Solar System Unit (quiz 4/22/14) Flashcards
What is the photosphere?
The visible surface from the earth
What are the three components that make up the majority of the suns mass and how much of each?
The suns mass is,
- 70% hydrogen
- 2% metals
- 28% helium
What is the chromosphere?
Where large solar flares are created
What is the corona?
The very thin and hot layers of the sun
What is the convective envelope?
Where hot gases from radiation rise to the surface
What is the radiative envelope?
Where energy is generated by nuclear fusion
What is the suns core?
Its innermost layer
What is a solar flare?
Something that occurs in regions of strong magnetic activity which have 11 year cycles
What is a subspot?
Dark planet sized regions of the sun that are cooler than the surrounding surface
What are the five terrestrial worlds?
Mercury, venus, mars, earth, moon
What is venus’ atmosphere like?
Thick, composed mostly of CO2 and has a pressure level 90 times larger than earths
Why does mercury lack an atmosphere?
Intense solar winds
What is the earths core mostly made of?
Iron and nickel
What is the alignment of the moon, sun and earth during a solar eclipse?
The moon is in between the sun and the earth
What is the alignment of the moon, sun and earth during a lunar eclipse?
The earth is between the sun and the moon
What is mars’ core like?
Its composed of iron and sulfur and has a low density
What are asteroids?
Chunks of rock and metal that orbit the sun
What is jupiters atmosphere composed of?
75% hydrogen and 24% helium gas
What are saturns rings composed of?
Ice particles
What makes uranus blue?
Condensed methane gas in its atmosphere
What is neptunes atmosphere made of?
Hydrogen, helium, and methane
What is a tide?
A periodic rise and fall in the sea produced by the moons gravitational force because the moon has a bigger force difference
What kind and how many tides occur in a 24 hr period?
Two high and low tides