SoE - Client Care Flashcards
What is your firm’s Complaints Handling procedure, and what are the timelines?
A person is appointed to handle complaints, and that is our Executive Director in London. The details are in our complaints handling procedure. If the complaint is initially made orally, a written summary of the complaint is required to be sent to the person dealing with it.
Once the written summary is received, we will contact the complainant within 7 days to confirm our understanding of the complaint and invite comments in relation to this.
Within 21 days of receipt of the written summary, the person dealing with the complaint will write to you to inform of the outcome of the investigation into the complaint and inform you of the action that has been or will be taken.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling or outcome of the complaint, we have a third-party firm who can review and investigation. They will contact within 14 days to inform you of the conclusion of the review.
If there is still dissatisfaction we will attempt to resolve through negotiations or agree to enter into mediation in accordance with the Centre for Dispute Resolution Model Mediation Procedure, or the mediation process operated by RICS.
If the complaint is still not resolved, we will refer your complaint to the Surveyors and Valuers Arbitration Scheme operated by the Chartered Insitute for Arbitrators.
What is your company’s quality policy?
Trident operates a Quality Management System that is BS EN ISO 9001 certified. The overall quality policy is to provide defect free products and services o its customers on time and within budget.
Level 2 - Give some examples of how you have developed a client’s brief into a finished project.
(Strategic definition)
1. Initial meeting with client to discuss requirements and assess the site/premises for feasibility.
(Preparation and briefing)
2. Develop brief with client in discussing any particular challenges such as material shortages, space limitations, building regulations compliance, etc.
(Concept design)
3. Agree scope of works based on agreed brief.
4. Produce outline plans and specifications for approval.
5. Commission sub-consultants where required, e.g. M&E & structural.
(Spatial Coordination)
6. Prepare detailed drawings for building warrant submission/planning and tendering including specifications and drawings from sub-consultants.
(Technical Design)
7. Prepare detailed specifications and schedule of works including drawing for tender issue.
8. Issue tender to agreed list of sub-contractors (either client requested e.g. Construction line gold accredited, or list of contractors used often)
(Manufacturing & Construction)
9. Analyse tenders received, address tender queries and qualifications/clarifications.
10. Recommend preferred contractor to client in tender analysis report.
11. Carry out VE if required, or appoint contractor based on tender sum, recommending best contract for use and incorporating any schedules of amendments the client requires.
12. Administer building contract and project manage project, ensuring I report on progress - time, cost and quality to maintain client’s requirements.
13. Ensure all works have been complete, snagging undertaken, PC issued, and all commissioning certificates have been issued in a O&M manual.
14. Obtain completion certificates for building warrant, lease plan if necessary and issue client with final progress report.
14. Issue H&S file and O&M manual to building managers. (Use)
Why is client care important?
- Promotes trust in the industry and company
- Maintains client relationships to help build business
- Maintain a reputation in the industry
Can you tell me some of the principles of Client Care?
- Identify new and existing clients
- Understand the different types of clients and their needs
- Act in accordance with the RICS code of conduct
- Implement a complaints handling procedure
- Collect feedback
- Manage client accounts
What are the different types of clients?
- One off clients
- House refurbs/Residential
- Private sector
- Public sector
- Commercial clients
- Developers
What is are some of the RICS Complaints procedure considerations?
- Carefully record all complaints
- Acknowledge the complaint within 7 days and listen to what the client is complaining about
- Apologise for the complaint but do not admit fault straight away.
- Acknowledge any preliminary notice within 21 days
- Respond meaningfully within 28 days
- If after your first notice, your client is not satisfied and you get a letter of claim, you must inform your insurer
- Go through the process of litigation etc if the claimant decides to take the complaint further
- Ref – RICS Guidance note ‘Complaints Handling’
If you were a sole practitioner, how would you handle complaints?
- Maintain and implement a clear and quick complaints procedure
- Acknowledge the claim within 5 days and let the client know when to expect a full response pending investigation.
- Request additional information if this is needed.
- Detail complaints procedure on all terms and conditions of engagement.
- Approve your procedure by the RICS and your insurer.
- Inform the client of the alternative dispute resolution methods if you cannot resolve the matter with your response. RICS Dispute resolution service.
- Keep and maintain a complaints log.
- As a sole practitioner, you must engage another surveyor in another firm to investigate the complaint.
What is a duty of care?
Moral and legal obligation to act in your client’s best interest with reasonable skill and care. If you need to do something out of your remit of expertise, you must inform the client that you are unable to perform a certain task and that additional consultants may be required if another member of staff cannot assist.
How would you determine your client’s needs?
- Know their business/position
- Listen to what they are asking for
- Ask them questions to expand your understanding
- Use your understanding and knowledge and experience to identify the right options
What is a client brief?
