IAMSAR & Search and Rescue Flashcards
Describe the precautions that should be done on the bridge on route to the distress position?
Acknowledge receipt of the distress message
• Acquire appropriate information about the vessel in distress
• Carry out risk assessment for the operation
• Maintain continuous watch on relevant frequencies
• Maintain communications with vessel in distress and vessels engaged in the operation, exchanging relevant information
• Maintain awareness of the position of the distressed craft
• Receive and assess the search action plan
• Prepare standard messages to be used
• Organise personnel for bridge and deck operation
• Organise preparation of equipment to be used in the operation
Describe the circumstances when the following patterns should be used?
- Sector search
- Expanding square search
- Parallel search
- Sector search. Most effective when the position of the search object is accurately known and the search area is small
- Expanding square search. Most effective when the location of the search object is known within relatively close limits
- Parallel Search. Used to search a large area when the search object location is uncertain and a number of vessels are involved
Helicopter Operations
- Loose objects within or adjacent to operating area been secured or removed
- All aerials, standing or running gear above and in the vicinity of the operating area been lowered or secured
- Pennant or windsock hoisted where it is visible
- OOW been told about ships readiness
- Deck Party Leader establish comms with bridge
- Deck party ready, correctly dressed in position - Fire pumps running, pressure on deck
- Fire hoses ready
- Foam hoses, and portable foam ready
- Dry powder extinguishers available and ready for use
- FRC’s ready for lowering
- Correct lighting in area, not to disturb pilot
Immediate Actions On receiving a distress Message
1.Acknowledge Recipt of message
2. Gather info on the vessel in distress
3. Maintain a watch on 2182.5 kHz , 156.8mHz , 121.5 MHz AM
4. Inform MRCC while staying in contact with the vessel
5. Communicate your info to the craft
6. Use all available means to remain aware of the vessel in distress
7. If in close proximity post a extra lookout
Information you would gather from vessel in distress
- Position of vessel
- Identity
- Soles Onboard
- Nature Of distress
- Type Of Assistance Required
- Number of Victims
- Distress Crafts Course and speed
- Type of craft, and cargo
- Any Other pertinent info
What equipment do you need to ready proceeding to a distress ?
- Lifejackets , liferafts ,Lifebouys ,Lifeboat
- Specialized Recovery Equipment
- Comunications
- Lifebouys, Life Lines , Hauiling Lines.
- Not Sparking Boat Hooks , Hatchets Rescue Baskets , stretchers,Pilot Ladders ,Scrambling Nets
- International Code of Signals
- FFE Equipment
- Signaling Equipment
- Medical Equipment
- Micellanous Equipment
If you decide not to proceed to distress.
1.Make a appropriate entry into the ships Log Book
2.Report the decision the the MRCC
3.Consider Report unecassery if no contact has been made with the SAR service
4. Reconsider the decision not to proceed if the Vessel in distress is far from land where a the area of shipping density is low.
Considerations when developing a search plan
- Estimate most probable position.
2.Determine Search Area - Select SAR Facilities to be used
- Selecting Search Pattern
- Planning On Scene coordination
Factors In Determing Search Plan.
1.Availablity of assisting Crafts
2.Size of search Area
3.Type of Distressed Craft
5.Cloud Ceiling
6.Type Of Sea Conditions
7.Time Of Day
8. Arrival time at Datum
What Mandates IAMSAR?
- SOLAS V REG 21.2
- Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations
Determine the factors to consider when designating an OSC
- SMC may designate OSC if involved with the operation
- If not, mutual consent if more than 1 vessel’s in the area, choose who to be an OSC
- Normally first facility that arrives designate the duties of an OSC
- When deciding responsibilities, SMC consider endurance, communication, personnel abilities and facilities
Other Factors:
- Manoeuvrability of the vessels
- Previous experience of similar operations
- Size of crew
Describe the roles and responsibilities of the OSC
- Provide information to and coordinate operations of SAR facilities
- Modify plan adapting to the situation
- Coordinate communications
- Monitor performance of other facilities
- Periodic SITREP reports to SMC
- Maintained detailed record of operation
- Advise SMC if facilities are no longer required
List the considerations to take into account when establish a datum
- Drift (leeway and current)
- Time (between incident time and commence search time)
- Known craft or raft (with or without drogue) - help to anticipate leeway
- Reported position
- Reported bearings or sightings
- Surface movements of distressed craft
Factors Affecting Lookouts Effectiveness
- Dust
- Fatigue
- emotion
- germ
- age
- optical ilusions
- alcohol
- medications
- Vibrations
- Atmospheric conditions
- Glare
- Lighting
- Window Distortion
- Scanning Technique
Recomended postion of a lookout in the day ?
Place Lookouts High on the vessel
Recomended Postion for lookouts at night
Far Forward as Possible and as Low as possible to hear and Calls for help and establish the best night vision.
Medical Advice . Exhcange of medical information and recomended treatment for sick and injured persons where treatment cannot be administered directly by pescribing medica personel.
Evacuation of a person for Medical Reasons
Information to be exchanged between the vessel and the helicopter prior to commencement of rendezvous Operation
- Vessel Position
- Course and speed to rendezvous position
- Local weather Conditions
- How to identify the vessel from the air
- Landing area Information
State the factors on deciding what Search Pattern to use?
- Available number and types of assisting craft
- Size of search area
- Type of distress craft
- Size of distress craft
- Visibility
- Cloud ceiling
- Type of sea conditions
- Time of day
- Arrival time at datum
Describe the following Search Pattern: EXPANDING SQUARE
- Object is known within relatively close limits
- Start of search = DATUM, HEAD INTO WIND
- Pattern to be used by = VESSELS or SMALL BOATS
- For = PERSONS IN WATER with little or no leeway
Describe the following Search Pattern: SECTOR
- Object is accurately known and area is small
- Centre = DATUM
- Can be used by a VESSEL with an AIRCRAFT
Describe the following Search Pattern: PARALLEL TRACK
- Object’s position is uncertain
- Effective over water
- Large area of search = COMBINE WITH MULTIPLE CRAFT
- Legs are parallel to each other
Determine the craft spacing of each vessel for a search?
Wu x fW
Wu = Sweep widths uncorrected
fW = Weather correction
- 0 - 15 knots wind or 0 - 1 metre seas = 1.0
- 15 - 25 knots wind or 1 - 1.5 metre seas = 0.5 (person in water) or 0.9 (liferaft)
- 25+ knot wind or 1.5+ metre seas = 0.25 (person in water) or 0.6 (liferaft)