SOLAS Chapter V Flashcards
Referencing SOLAS Ch V / Reg 31, state the 6 situation the Master MUST communicate to other vessels and stations by ALL MEANS at their disposal?
- Dangerous Ice
- Dangerous Derelict
- Any other Direct Danger to Navigation
- Tropical Storm
- Sub Freezing Air Temperatures with Gale Force Winds leading to Ice Accretion
- Force 10+ Winds which no other report has been received
State to whom should the Danger Message be addressed?
All vessels in the vicinity and competent authorities
State the information that must be contained within a Danger Message for DANGEROUS ICE, DERELICT OR OTHER DIRECT DANGER?
- Time & Date (UTC) of observation
- Position of the Hazard
- Kind of Hazard
State the information that must be contained within a Danger Message for TROPICAL STORMS?
- Time & Date (UTC) of observation
- Position of the ship
- Information including:
- Pressure currently
- Pressure tendency
- Wind (force - Beaufort & True Speed)
- Wind (direction)
- Sea Conditions
- Swell
- Vessel’s course & speed - Statement of description if possible
How often do you need to transmit TROPICAL STORM information?
Ensuring you are still under the influence of the storm…
Every 3 hours (or 1 hour only if possible)
State the information that must be contained within a Danger Message for WIND FORCE 10+ WITH NO PREVIOUS REPORT?
Same as a Tropical Storm…
1. Time & Date (UTC) of observation
2. Position of the ship
3. Information including:
- Pressure currently
- Pressure tendency
- Wind (force - Beaufort & True Speed)
- Wind (direction)
- Sea Conditions
- Swell
- Vessel’s course & speed
4. Statement of description if possible
State the information that must be contained within a Danger Message for SUB FREEZING AIR TEMPERATURES WITH GALE FORCE WINDS LEADING TO ICE ACCRETION?
- Time & Date (UTC) of observation
- Air Temperature
- Sea Temperature
- Wind Force & Direction
SOLAS Chapter V / Reg 33 - what is the Master’s obligation in receiving a distress signal?
If a vessel is in a position to provide assistance, on receiving information from any source, proceed at all speed to the location of the distress and inform other vessels and/or search and rescue services in the area. This is regardless of the nationality, status of a person/s or the situation the person/s are found in.
SOLAS Chapter V / Reg 33 - if the Master cannot provide assistance, what should he/she do?
- Make a note in the logbook
- Inform SAR Services
SOLAS Chapter V / Reg 33 - outline the THREE exemptions of the Master not assisting in a distress situation.
- UNABLE: due to risk of life, ship, environment
- UNREASONABLE: too far away to assist
- UNNECESSARY: if other vessels are in the vicinity
SOLAS Chapter V / Reg 34 - what is the Master’s obligation for the voyage plan?
To ensure it has been planned correctly using charts, nautical publications and referring to IMO Guidelines and Recommendations (A.893(21))
SOLAS Chapter V / Reg 34 - what should the voyage plan highlight?
- Routeing systems
- Available sea room
- Known of any Nav Hazards
- Known of any adverse weather conditions
- Environment protection
SOLAS Chapter V / Reg 34 - when the Master can deviate from the voyage plan?
- Safety of Navigation
- Safety of Life
- Protection of the Marine Environment
He/she should not be restricted by:
- Owner
- Charterer
- Company