Soils Lec 3-4 Flashcards
Five Factors of Soil Formation
Climate Topography Organic Life Parent Material Time
What are these?
- Climate
- Topography
- Organic Life
- Parent Material
- Time
Factors of Soil Formation
The study of soil formation is called _______.
The study of soil formation was first pioneered by the Russian Dokuchaev in 1883. He called the new branch of science pedology.
What is pedology?
The study of soil formation.
The study of soil formation was first pioneered by the Russian Dokuchaev in 1883. He called the new branch of science pedology.
Which one of the Five Factors of Soil Formation are missing?
- Topography
- Organic Life
- Parent Material
- Time
Which one of the Five Factors of Soil Formation are missing?
- Organic Life
- Parent Material
- Climate
- Topography
Digging a 3 ft wide and 5 ft deep soil pit where one wall shows the horizons of the soil is called a _________.
In order to study the horizons in a soil a pedon is exposed by digging a 3 ft wide and 5 ft deep soil pit where one wall shows the horizons.
Digging a ___ ft wide and ___ ft deep soil pit where one wall shows the horizons of the soil is called a Pedon.
3 ft wide and 5 ft deep
In order to study the horizons in a soil a ________ is exposed by digging a 3 ft wide and 5 ft deep soil pit where one wall shows the horizons.
What is weathering?
Weathering is the process of breaking down rock into soil.
The process of breaking down rock into soil is called ________.
Five Formation Factors for Soil
_______l – the starting ingredients
_______ – extremes in heat or cold, rainfall, freeze and thaw, etc.
_______ – one of the most influential and fastest acting
_______ – steepness of slope or high and dry or low and wet positions
_______ – the effect of all the above factors are compounded
Parent Material
Organic Life
Test Q: Half of Ohio is more basic due to the exposure near the surface of limestone. Which half is it?
Test Q: Zanesville is found is which Ohio region? • Maumee Basin • Unglaciated Hills • Glaciated Hills • Till Plain
Unglaciated Hills
Test Q: Caves are formed in limestone by…?
Acid solutions from the soil
Test Q: Kames, Eskers, and Drumlins are a result of which of the following? (Only one) • Karst • Alluvium • Glaciers • Time
Bedrock layers in Ohio dip to the…? (Which direction?)