies established by the ASCC G-1/AG. • Serves as the POC for all Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operations Center (CMAOC) actions by establishing a direct link to CMAOC ] • Reports all casualties from DoD civilians, contractors, and personnel from other Services (if the sponsoring Service is not in the immediate area) • Receives, processes, and forwards all casualty reports in the theater. Maintains and provides casualty data and briefings for the ASCC G-1/AG • Assists CMAOC through monitoring formal LOD investigations on deceased Soldiers
HRSC - Responsibilities
Postal Operations Division
HRSC - Responsibilities
RSO Division
RSO Division MISSION. Responsible for planning and providing technical guidance, and maintaining visibility of personnel transiting inter/intra theater APOD/APOE. • Provides assistance and support to the theater G-1/AG in developing and executing the R&R program • Coordinates with the PA Division on all matters affecting personnel accountability and CONUS APOD & Air Force planners on personnel flows & capabilities • Monitors & recommends distribution and emplacement of PATs. Conducts SAVs on APODs & PATs • Coordinates with the P&O Division and the TSC SPO (Mobility Branch) for deployment and redeployment plans • Coordinates with appropriate agencies for external sustainment support, life support (food & billeting), and onward transportation for transiting personnel
Military Mail Terminal Team
Key Functions
Assessing adequacy of postal facilities in order to establish an MMT. •Establishing, verifying, and coordinating mail routing schemes. •Coordinating the activation of contingency MPOs. •Identifying, appointing, and properly placing postal inspectors. •Coordinating with task organization POCs for mail movement with commercial carriers and Air Mobility Command (AMC). •Establishing initial postal directory and casualty mail operations. •Assisting the ASCC G1/AG and HRSC in establishing theater postal policies that Coordinating MPSA, JMPA, and DA Postal requirements with the HRSC. •Assisting the ASCC G1/AG, HRSC, HROB, and ESC in ensuring postal operations are included as part of all OPORDs
Military Mail Terminal Team
Rule of Allocation:
One per Inter-theater Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD) that receives bulk mail (Existence based).
Military Mail Terminal Team
Provide postal support to an area of operations by establishing an MMT which coordinates, receives, processes incoming mail and dispatches mail to CONUS
Military Mail Terminal Team
Key Responsibilities
Coordinates transportation for inbound and outbound personnel 2. Coordinates billeting for processing Soldiers / Civilians 3. Coordinates life support sustainment functions 4. Transportation manifest support and tracking for arriving and departing flights 5. Security operations for both movement elements and property 6. Coordinating transient briefings
Rule of Allocation
One per Inter-theater Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD)
Provide personnel accountability support to the theater by coordinating and providing Joint Operations Area-level reception, replacement, and redeployment support to gain / maintain personnel accountability of transiting personnel.
HR Company Headquarters(HQ)
Delivers HR areas support for casualty, PA and postal operations in the deployed AO • Tailored to provide HR Platoons (PATs and CLTs) and/or Postal Platoons • Overseas placement of PATs, CLTs and Postal Platoons
HR Company Headquarters(HQ)
• 1 per TG PAT (Existence) • 1 per MMT (Existence) • 1 Per 3-7 HR and/or Postal Platoons (Workload)
HR Company Headquarters(HQ)
Provide mission command, planning, and technical support to all assigned or attached HR or postal platoons.