A recorded document that helps in guiding and animating any project. The brief explains the ins and outs of a project to the agent who is responsible for achieving the goals and targets.
What needs to be considered when preparing a fee quotation?
- Scope of service
- Terms of payment
- Complaints handling procedure
- Property details
- Client details
- Limitations
- Exclusions
With regards to client expectations and standards of service, what documents can you use to meet the level of service?
- RICS Rules 2020
- RICS professional standards and guidance
- Client Money Handling
- Countering bribery and corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing
What is good customer care ?
It is a continuous process or concept of understanding client requirements, suggestions, complaints etc. and analysing it to find a solution suitable to client requirements and to enhance our own business.
What is Client Care?
It’s part of your ongoing marketing strategy to keep your clients happy, resolve any areas of dissatisfaction, and hopefully even turn your customers into happy ambassadors for your products and services
How does the type of client change how you manage a project and the relationship with them?
Each type of client will have a certain level of experience and expertise this will directly affect the relationship you have with them and the level of work you will be expected to carry out on their behalf eg :
* Very experienced and dedicated client resource to oversee projects
* Defined brief – ability to make key decisions due to technical understanding
* Formal reporting relationship
* Only want to be notified with key items going on
* In house project processes and procedures (gateway approvals (shanghai) and minimum of three prices)
* Focus on cost and time.
* Increased level of advisory role egg procurement routes, contract types, consultant selection
* Required assistance in developing the brief
* Required guidance through key stages of the project
* Required guidance on project processes and procedures egg risk management, change control etc
* Significant involvement in design development
* More reliant on PM and consultant team for guidance
How do you assist the client with making decisions?
- Provide the client with all the options
- Run through the advantages and disadvantages of each option
- Make recommendation
- Give the client time to think through all options
- Assist with any queries
How do you prepare a project brief?
- Identify business objectives
- Identify project requirements
- Critical success factors
- Expected outcomes (quality)
- Resource the client has available (Cost)
- Timescales
- Budget
(Project brief – first stage in the process of defining client’s requirements)
Why do you use phone calls and emails to confirm scope of services?
Where discussions take place over the phone, it is convenient for both parties to raise the relevant questions and address them promptly. I do not exclusively use phone calls but I will always follow up any verbal discussions with a written email so that there is a written record of what is agreed.
What is ISO 9001?
A Quality Management System, which helps to manage and monitor quality across the business.
On what ground would you ask the client for additional fees ?
- Programme duration extension
- Scope of service changed
- Location or travel changed
- Additional attendance
- Value and scope changed
How would you approach claiming additional fees from a client ?
Arrange a meeting to discuss and confirm the additional services being presented. This should be formally agreed and defined prior to proceeding
What would you do if a client details if you reduce your bid by x amount you would win the work, what would you do ?
- This equates to unfair competition
- This does and will not promote trust in the profession
- Could it be considered a bribe ?
- Respectfully decline and record details etc
- Raise to management
What measures should be taken to avoid PI claims ?
- Full and accurate records
- Recording of data
- Defined terms of engagement
- Work within competence
- Act in line with RICS guidelines
What components must a complaints handling procedure include ?
Minimum 2 stages
* Stage 1
* Acknowledge the complaint
* Handled by senior or designated person
* Stage 2 - promoted to redress panel independent
* Must be recorded
* Advise pi insurer
* See RICS approved third party redress panel
* See RICS Guidance Note ‘Complaints Handling’
Give me an example of when you have provided good client care ?
- Collecting project feedback
- Regular project review
- Defining a briefing process - kept them up to date regular coms etc
- Regular communication
When should you decline work?
- Conflict of interest
- Outside of competence
- Unlawful
- Inability to complete within time parameters
If a complaints letter landed on your desk what would you do ?
I would pass this to the complaints handling officer and make a note of this including date, time , witnessed etc.
How would a sole trader deal with escalated complaints given there is no one else in the company to refer the complaint to?
Impartial third party member, similar to a Locum agreement.
What is the Property Ombudsman?
They are an independent redress provider who consider the complaints on a case by case basis. They are not regulators and have no power or authority to take legal action or impose fines.
What is a conflict of interest ?
A conflict of interest arises in a situation where there may be an actual, perceived or potential risk that the professional judgement of an RICS-regulated firm or member will be compromised when undertaking an assignment.
What are the types of conflicts on interest ?
- A ‘party conflict’ – a situation in which the duty to act in the interests of a client or other party in a professional assignment conflicts with a duty owed to another client or party in relation to the same or a related professional assignment.
- An ‘own interest conflict’ – a situation in which the duty to act in the interests of a client in a professional assignment conflicts with the interests of that same RICS member/firm.
- A ‘confidential information conflict’ – a conflict between the duty of an RICS member to provide material information to one client, and the duty of that RICS member to another client to keep that same information confidential.