After the big bang the universe was filled with what type of gas?
Hydrogen gas, the lightest of the elements.
What is a moon?
A natural satellite that orbits a planet.
What is a galaxy?
A massive group of stars (hundreds of billions in milky way)
What do stars for from?
Clouds of gas and dust ( a nebula)
What is the main gas in a nebula?
What is the first stage of a star forming?
Gravity causes the cloud of dust and gas to collapse, as the dust particles move faster the temp rises to millions of degrees Celsius
What is a protostar?
A collapsing cloud of hot gas and dust (due to gravity)
What happens to a protostar if the temperate gets high enough?
Nuclear Fusion-Hydrogen nuclei join together to form helium
After which stage has the protostar become a star?
After nuclear fusion.
Nuclear fusion releases…….
Nuclear fusion releases a huge amount of energy
What are the two opposing forces acting within the star?
Gravity is acting inwards and tends to make the star collapse. The energy from nuclear fusion creates a force acting outwards.
How do stars expand?
If the force of nuclear fusion pushing outwards is greater than the inward force of gravity.
When is a star at equilibrium?
When the force due to gravity is equal to the force due to nuclear fusion.
What happens when the amount of hydrogen in a star runs out?
The outward force due to fusion energy is less than the inward force due to gravity. Causing a star to collapse inwards
What happens to a star when it collapses inwards?
The temperature increases, so helium nuclei fuse together to form heavier elements