HR Company Headquarters(HQ)
HR Company Headquarters
Existence and workload based command and control organization Employed with 3-7 Postal and/or HR platoons & Plans and Ops Section Attached or assigned to a SB supporting BCTs and other BDEs Task organized to deliver HR area support for postal, personnel accountability and casualty operations in the SB AOR
HR Company Headquarters
Receives technical guidance from:
HRSC (RSO, Postal or Casualty Ops Division)
ESC/SB HROBs (includes planning guidance)
The HR Company falls under the
STB of the SB
HR Companies (and HROBs) Do or DO NOT support essential Personnel Services, MWR, or personnel readiness management operations
Do Not
HR Platoon
A multifunctional platoon with the capability to provide casualty and/or personnel accountability support to all individuals and units in an assigned AO • May also serve as a supporting element of the TG PAT • Provides mission command, technical guidance, leadership and logistical support for squads
HR Platoon
HR PLATOON • 2 per TG PAT (offset by 1 per additional 1800 avg. daily pax flow) HR SQUAD (Casualty Liaison Team) (CLT) • .1 squad per Level III Medical Treatment Facility • .1 squad per Mortuary Affairs Company • .1 squad per HRSC Casualty Operations Division • .1 squad per General Officer Level Command (w/exception to ASCC/TSC) HR SQUAD (Personnel Accountability Team) (PAT) • 1 per 600 personnel transiting through an intra-theaterAPOD (when daily numbers exceed 600 daily)
HR Platoon
Provide casualty and/or personnel accountability support to all individuals and units to an assigned area of operations or serves as a supporting element of the Theater Gateway Personnel Accountability Team.
Postal Platoon
•Provides postal augmentation to the MMT as directed by the HR Company. •Plans for mobile postal missions. •Establishes MPOs as directed, coordinates openings, closings and relocations. •Coordinates with the HR Company HQs on postal matters. •Receives and distributes intra-theater mail. •Designates registered mail clerks. •Prepares mail for unit mail clerks. •Receives, processes, and dispatches incoming and outgoing mail. •Receives, processes, and maintains a chain of custody for all mail with special services. •Updates postal routing schemes. •Conducts casualty mail and EPW mail operations. •Conducts postal financial and supply support and management. •Conducts unit mail room and consolidated mail room inspections. •Responds to all customer complaints, inquiries, and suggestions. •Assists the COR in contract oversight
Postal Platoon
Provide postal support to all individuals and units in an assigned area or serve as an element of an MMT.
Postal Platoon
• 1 per 6,000 personnel • 4 per Military Mail Terminal
HR Platoon Structure
Postal Platoon Structure
Theater HR - Key Functions
Postal Operations – Roles and Responsibilities
Theater HR - Key Functions
Casualty Operations– Roles and Responsibilities
Theater HR - Key Functions
Personnel Accountability – Roles and Responsibilities
HR Relationships
ASCC establishes policies and priorities; provides CDR intent and planning guidance
HRSC ensures execution, synchronization, integration of Postal, Casualty, PA and SR key functions consistent with policy, guidance, and priorities established by ASCC G-1/AG
HRSC provides planning operations for ASCC G-1/AG in areas of Postal, Casualty, PA and SR; ensures synchronization, execution and compliance within sustainment war fighting functions (i.e. build up/draw down, force structure realignment, etc.)
Theater Sustainment Command
(SRC 63)
Developing HR deployment / redeployment plans
Determining (in coordination with the TSC G-3) the number, type, and location of HR resources
Assessing the current situation and forecasting HR requirements
Directing action to apply HR resources and support at decisive points and time
Coordinating the execution of transportation support for mail movement to include enemy prisoner of war mail
Conducting HR casualty operations
Coordinating execution of transportation support to move transiting personnel within the theater, theater of operations, AO, or JOA
Coordinating the execution of life support for arriving replacements and transiting personnel
HR / Sustainment
HR Support to Supporting relationship
Sustainment Brigade w/Theater Distribution / Sustainment Mission
HR Operations Branch
Command Relationships: •
Support Relationships
Operational Control (OPCON):
Tactical Control (TACON
Administrative Control (ADCON
HROB in the SPO of a SB
Human Resources Operations Branch
Human Resources Operations Branch
HROB Value Added to the SPO
HROB Critical Functions
HROB Responsibilities
HROB Keys To Success
Establish and maintain operational relevance with the ESC/SB SPO to ensure HR freedom of action, extend HR operational reach, and prolong HR endurance Actively participant in the military decision making process / rapid decision synchronization process (MDMP / RDSP) Engage with theater HR leadership and support HRSC/ASCC G-1/AG intent - achieve and maintain situational awareness and situational understanding Achieve and maintain HR situational awareness, situational understanding, and “operational adaptability” Develop understanding of contingency contracting, operational contracting support, and importance of Contracting Officer Representative (COR) roles Understand doctrinal Rules of Allocation for HR assets and battle space placement of HR assets and enablers Participate in Army and Joint exercises to share HR experience Maintain mental agility and critical thinking - you are (or will likely be) operating in a persistent conflict and expeditionary environment
Confidence + Competence = Relevance How confident is your commander with what you are telling them?
