Sodium and Water Balance Flashcards
What percentage of body weight is water? (adult male)
60% (42 L)
Main electrolyte in cells?
K 160 mmol
Main electrolyte present in extracellular fluid?
Na 135-145
Regulation of plasma sodium (2)
Volume receptors regulate sodium via renal sodium excretion
Osmoreceptors regulate water through thirst and water absorption in kidneys
What is atrial natriutetic peptide/ANP?
Released due to atrial stretch
Directly reduces Na reabsorption
Reduces angiotension/aldosterone to reduce heart strain
How does sympathetic activity affect sodium balance?
Stretch receptors in atrium, thoracic veins and in aortic arch increase sympathetic activity when stimulated by a lack of volume
THis increases renin angiotensin, aldosterone and sodium reabsorption
What causes pseudohyponatraemia?
Increased triglycerides and proteins can give falsely low Na levels
Not pseudohyponatraemia, but high glucose can draw Na into cells. THis is reversed when glucose is corrected
Clinical symptoms of hyponatraemia
Initialy asymptomatic
Nausea, headache, confusion
Seizures, coma, brain damage, respiratory failure, death
Causes of hypervolaemic hyponatraemia? What will urine osmolality be?
Congestive heart failure
Nephrotic syndrome
If no diuretics, urinary sodium will be <20 as there is no increased loss
Investigations for hypervolaemic hyponatreamia?
Liver enzymes
Urine protein
Pathophysiology of hypervolaemic hyponatraemia? (recognise)
Excess fluid is lost to the tissues
Therefore low circulating volume
This stimulates osmoreceptors and volume receptors. ADH released so lots of water is retained and plasma becomes diluted
Urine Na when a patient is dehydrated? Hypovolaemic hyponatraemia
Na lost from gut, urine Na will be LOW as kidneys are holding onto it
Na lost from kidneys, urine Na will be high
Causes of euvolaemic hyponatraemia? IMPORTANT (3)
Addison’s disease
SIADH (plasma diluted but not hypervolaemic. Diagnosis of exclusion, can be due to pain, nausea or drugs or SCC of LUNG!)
How to determine cause of hyponatraemia? (6)
Assess fluid balance
Measure urine Na
Urine and plasma osmolality
Measure lipids, proteins, glucose
Synacthen test, TFTs
Rate at which Na should be replaced?
Not more than 12mmol/L increase in 24 hours
Initally aim for 1-2 mmol per hour
Rapid increase causes brain damage
Treatment of SIADH? (recognise)
FLuid restriction to 1 litre/24 hours
Aquaporin receptor antagonists
Main cause of hypernatraemia?
Usually a water deficit
Occasionially iatrogenic is hypertonic saline used
Symptoms of hypERnatraemia?
Asymptomatic until over 150 mmols
Anorexia, nausea and vomiting
Confusion, coma
Causes of hypovolaemic hypernatraemia? (fure fluid losses)
GI loss: V + D, fistulas
Renal: Diuretics, CKD
Causes of hypervolaemic hypernatraemia?
Iatrogenic due to hypertonic saline or antibiotic infusions
Causes of euvolaemic hypernatraemia? (3)
(Loss of fluid in excess of salt but not enough to affect circulating volume)
Diabetes insipidus
Mechanical ventilation
Hypernatraemia management?
Treat cause
Fluid replacement
Correct Na by not more than 1-2 mmol/L and 10-12 mmol/L in 24 hours
Monitor fluid balance