Percent of Nitrogen in: Urea
Percent of Nitrogen in: Anhydrous ammonia
Percent of Nitrogen in: Ammonium Nitrate
Solution Fertilizers
- dissolved or suspended in water
- can sometimes be mixed with other components
- sprayed on the soil surface
Dry Fertilizers
- powder, granules, pills, slow release
- applied to the soil, usually with some sort of drill and often added at planting time
What is the Haber Bosch process?
- industrial production of Nitrogen for fertilizers that uses natural gas and N2 from the air
- higher Natural Gas prices»_space; higher fertilizer prices
Types of fertilizer
- Mineral – rock powders – low nutrient
- Organic – contains hydrocarbons – from living things (plant or animal) – often low nutrient
- Synthetic – chemically produced organic - high nutrient
- Inorganic – mined or manufactured – no HCs – high nutrient
Application of fertilizer: 2 methods used pre-planting
- Broadcast – Spread on surface (liquid or dry) P & K must be tilled in
- Injection – chisels place liquids beneath the surface
Application of Fertilizer: During planting
- Banding – 2” down & 1” to the side of seed – more growth with less fertilizer - common
- Pop Up – in row with seed – hi P and low in salt & ammonia
Application of Fertilizer: When transplanting
-hand applied water with dissolved fertilizer
Application of Fertilizer: Post-planting
- Topdressing – over soil once plants are established
- Sidedressing – liquid or dry addition to the side of row crops (split application)
- Fertigation – irrigation water with dissolved fertilizer
- Foliar – sprays on leaves
Type of fertilizer that LOWERS (acidifies) the pH
Ammonia fertilizers»_space; lower pH (roots release H+ ions)
Type of fertilizer that RAISES (makes basic) the pH
Nitrate Ferts»_space; raise pH (roots release hydroxide HO- ions)
What does the Calcium Carbonate Equivalent mean?
= pounds of Calcium Carbonate that will be neutralized by one ton of fertilizer
Most fertilizers are different kinds of __________?
What are the MACROnutrients
“C. Hopkins Cafe – Mighty Good”
C H O P K N Ca Fe Mg