Solar System Flashcards
Jovian planets are… (3)
Thick atmosphere
No surface (cold)
Inside is hot
Each planet is how much farther from the sun than the one before it
Almost all id the mass in SS is where
In the sun
Where is Asteroid Belt
Between mars and jupiter
Accretion means
To conjoin or compress a planet
frost zone-
Where planets are so far away from sun ice forms
Where does sun come up
Planets orbital direction is the same or diff. From the sun?
The moon orbits around planets the same direction that the planets orbit the sun
What do planets start out as
Nebula cloud
Electromagnetic spectrum starting with low frequency
Radio microwave infared visible uv xray gamma rays
Lines of emission-
Bright lines on a black background
Small packet of light energy
Terrestial planets are… (3)
Thin atmosphere
Denser (hotter)
Have ground
Why does the gas cloud spin faster
Conservation of angular momentum
Refracting tele.
Tele. That uses a lens to bend or refract light (bends crosses itself amd then comes parallel again)
Most important part in refracting tele
Objective lens so light converges at the focus
Chromatic aberration
Propery if a lens where light of diff. Colors is focused at diff. Places
Reflecting tele
Tele that reflects light off a concave mirror focusing the image in front of it
Adv. of reflecting tele
Most large optical teles are reflecting
Radio tele
Tele. desiged to make observations in radio wavelengths
What is radio tele. used for
Looking through clouds
Radio tele does whatttt
Focuses incoming radio waves on an antenna which absorbs and transmits waves to an amplifier
Linking teles. together with computers