SOCSCI 1 M11 Flashcards
(a) a problem that seeks for solutions, usually global, e.g., poverty, and its local forms;
(b) a research problem or question, e.g., Is life finite?
(c) the subject that a field of knowledge claims as its own, e.g., logic. It is bound with the historical period that produces it.
(a) it partakes of the period’s assumptions of ‘truth’; and
(b) the dominant knowledge at the time influences it
Idea of problematique and its paradigm
The ______________ (mode of understanding) produces, purveys, and supports, the problematique at the time.
Moreover, it controls the way we think about things, including accepting its flaws and reproducing them (Foucault 1966).
Paradigm (modality)
The first paradigm that posits the first problematique of science: It is the role of science to help man attain happiness.
Study of old age
Universal old age
80 years old
2 obsessions of 19 century man with the human body
Aging and death
Western society today obsession with the human body:
Age and n ugliness
I.e. cosmetic surgery
Or has nothing to do with age but just ugliness
- in the name of confidence
Noninfectious epidemic accts for decline in old age in developed countries n the rest of the world
Term describe occurrence of disease in old age
Compression of Morbidity
2 things important in lifestyle
Exercise and Diet
Term for bacteria or yeasts promoted for their health benefits
non geriatric field that dominates gerontological knowledge today
Biomedicine (multidisciplinary)
Anthro, Psych, Bioethics, etc…
Twin studies Metchnikoff pioneered
Gerontology (Aging)
Thanatology (Death)
Who founded Science of Happiness
Concept of Flow (has 8 characterisitics)
complete concentration, clarity of goals,
intrinsic rewards, effortlessness,
a balance between challenge and skill,
merged actions & awareness,
and feeling of control
In the 19th century, old age, suffering, and death were prominent topics, and
positivism addressed these issues
Happiness and Aging
In his study of aging and death, contributed to gerontology (the study of aging) and thanatology (the study of death).
Ilya Metchnikoff
He considered aging as senescence, marked by frailty and disease, and
believed science could make aging and death more pleasant
Ilya Metchnikoff
Metchnikoff’s work on gut health and yogurt laid the foundation for this field
modern probiotics
Concept refers to a state…
Flow state
Herbert Spencer’s 2 unknowable
Happiness and God
Herbert Spencer’s 2 prerequisites to recognizing the rights of others
Morality and Altruism
Haybron’s Condition of unhappiness
Tranquility or Depression (clinical term but changed in OL)
Haybron’s term which refers to happiness
Goodlife -> useful in Social and Political decision making i.e. policies, leads to satisfaction
Auguste Compte’s (the founder of positivist philosophy) religion of Humanity
Auguste Comte (1798–1857) Theory of the Religion of Humanity = Positivism
Comtism, defined as “Catholicism without Christianity”
Comte’s religion of humanity has no concept of God. This religion is purely based on morality and not on the belief in supernatural or divine power.
Comte was not in favor of a theological kind of religion. Comte argued that God resides in the ignorance of man.
Marcel Mauss’ book on reciprocity
“The Gift”
Theory of Social Origin (Reciprocity)
Mauss - Father of reciprocity
First book on reciprocity
Bronislaw Malinowski
Argonauts of the Western Pacific
Examines the extensive and complex trading system maintained by Trobriand Islanders
Rwandan model of reciprocity
Mauss following from the idea of Malinowski
Kula - ‘Exchange’
Symbolized as the ring/tube
Word ref to dependence on adults until 18, 22, 25
Human dev as a life course not as aspect of social life
Bisaya for ingrate
Wala Kang utang ng loob
Wa(la)y ka mabubuton
Walay buot
2 traits consist of prosociality
Friendly and Cooperative
stated phrase survival of the fittest
(Social concept neo-marxist justify social classes- in post industrial england)
Herbert Spencer
Later on, Charles Darwin added quality/characteristic of the “fittest”= adaptability
State Neo-darwinism
Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution (Coyne) -mutation causes variation
- natural selection… selects individuals w/fittest variation for survival
Darwinism - Evolutionism
Who said group also ref to people and community
kinship term ref to a corporate unilineal group
Family, lineage, tribe
Term ref to descent based on blood
Highest Bi lateral kinship system
Tribe - presumed political cohesion (political system)
Bilateral: Lineage
Political: Father side
Closer: Mother side
Who said contact between groups is key factor to change
Define change. Give an example.
Development - freedom from encirclement
“French coined term”