Develop HR Planning and Operations Staff Products Using MDMP Flashcards
HR Planning and Operations
is the means by which the HR
Provider envisions a desired HR end state in support of the
operational commander’s mission requirements.
HR Planning and Operations
Key Notes
Must have a firm understanding of the full
capabilities of HR units and organizations
Understand how to employ doctrine in any
operating environment
Be technically competent in current HR
systems, processes, policies and procedures
Understand how HR support is delivered in an operational
HR Planning
is a continuous process that evaluates current
and future operations from a functional perspective of the HR
Key HR Planning Information
HR Critical Tasks
HR Planning Considerations
• ID constraints
• ID key facts & assumptions
• Formulate HR support • Determine HR resources
• ID specified/implied tasks
• Prepare Annexes
• Prepare OPLANs
HR Operations
is the process of tracking current and future
execution of HR support through the following process:
HR Operations
Key Notes & Focus
Operate HR Command and Control (C2) Nodes
includes the
establishment, operation, and maintaining connectivity to HR
data and voice communicates nodes needed for HR Operations.
HR Planning Using the MDMP
Step 1 - receipt of Mission
HR Planning Using the MDMP
Mission Analysis
HR Planning Using the MDMP ( Part 2)
Mission Analysis
HR Planning Using the MDMP
COA Development
HR Planning Using the MDMP
COA Analysis (War Game)
HR Planning Using the MDMP
COA Comparison
HR Planning Using the MDMP
COA Approval.
HR Planning Using the MDMP
Orders Production.
HR Phase - Synchronization Matrix
Hr Planning Purpose
Assessment of the situation from an
HR perspective
• Analysis of those COAs a commander
is considering that best accomplishes
the mission
• Evaluation of how HR factors influence
each COA
• Draws conclusions and a
recommended COA to the commander
from an HR functional perspective
HR Planning Characteristics
Prepared as thoroughly as time
allows in either a simple form or a
preformatted digital product • Revised continuously as planning
factors, manning levels, facts and
assumptions change
• Prepared at all levels of command
from Battalion to ASCC by S-1s/G1s
and HR Operations Branch planners
• Not necessarily prepared in a fixed
• Provides a thorough clear,
unemotional analysis of all pertinent
HR Running Estimates
HR Planning Considerations S-1
Assessment of the situation from a
functional perspective
• Analysis of courses of action the
commander is considering to best
accomplish the mission
• Analysis of functional factors and
how they impact each COA
• Basis for each staff section’s
recommendation during COA
• May be written or presented orally
• Used by staff officer to support
decision making during planning
and execution
What is the S-1’s role in the MDMP process?
The S-1 conducts mission analysis and provides critical HR input to the
MDMP. Their responsibilities include: analyzing personnel/unit strength
data; prepare the HR PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS; determine available PSS;
Determine HR task and constrains; identify critical facts and assumptions; determine
Paragraph 4 (Sustainment) of the OPORD details the operation’s Sustainment support plan. What annex is generated from paragraph 4, what is its purpose, and what does it contain?
Annex F is always specific to the mission and the commander’s intent and
includes information on logistics, personnel, and health system support.
Appendix 2 (Personnel Services Support) to Annex F (Sustainment) contains the
scheme of support for manning, HR services, personnel support and HR
Planning and Operations.