Socrates, Plato, & Aristotle Flashcards
Socrates was the ____ of western philosophy
Why was Socrates killed?
He challenged the upperclass people and was said to corrupt the youth of Athens teaching them false doctrines
Died by poison
He spent much of his adult life _____, but rather ____.
Not working a normal job & going around and asking about people about life and philosophy
What did Socrates believe? EARLY LIFE
He believed he was helping to deliver the truth
Explain his concept of virtue is knowledge:
Socrates believed that nobody does what helshe believes to be wrong , so it is out of ignorance
Knowledge of what is right/wrong will lead good/bad decisions
Ignorance - bad behaviour
Explain Good is objective:
There are really virtues and vices, good and evil things, right and wrong choices
Objective and not for argument
What is the Socratic method?
The Socratic method poses a question in the form “what is x?”
What an the steps to the Socratic method?
- Begins with “what is x?” → because someone always knows the answer
- Socratic would say how lucky he would be to meet such a knowledgeable person and then ask then to explain
- Socratics tells nether that he is not satisfied with that explanation asks more questions
- Results in the person actually not knowing what they originally claimed to know
- He would then offer an analogy to get people to either see their values where flawed or lead them to a better concept/definition
What is the irony in Socrates method?
People remarked that Socrates did not think that these people know that they were talking about and his whole point was to show others that they were spewing bs
What was Socrates legacy?
Many of his views were embraced and adapted by later philosophers
The Socratic method became foundational for later philosophy “what is x?”
What did Aristotle say that the 3 kinds of knowledge were?
① theoria: theoretical knowledge
② praxis: practical knowledge
③ techńe: technical knowledge
What is the notion of technology called? TELOS
It is the notion of change and variability
Aristotle says nothing happens by accident there is some end goal
Purposeful change not accidental
What is aristole’s notion of function?
Aristotle believed that it s one their functions, or has a function, it’s always to some end goal
Aristotle argues that the good of something depends on ____
The nature of what the thing is
What distinguishes humans from other things?
Our ability to act rationally.
Plato could not find reality in what?
Material things
Plato believed that the were different levels of ____
What is an idea to Plato?
The idea of something is whatever matches those essential features
What is Justice to Plato?
The matter of balance and harmony amongst the parts of the soul or state
A just person is one who balances vavous urges and responsibilities
Plato believed what about the soul?
That soul is distinct and superior to body
How is man different than animals?
Man has intelligence (the ability to apprehend essence) and will desire goods such as truth, reality, beauty
What does Aristotle say a good man is?
A good man is one who reasons well and chooses well
therefore a good man is a happy man.
How does Aristotle say happiness occurs?.
Aristotle says happiness occurs from choices that promote the fulness of one nature.
What is the 2 fold of virtue?
① intellectual virtue: Have a good virtues doesn’t automatically make you good however they make you wise & knowledgable
② moral virtue: It’s possessor good (example, justice, fortitude)
What does Aristotle say is a man’s and goal in life?
Aristotle said man’s main goal in life is to contemplate the truth
The good life begins by ____
Bringing order to ones life
Peace = ordered life