Solar System Flashcards
What is special about black holes?
There is so much gravity (a force which tries to pull two objects toward each other) around a black hole that not even light can escape! The gravity around a black hole is so strong that it sucks in everything around it.`
What do you know about the sizes of the black holes?
As small as an atom or as big as many earths.
What is event horizon?
The event horizon is a point of no return. It’s a boundary around a black hole. Anything that crosses this boundary gets sucked in…doomed forever!
How are black holes formed?
When stars collapse they can create black holes. These are called stellar black holes.
What is SMBH?
Supermassive black holes or SMBH if you want to be cool! This is the largest type of black hole. They are mostly found at the centre of the largest galaxies in space.
What do you call the centre of a black home?