Challenges of the HROB
Training - Lack of Force Management/Tracking training - what do you need? HR Enabling System connectivity, training, and proficiency - how do you get this? Manning - HROB not fully manned or staffed with rank, grade, ASI, SQI or experience Automation equipment shortages - what is the minimum you need to operate? The acronym “FM” (Force Management) misunderstood – what do you really do? Gaining understanding & importance of developing an operational adaptability mindset Training the SPO on the execution-critical role/relevancy of the HROB staff Ensuring the SPO team understands the HROB value to the SB customers Lack of “relevant” pre-deployment training (CTE, MRE/MRX) – how do you get involved? EPS “mission creep” into the HROB – you are not the S1 – you are externally focused! Understanding the HRSC capabilities and using them as asset extensions of the HROB Home station mission set training - what do you do when not deployed
HR Ops Key Performance Indicators
The HROB is the Sustainment Brigade’s element responsible for ensuring HR operations are fully integrated into overall sustainment operations. They develop and monitor key performance indicators for the areas of Personnel Accounting, Postal Ops, Casualty Ops, and HR Asset Force Management.
To do this they: Ensure sufficient number of HR organizations / units are available Monitor and manage HR support provided within the AO Provide technical guidance and resources support to the supporting HR units Ensure units have the capability to provide the required PA, casualty, and postal support directed in the HR concept of support Establish a supported/supporting relationship with the G-1/AG and S-1s Communicate and coordinate with supported and supporting HR elements to effectively manage HR support is the Sustainment Brigades AO
Uses HR planning considerations to develop performance indicators to ensure HR operations are integrated into the overall sustainment plan
Personnel Accounting Team Operations
HR Ops Key Performance Indicators
Postal Operations
Identify postal unit locations / FOB locations Provide current operational status Track inspections status Monitor population serviced (area population) Monitor mail volume (# MILVANs / # TRIWALLs) Delivery delay Trans & storage issues Establish/close APOs (ICW HRSC) Coordinate Postal Plans Reconcile Postal issues Systems Access (AMPS, DTAS, eMILPO) Track & monitor APO reports (status and submission) Monitor Contracting (Contractors/COR duties/QAE)
HR Ops Key Performance Indicators
Casualty Operations
Placement of CLTs Locations (MTF/G1/GO HQ/HRSC) Manning requirements Monitor # of casualties last 24 hours (formatted report) Verify CLT Communications (G6/S6 coordination) System access (NIPR/SIPR) Current version of TPS Last visit (by leadership) / Inspection LAD/BOG tracking Units w/in 90 days of LAD Status of replacements (BOG)
HR Ops Key Performance Indicators
HR Asset Force Management
Maintain HR FM Crosswalk / Track FTNs Identify and track LAD / BOG dates Mitigate significant unit under laps / overlaps Capture actual arrival dates of units / update systems Review, monitor, & recommend HR asset distribution Maintain theater situational awareness Track date of next rotation – when requirements are due Requirements conference / Sourcing conference attendance Prepare HR RFFs (draft/ghost write) Provide input to the HR concept of support ROA training / application Conduct systems training Establish & maintain support to supporting relationships
HR OPS KPI Tracking Charts
General Info
The HR Ops Branch ensures sufficient number of HR organizations are available to provide HR area support, monitor the support provided by HR organizations, provide technical guidance, and coordinate resource support to the SRC-12 organizations (supporting units) to ensure they have the capability to provide the required PA , Postal, and Casualty operations support as directed in the HR concept of support.
The HR Ops Branch also provides a supported/supporting relationship with the G-1s/S-1s within the SB AOR for the areas of Casualty, Postal and PA operations.
It is through the SPO HR Ops Branch that the Commander is able to monitor the “pulse” of HR support operations and the effectiveness of the support provided.
Commanders monitor HR support by establishing HR KPI which will provide them insight into the effectiveness of HR support. These KPI may be included as part of the Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR).
Postal – Postal Offenses – Number of days mail is static, or undelivered – Accountable mail and casualty mail accounted for and redirected – Storage capacity for mail based on combat operations (e.g., offense might require a delay in mail delivery / exceed capacity)
Casualty – Uninterrupted access to DCIPS-CF – Loss of communication between Casualty Liaison Teams (CLTs), Unit S1s and Theater Casualty Assistance Center (CAC) – Initial casualty reports, from time of incident, greater than 12 hours, to HRC-Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operations Center (CMAOC) – tracked and reported by Theater CAC
Personnel Accountability – Number of days personnel remain at APOD/Theater Gateway – Visibility of inbound and outbound transportation – Tactical Personnel System (TPS)/Deployed Theater Accountability Software (DTAS) operational and updated daily – Access to systems (uninterrupted)
The above CCIR/EEFI are not all inclusive
- HR Planners will further develop the Commander’s Critical Information requirements (CCIRs) and Essential Elements of Friendly Information (EEFIs) for HR operations based on METTTC and the commanders guidance.
- These CCIR/EEFI are provided to facilitate HR planners thoughts as part of the HR Planning considerations, but do not supersede any CCIR/EEFI established by the unit.
Sample HROB Checklist
HROB Tasks - Recommendations
Casualty Operations
Postal Operations
HROB Tasks - Recommendations
Personnel Accountability
General Operations (Fundamentals of Execution)
HROB Training
What can you do when not deployed?
HR Planner Enabling Systems
What are Enabling Systems?
Enabling systems enhance the HRSC, ESC and SB HROB capability to achieve the desired HR end state in support of an operational commander’s mission requirements.
To remain relevant to the Future Force, the HR professional must continue to embrace the new Knowledge Management and Net-centric culture as future military operations will be conducted in a different and changing operational environment – one that is powered by enabling systems..
Not all enabling systems listed are applicable to every HR Planner. These are provided as a starting point. Refer to FM 1.0. para 3-98 and ATTP 1-0.1, App. C for more system information.
HR Planner Enabling Systems
HR Planning and Operations Definitions
Theater HR Mission
Theater HR elements plan, prioritize, coordinate, integrate, and execute the delivery of HR support to Soldiers, units, and DOD civilians conducting operations in a deployed theater of operations.
•Theater HR support operations are complex and involve the integrated action of various G-1/AG staff sections, HR units and staff elements found in sustainment organizations, and S-1 sections operating within deployed battalions and brigades
HR Ops Planning Considerations - Actions / Tasks in the HR MDMP
HR Input to OPORDS Running Estimates / Planning Considerations
Sustainment Units (SRC 63) - Roll-up
FY 12 HR Units (SRC 12) - Roll-up
Standard Requirement Code (SRC) List
Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE)
The TOE is a requirements document that prescribes the capabilities, organizational structure, and the minimum mission essential wartime requirements (both personnel and equipment) necessary for a military unit to accomplish it’s doctrinal mission and the capabilities required by the unit to perform its core functions and assigned tasks.
A Modification table of organization and equipment (MTOE) is an authorization document that prescribes the modification of a basic TOE necessary to adapt it to the needs of a specific unit or type of unit.
Each TOE is identified by a unique number that should remain the same throughout the life of the organization. TOE developers, in coordination with the TRADOC force designers, are responsible for developing the proposed TOE number.
USAFMSA RDD approves the TOE number.
The TOE number is composed of a nine-position, alphanumeric code, viz: 32536AA00
This number is also the first nine digits of the Standard Requirements Code SRC.